Snitch channels at the Carnival!
Comment Posted By Classical Values On 15.06.2005 @ 18:11
The 143rd Carnival of the Vanities is being hosted by Mister Snitch who runs a Batman-centered blog based in Hoboken, New Jersey. My thanks to him including my potty parity parody despite my having first sent it out with a...
Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy?
I probably shouldn't obsess so much over ancient burglaries, but now that it's one week past the Thirty Third Watergate anniversary, I didn't want to forget this tempting tidbit: In 1970, when I was serving as a lieutenant in the...
Comment Posted By Classical Values On 24.06.2005 @ 09:17
Deep Throat -- a heavy non smoker
Comment Posted By Classical Values On 3.06.2005 @ 07:43
Rick Moran at RightWing Nuthouse has an excellent summary of the little-known Moorer-Radford affair. (Before Watergate, the military had been spying on Nixon, who called the ring "a federal offense of the highest order" when he found out about it,...
A lie about a lie about a lie?
Comment Posted By Classical Values On 1.06.2005 @ 10:44
If Deep Throat was Mark Felt, then Woodward was lying. About Deep Throat, of course. And if Woodward was lying, considering that Deep Throat was Woodward's (and Bernstein's) construct, then why the fuss about Deep Throat? I'm just not buying....
April Fools Afterburner
Comment Posted By Classical Values On 5.04.2005 @ 17:57
This week's Bonfire of the Vanities is hosted by Will Franklin, who has a nifty blog and was nice enough to warn people about my "I will defend to the death your right to make me vomit!" post. (Definitely not...