He’s not going to score any points with the media for doing it – not after so many months of mealy mouthed statements about the candidate not agreeing with many of Pastor John Hagee’s positions but welcoming his endorsement anyway. And McCain probably shouldn’t receive much in the way of plaudits for finally disavowing the support of this clownish hater.
But McCain is the first Republican candidate for President in a long time who has stood up to this weird strain of evangelical hatred directed against non-Christians and unequivocally said he doesn’t want to have anything to do with it. And to reinforce his action, he disavowed the endorsement of another, less well know Christian hate monger Rod Parlsey.
Throwing Parsley under the bus may prove to be more problematic than lancing the Hagee boil. The Ohio preacher’s anti-Islam spiel appeals to not only evangelicals, but to a segment of conservatives who fancy themselves Islamic scholars – perhaps because they’ve read some half baked analysis of a few lines from the Koran purporting to show that Muslims worship the moon – and are attracted by Parsley’s hellfire and damnation talk about Muslims and where they can stick it.
But it is the very act of disassociating himself from those two religious nut jobs that may herald something new in Republican politics; a distancing of the rational, secular, center-right from the nauseating moral certitude and hate based rantings of a small, but influential segment of the evangelical community.
I would say that this is something that absolutely must be done if the Republican party is ever going to achieve majority status again. If it were up to me, I would drive them out of the party as Jesus drove the money changers from the temple – with a whip and some good old fashioned righteous wrath. There is no place in modern American politics for this kind of hate to be spewed and considered “mainstream” by anyone in the Republican party.
Hagee and Parsley preach a Christian exclusivity that has no place in America. By the numbers, we may be a “Christian” nation. But by law, by tradition, and by common sense, we are universalists when it comes to worshiping God. Hagee and Parsley sought to set Christianity apart from this notion of ecumenicism and use faith as a litmus test in measuring the worth of an individual soul. That means that if you happen to be gay, or Muslim, or some other group not part of their narrow, prejudiced biblical worldview, you’re a sinner or worse. It never penetrates the thick skulls of these dimwits that calling someone a “sinner” and saying you love them anyway is the most humiliating thing you can say to a gay person or anyone else who fails the Christian test.
McCain’s statement of disavowal was strongly worded and left no doubt where he stood:
“Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them. I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee’s endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well,” he said.Later, in Stockton, he told reporters: “I just think that the statement is crazy and unacceptable.”
Then in an interview with The Associated Press, McCain said he rejected Parsley’s support, too.
“I believe there is no place for that kind of dialogue in America, and I believe that even though he endorsed me, and I didn’t endorse him, the fact is that I repudiate such talk, and I reject his endorsement,” McCain told the AP.
Hagee had sparked controversy since the San Antonio pastor endorsed McCain on Feb. 27 shortly before the Texas presidential primary. Parsley’s views were aired Thursday in an ABC News report.
McCain actively courted Hagee, who leads a megachurch with a congregation in the tens of thousands and has an even wider television audience. Former GOP presidential rivals also sought Hagee’s backing.
Hagee has referred to the Roman Catholic Church as “the great whore” and called it a “false cult system.” He also has linked Hitler to the Catholic church, suggesting it helped shape his anti-Semitism. And Hagee said Hurricane Katrina was God’s retribution for homosexual sin.
When McCain first received the endorsement of this bigot, I thought he should have disavowed it immediately:
Doesn’t McCain realize that Hagee’s “spiritual leadership” includes filling the heads of the faithful with hate filled rants against Muslims, gays, Catholics, and others? How can a presidential candidate who says he wants to change the quality of dialogue in this country accept the endorsement of this bigot?McCain is no stranger to controversies like this. In the 2000 campaign, he spoke at the notorious Bob Jones University where interracial dating was against school policy.
(As an aside, why aren’t these people read out of the conservative movement the same way the Birchers and other extremists were kicked out by Buckley and others in the 1950’s?)
