Right Wing Nut House



Filed under: Ethics, Politics — Rick Moran @ 10:40 am

Alright, I give in. The left has won.

Let’s impeach Bush for…well, whatever the left can dream up. Since they really don’t have anything specific to hang their hats on, let’s just say that Bush should be impeached for letting his nose hair grow too long or maybe for trimming his toenails in public. The reason doesn’t matter. It never did. With the left, it’s always been about grasping for the reins of power without much thought to who or what gets hurt - and that includes tens of thousands of citizens who could be killed in the next terrorist attack.

Every single effort of theirs over the last 5 years to find something specific to impeach the President with has been rudely shot down by one investigation or another. Bush didn’t lie to get us into war. He didn’t “twist” the intelligence to sell the war to the American people. He didn’t play a game of slap and tickle with Jeff Gannon/Guckert and give away national security secrets when engaged in sexual acts with the faux journalist. He didn’t “out” a covert agent of the CIA according to Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald. Two Commissions have found he didn’t order American soldiers to torture prisoners (although not resolving their legal status is a disgrace). And the jury is still out - way, way out - on whether or not laws were broken in the execution of the NSA intercept program.

There have been other “scandals” during the last few years that the left eagerly embraced as THE scandal that will bring impeachment proceedings against the President. Each and every one of them as well as the citations above have resulted not in impeachment, but in people pointing at the left and laughing at them. Their rhetoric - so over the top, so out of touch with reality - have made them the laughingstock of the rest of America who they so arrogantly and despicably look down their noses at.

But let’s go ahead and grant them their wish. Let’s impeach the President. In fact, let’s fulfill their stated wish and put back up every wall between intelligence agencies that existed before 9/11. Let’s call off the FBI and prevent them from looking sideways at Muslims. Let’s stop profiling people based on the fact that 99% of terrorist attacks are carried out by one group and one group only. Instead, let’s start profiling 78 year old white women who wear pink polka dot dresses and cotton bloomers. Let us make absolutely sure that if al Qaeda wants to talk to someone in this country, that we scrupulously follow every law, every precedent before we intercept that communication. And let’s do as the left has been doing since 9/11 and stick our heads up our a**es as far as they can go.

In return however, the liberals must sign the following “Hold Harmless” agreement so that future occupants of the White House (no doubt all Republican unless the American people can stop laughing long enough at liberals to vote for them) will not have to put up with their unserious nonsense.


1. I, __________________________, the undersigned have read and understand, and freely and voluntarily enter into this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES understanding that this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement is a waiver of any and all liability(ies).

2. I understand the potential dangers inherent in being at war with a group of merciless, bloodthirsty thugs who will stop at nothing to kill as many Americans as possible. Understanding those risks I hereby release the entire Executive Branch of government and anyone else directly or indirectly connected with the federal government from any liability whatsoever in the event of injury or damage of any nature (or perhaps even death) to me or anyone else caused by or incidental to my electing to stick my head in the sand about said terrorist threat.

3. I understand and recognize and warrant that this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement, is being voluntarily and intentionally signed and agreed to, and that in signing this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement I know and understand that this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement may further limit the liability of The Executive Branch to include any activity, whatsoever, involving a terrorist attack including death, personal injury and/or damage to property.

4. I further understand and recognize and warrant that this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement precludes any nonsensical criticisms of the Executive Branch if, in fact, a terrorist attack occurs on American soil. I will fully and completely recognize that it is my own damn fault for being such an idiot as to refuse to believe that some minor compromises of our liberty must be made in order to increase the odds that terrorists will be prevented from killing me. I further recognize and hold harmless the Executive Branch by not acting like a spoiled brat and screaming “Neener, Neener, Neener…” if, in fact, we are attacked.

5. I further voluntarily agree and warrant to Release and Hold Harmless the Executive Branch from any liability whatsoever, including, but not limited to, any incident caused by or related to said terrorist’s negligence, relating to injuries known, unknown, or otherwise not herein disclosed; including, but not limited to injuries, death, and property damage as a result of my myopic and childish worldview.

In the event of any terrorist attack, I promise to keep my big yap shut.

Date: ________________________________

Person voluntarily entering into this Release and Hold
Harmless Agreement: ______________________________

Printed Name


  1. Very funny and biting, Rick. And can we please get that Barrett Report released?

    Comment by nikko — 1/3/2006 @ 11:02 am

  2. With regard to the above mentioned Agreement we must not forget the dictum: “The End Justifies The Means”. Whereas any Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Bolshevik and/or fellow traveler that signs the Agreement, will certainly NOT uphold any of the provisions. Since these dirtbags are all equivocating weasels any signature must be considered perfunctory.

    Comment by Matt — 1/3/2006 @ 11:39 am

  3. I think the last sentence (above the date) is what would be the most difficult part for them to get past…

    Comment by Ogre — 1/3/2006 @ 12:27 pm

  4. I’m sure I would be chastised for responding seriously to this light-hearted Coulteresque satire, so I guess I’ll respond with light-hearted Frankenesque satire.

    All right, I give in, the right has won.

    President Bush is right. Let’s allow the government to arrest US citizens on US soil and hold them indefinitely without a lawyer, incommunicado, without a chance to defend themselves before a court, or even to know the charges against them. (See Jose Padilla)

    Comment by LaurenceB — 1/3/2006 @ 3:24 pm

  5. I think he’s got it! Hooray for Larry.

    Comment by azredneck — 1/3/2006 @ 5:17 pm

  6. Two Commissions have found he didn’t order American soldiers to torture prisoners (although not resolving their legal status is a disgrace).

    Actually we know that their legal status is that they are illegal combants (lacking a chain of command, not wearing uniforms or distingusing markers, desgusing themselves as civilians, e.t.c.), and as such under the Hague and Geneva Conventions they can be treated as such and subjected to death in the field or held as long as a lawful combatants wishes to hold them before exicution or release.

    Comment by DocMartyn — 1/3/2006 @ 5:45 pm

  7. Bullshit!!!

    The only manifesto I will sign is that for John Kerry’s trial and execution for collaboration with North Vietnamese war criminals. You know, John sweety pie, the ones that butchered over 2000 Viet Namese civilians in Hue AFTER the Tet offensive in 1968.

    Comment by Mescalero — 1/4/2006 @ 12:19 am

  8. Great blog Rick. I just found you today. Call me slow and unknowing. Great stuff though. Thanks.

    And for LawrenceB:
    Yes, if your passport or phone bills bear the stamp of Al Queda then yes, into the dungeons you go. Do not pass go. Do not collect your entitlements. Please rot.!.

    Comment by Griz — 1/4/2006 @ 5:33 pm

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