Simply saying you don’t agree with everything Hagee says isn’t good enough. There are some endorsements that should be rejected out of hand. Saying “I reject John Hagee’s endorsement and all the bigoted statements he has made…” would be political suicide with a segment of evangelicals but might be the start of sweeping these extremists out of the party.
I realize that last statement may be a bit optimistic. But how about reducing their influence? How about going out of your way to condemn their outrageous bigotry? How about banning them from party events like the convention?
At the very least, such actions would prove that McCain is on the side of tolerance, respect, and dignity for all. You don’t have to agree with the gay rights agenda in order to grant dignity and worth to those espousing it. Nor does one have to support jihad or Sharia law to give Muslims the same constitutional benefit of freedom to worship God anyway they choose.
These things are so self evident it is amazing to me that there would even be an argument forthcoming from some evangelicals. That’s the problem, of course. And during the last decade (and especially the last two presidential elections) as Karl Rove shamelessly – and successfully – used wedge issues like gay marriage to maximize the turnout among the evangelical community, hideous figures like Hagee and Parsley gained influence because of the size of their following.
Now McCain is gambling that he wins more than he loses by disavowing the endorsements of these two extremists. Does he pick up support among independents and “Reagan Democrats” as a result of this move? Or does he so anger the evangelical community that millions will stay home or worse, support Obama?
It’s impossible to say at this point. One would like to believe that principled actions (or at least actions that can be construed as principled) would be rewarded and McCain’s disavowal of the haters ends up being a big plus.
But there’s another axiom in politics that might equally apply in this case; no good deed goes unpunished.
9:38 am
From what I have read, Hagee has been a devout supporter of Israel’s right to exist.
I don’t believe what Hagee said is being interpreted correctly; even the prominent leader of a prominent Catholic organization who met with Hagee stated that Hagee’s comments being interpreted incorrectly (soory I don’t have time at the moment to gather the details).
That said; Hagee is not as big a problem as is the enormous problem Juan Hernandez who is McCain’s best example of just how unprincipled is McCain.
But you keep on going after those evangelicals and soon there won’t be anyone left in America defending Israel; certainly those Americans in the Jewish community are not interested(I heard this statement from Israelis by the way) since they continue to vote Democrat. Thanks Chuck Schumer, while you and your gang of Democrats espouse “America is an evil imperialist warmonger lead by BushHilter for Oil” just so you can have power, your party is basically defending those who are determined to destroy Israel.
Obama is, after all, the leading Democrat who beleives that Israel is a ‘sore’ in the the middle east
10:22 am
Senator McCain appears to have shaken off a few restraints in the past few days. And the idea of this good man abandoning Israel (as Obama would do in a NY minute)isn’t ever going to be part of the equation. As to him deep-sixing Hagee, as a Catholic who remains utterly disgusted by his comments and absolutely unwilling to consider his apology to be in any way sincere, I congratulate the Senator for his wisdom. Until a year ago, I lived in Columbus, Ohio for 13 years and Rod Parsley is a whole lot more pernicious than he is given credit (?) for being.
I don’t think that Senator McCain is in any way abandoning true Christians (which, incidentally includes Catholics – at least to me), he is simply saying “Enough with the nonsense already” as he has every right to do.
And his smackdown of that ignorant puppy Obama regarding the veteran’s bill was priceless. This may turn out to be an interesting general election campaign after all.
10:23 am
Even though I do not support McCain I hope his campaign does not get hurt by distancing himself from these extremists. I agree that the last two election cycles men like Hagee became more acceptable to the mainstream which is just freighting when you actually listen to what they have to say.
@syn – I think it is possible to support Israel without having to include an end times scenario…why must economic and military support have to include the rapture? Also, men like Hagee don’t love Israel and Jews so much as they want to see the world end (and all the Jews that refuse to convert be killed).
11:42 am
From syn:
“But you keep on going after those evangelicals and soon there won’t be anyone left in America defending Israel; certainly those Americans in the Jewish community are not interested(I heard this statement from Israelis by the way) since they continue to vote Democrat.”
Trips to Israel and massive fundraising efforts for Israeli causes are rites of passage for many American Jewish people. I suspect most American Jews would be suprised, if not offended, at the assertion that they do not defend and support Israel.
Your supposition that Democrats do not support Israel is certainly not supported by looking at American support of Israel and the Democrats who routinely vote in favor of funds for Israeli defense and other support as well. You have every right to not like Democrats but that right does not include making crap up because you don’t like them.
The larger point is that it is past time for Republicans to throw the extreme Christian looneys out of the way for the health of a party ravaged by short term opportunists who used these folks to win today and the hell with the future. Rick Moran is right on target with this one.
11:44 am
mccain is making the right steps, i have seriously had my doubts (not to say there are not other doubts) about him since the endorsements of both of these hatespawners. definitely a step in the right direction. maybe their evangelical crowd will stay home, but the independent conservatives and hopeful reagan democrats may shed some doubt and lean toward the man at least with a resume. nicely put.
12:00 pm
It wasn’t the Catholic bashing that sent McCain over the edge—it was the sermon interpreting Jeremiah 16:15 that recently got splashed across the InterTubes:
It’s just an audio, and I suppose it theoretically have been faked, but that sure sounds like Hagee, and as far as I know he hasn’t repudiated it.
I’m all for letting people interpret the Bible their own way, but “Hitler was God’s agent sent to help the Jews” is tough to be standing next to on the podium during an election year.
12:22 pm
In the past, the GOP has compromised the rights of the individual in order to pander to popular and powerful evangelical extremists like Hagee. When GOP candidates accept and pursue their endorsements they are effectively legitimizing their bizarre and hateful theology.
I think there are two distinct religious ideologies that should be shunned by civilized countries and people. First is the “apocalypse now” group that welcomes the end of the world and the second is the “intolerant judgmental” group that sees satanic evil in those who disagree with their rigid beliefs.
The “apocalypse –now” sibylline would have us believe that the prophesized messianic return will lead to the end of the world and that we should actively welcome and hasten the demise of mankind as our spiritual duty.
The ghastly apocalypse -now theology of Hagee is not limited to Christians. Many Shiite Muslims, like Iran’s Ahmadinejad, are actively pursuing the same basic theology through the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam. And, the Jews have groups of apocalypse -now advocates.
Many Jewish political leaders have also embraced Hagee. Sen. Lieberman (I-Conn.) spoke to Hagee’s group last year, and Hagee has been invited to speak to the lobbying organization American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
The “intolerant-judgmental” group includes people like Rod Parsley who are actively waging a war of sorts against those who disagree. The traditional targets have been gays and other religions that are different (heathens, infidels and goyims).
Again, Christianity doesn’t have a monopoly. Muslims have Sharia Law, Wahhabis and the Taliban who think others are infidels with no human rights. And the Jews have many Talmudist’s who consider others to be dumb “Goyims” who do not deserve ethical and equal treatment.
None of these groups should be pandered to by the GOP. I find it disingenuous that John McCain accepted Hagee’s anti-Catholic rants but finds offense when the holocaust is mentioned.
John McCain uses people and groups to his convenience. This has become a theme with McCain. He recently fired five staffers because they had links to lobbyists. The reformer McCain used the lobbyists when his campaign couldn’t afford a non-partisan staff and now drops them like hot potatoes when the GOP sends him money.
McCain uses conservatives by using the fear factor, that is, vote for me or you will get Obama. A choice between two undesirable candidates is really not a choice at all.
The reality is that the two party system is disenfranchising many Americans. One would think that in a country of 300 million people, perhaps three or four political parties might better represent the wants and needs of the people.
1:50 pm
Excellent post.
I would correctly the following, however:
Hagee and Parsley preach a Christian exclusivity that has no place in America.
Their brand of Christian exclusivity has no place in this world. I’m a Christian and what I’ve heard of them makes me ashamed to have anyone associate them with me. I don’t understand their hatred.
The money part for me was the following:
“If it were up to me, I would drive them out of the party as Jesus drove the money changers from the temple – with a whip and some good old fashioned righteous wrath. There is no place in modern American politics for this kind of hate to be spewed and considered ‘mainstream’ by anyone in the Republican party.”
2:03 pm
Pastor Hagee has changed is attitude toward the Catholic Church and has apologized.
Quoted from article: “Catholic League accepts Hagee apology
Posted by Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor May 13, 2008 04:05 PM
The Rev. John Hagee—who in some eyes threatened to become to John McCain what the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. became to Barack Obama—has apologized for remarks that offended many Catholics.
Catholic League President Bill Donohue said in a statement today that he accepted the apology and any dispute is over.
“After weeks of meeting with various Catholic leaders, and accessing scholarly literature on Catholic-Jewish relations, Pastor John Hagee has demonstrated an improved understanding of the Catholic Church and its history. In his letter to me, Hagee says, ‘I want to express my deep regret for any comments that Catholics have found hurtful.’ He specifically cites his emphasis of ‘the darkest chapters in the history of Catholic and Protestant relations with the Jews,’ and has pledged to provide a more complete and balanced portrayal going forward that will not reinforce mischaracterizations of the Catholic Church. And while he stresses that his invocation of terms like ‘apostate church’ and the ‘great whore’ were never meant by him to describe the Catholic Church, he acknowledges that anti-Catholics have long employed such language,” Donohue said in his statement.
“The tone of Hagee’s letter is sincere. He wants reconciliation and he has achieved it. Indeed, the Catholic League welcomes his apology. What Hagee has done takes courage and quite frankly I never expected him to demonstrate such sensitivity to our concerns. But he has done just that. Now Catholics, along with Jews, can work with Pastor Hagee in making interfaith relations stronger than ever. Whatever problems we had before are now history. This case is closed.”
2:39 pm
I have no desire to defend John Hagee or Rod Parsley for anything they say or believe. They are free to say whatever they feel they need to say no matter how absurd or inflammatory I may think it to be. That’s called a Constitutional freedom.
Based on some of the comments being put forward by those who are trying to explain John Hagee or Rod Parsley, including Rick Moran, it would appear for the most part they do not have much insight into their theological background.
I disagree with both of them on many of their “prophetic” concepts, and would not express myself in the often obnoxious way they do, but I do not consider either of them to be bigots in any way. Strongly disagreeing with someone’s theological teachings does not necessarily a bigot make.
Both are “fanatical” supporters of Israel and have never wavered in that support. There exclusivity is as old as Christianity itself.
Disagree with them all you choose but at least know what you are disagreeing with before you start your anti-Christian harangues, and calling someone a bigot.
3:47 pm
A good move by McCain; gets rid of a problem, cuts off potential criticism and starts to position himself with “Clinton Democrats” as a ‘moderate’ who they can vote for. His SNL appearance poking fun at his age was also part of this clean up and sideline criticisms. What’s next, a skit on Bush? It will be interesting to see if he can grab the center if Obama becomes the nominee. If he can I would guess he will win the GE, possibly in a landslide.
4:15 pm
Add on thought: the Democrats are claiming that Clinton’s supporters will return to the fold regardless of how dissaffected they are. But the real issue is they don’t all have to vote for McCain. A small percent only are required to swing the election and with numbers as high as 20 to 50 percent saying they will swing to a “McCain in moderate clothing” it looks like a great bet that he will win.
4:25 pm
So while John McCain distances himself from Hagee, Juan Hernandez remains on McCain’s staff. McCain, in his distancing from Hagee, and his comments to Obama on the Veteran’s Bill, his renewed interest in “comprehensive immigration reform” (read amnesty) goes unnoticed.
5:10 pm
edward cropper, post number 10, 2:39 pm:
First, funny stuff at your website!
Don’t give Rick too much grief; someone has to try and find something good about McCain. I do the same thing, I keep hoping McCain has enough positives to outweigh his many negatives. The math just doesn’t work.
My personal anti-McCain rant of the week is his loud silence through-out the senate and house big oil Inquisition. Why didn’t he step up, and say “we need to get out of the way and support the exploration for oil reserves! Nope, he’s a new eco-neocon.
I have no idea what constituency McCain represents but it is out of touch with anything that resembles conservative values.
10:36 pm
The implication of this statement is that you have a much better idea what 1.3 billion Muslims worship and how far their fanaticism and Jihadism will go than has a cast of Islamic scholars that have spent their lives exposing Islam for what it is.
It is one thing, an admirable thing, to be charitable, respectful and tolerant toward your fellow man; it is another thing to be willfully foolish and steadfastly ignorant of the evil set before your eyes in the bold print of every Islamic sacred document, in ghastly photos of our dead and Muslim dead at their own hands, and in the spoken words of Muslims around the world. I just hope that such thinking reverses itself before it is too late for our nation. This Rod Parlsey is not known to me, but on Islam, he just might be in the right, judging by your words. How many of our people must die before we fully recognize this evil for what it is, and stop making platitudinous excuses for ruthlessness?
11:28 pm
“McCain uses conservatives by using the fear factor, that is, vote for me or you will get Obama.”
You may think he’s using conservatives, and he may think he is as well, but I can assure you that that is a fantasy.
He’ll not get this conservative vote, and if he keeps going on with liberal rhetoric as he has been of late, this conservative may close his eyes and pull the lever for Obama—in order to forestall the blame for the upcoming disaster that would’ve been cast upon the GOP when McCain does exactly what Obama would do anyway…
4:25 am
thank you manning for reminding me of the meaning of manicheanism!
“The universe is divided between good and evil, and evil is irredeemable”
Granting you that, can the Devil ever be greater than God? No? Then what is your problem…
9:43 am
10edward cropper Said:
2:39 pm
I have no desire to defend John Hagee or Rod Parsley for anything they say or believe. They are free to say whatever they feel they need to say no matter how absurd or inflammatory I may think it to be. That’s called a Constitutional freedom.
Based on some of the comments being put forward by those who are trying to explain John Hagee or Rod Parsley, including Rick Moran, it would appear for the most part they do not have much insight into their theological background.
I disagree with both of them on many of their “prophetic” concepts, and would not express myself in the often obnoxious way they do, but I do not consider either of them to be bigots in any way. Strongly disagreeing with someone’s theological teachings does not necessarily a bigot make.
I could not agree more. Christian exclusivity is essential Christian dogma. Christ said, “I am THE way The truth and THE life. No one goes to the Father but through ME.” No equivocation there.
I am in no way a supporter of the endtimes teachings of this part of the evangelical community. They are being consistant with their beliefs, and unwilling to backdown despite societal conventions.
As to their positions on “sinners,” I would be hard pressed to believe they do not consider themselves sinners, as that is also Biblical. What they oppose is rampant anti-Christian teachings in the secular world in general and in America in particular. And as to the Hitler comments, as a Christian, you are sort of given two options. Either God is in omnipotent control of the world, in which case he has the evil of Hitler and others to allow or stop; or the evil in the world is beyond His control. The problem of evil is one of the foremost challenges to Christian apologetics, for those who attempt to work through it. These comments are a rather ham-fisted attempt to do so.
McCain is running for POTUS, a secular position. I have no doubt he understands the necessity of disavowing these comments, and did so willingly. The cost of such connections is higher than the benefit.
One more thing: being a member of their flock would be McCain endorsing them; they endorsed him. This is the primary, and often unspoken, difference between Hagee/Parsley and Obama’s problem with Wright.
11:07 am
Syn, post #1:
You really have no idea what Jewish Americans have to deal with. It is clueless and patronizing to suggest that all you need to do to earn their trust is to support the state of Israel. All of the candidates of both major parties support the state of Israel, so obviously it takes more than that.
Jews mostly vote Democrat because they recognize that the Republican Party’s evangelical leaders are vicious anti-Semites. Hagee is typical, no different from Robertson and Falwell. He wants America to be a “Christian Nation,” with special rights and privileges for Christians and a lessening of secularism, pluralism, and tolerance for minorities. Hagee and his ilk see every Jew as a dead body waiting to come out. Their entire worldview centers around the extermination of Judaism, through conversion and eventually Holocaust 2 (aka “the Rapture”), which they never ever ever EVER stop talking about. Past Jew-killings were justified, future Jew-killings are ordained. None of them has ever, or will ever, acknowledged Judaism as a viable sustainable religion, culture, or way of life.
Jew-haters like Hagee and Robertson can keep their bribe money. They only want to protect Israel to hasten the day when all the Jews are consumed by fire, as foretold in their evil anti-Semitic armageddonist exterminationist fantasies.
THAT is why most Jews don’t vote Republican and never will.
3:48 pm
#17 Bobwire: Manicheanism is far too complicated for me to understand. All I can attest to is the present evil I see, hear, and have testimony about, of which there is a surfeit regarding Islam.
10:45 pm
19TTT Said:
11:07 am
Syn, post #1:
You really have no idea what Jewish Americans have to deal with. It is clueless and patronizing to suggest that all you need to do to earn their trust is to support the state of Israel. All of the candidates of both major parties support the state of Israel, so obviously it takes more than that.
So you DO know what Jewish Americans deal with? I suggest that you speak for yourself. I personally accept support from Evangelical Christians even if they do believe in “the rapture”. That is what they believe. OK, I don’t. In the meantime it’s a heck of a lot better than Muslims who want you(me) dead NOW. And no I don’t believe that all of the candidates support Israel. That one would be Barack Hussein Obama and he happens to be, guess what, the Democratic candidate for Potus.
6:20 am
#18 TTT
I agree, to a point, with your dimunition of the support of Israel by end-times proclaiming fundamentalists. But your depiction of that as the reason for Jewish support of Dems is far too simplistic.
Many Jews care less about those sorts of issues as they are far more secular than that. Jewish traditional support for trade unionism, support for the needs of the poor, the rights of blacks, the peace movement, etc. Jews were also more likely to settle in urban areas which have always been Democrat strongholds.
Furthermore, commitment to education has led to a greater proportion of Jewish folks being taught liberal notions.
The end game for the pro-Israel evangelicals is certainly to be questioned. But it has to be far down the list of reasons for most Jews as to their liberal leanings in politics.
2:56 pm
“All I can attest to is the present evil I see, hear, and have testimony about, of which there is a surfeit regarding Islam.”
(I haven’t figured out how to make those fancy quote-boxes yet)
You have seen absolutely nothing about the entire religion of Islam that does not directly and specifically endorse pure bloodshed and evil?
Damn. Might I suggest you look somewhere aside from FoxNews/evangical pulpits? Do you really believe that a religion has accrued a billion adherents by focusing totally on mass evil?
A Muslim could see Pastor Hagee’s speeches and decide that they have all the proof that they need to decide that the entirety of Christianity is dedicated to the destruction of the planet and the torture and murder of all non-believers . . . but they would be woefully short-sighted if they did, as short-sighted as if I listened to Bin Ladin’s speeches and decided that it represented the mainstream orthodoxy of the Muslim faith..
A complex theology isn’t summed up in as few snippits of extreme zealots. To quote the Christian ruler that sheltered Mohammed during his flight, “the difference between our religions is this line” (drawing a line in the sand between them).
6:24 pm
I have a great idea on how to salvage our present situation as members of the capitalist conservative movement!! Lets make an open and honest effort to elect the democrat candidate with the very public message that we are willingly handing full control over to the socialist (democrats for those in rio-linda) because we want to show how useless they are as leaders.With the economic situation the way that it is I seriously doubt any of the coservation tactics, global warming agendas,feed the homeless programs,or best yet socialized medical programs will cause our economy to make any turn for the better.What the hell is the wolf in sheeps cloths Micain going to accomplish with a majority house and senate vote.Lets let them have it- let the blood be on the democrat party hands and at the same time send a clear message to the Washington blue bloods that what they are serving is not palitable ,that the American public has witnessed and embarrassed conservatism and were sticking to it win or lose! I am willing to accept political death for my beliefs,are you? p.s. Please excuse my grammar for i am a victim of the government school system.