Forcing people to recite a loyalty oath (pledge=oath; allegence=loyalty) tells you nothing about their loyalty. After all, there are only two kinds of people who recite them - those who are loyal and those who want you to think they are.
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 13.11.2006 @ 12:09
The botched joke was Kerry's emergance in Americam politics.
BTW - Malkin's complaint about MSM coverage was a bit premature. Virtually every radio and TV station I tune to are reporting the story and re-playing the money quote. Good! Nobody is more deserving of the Media's negative attention.
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 1.11.2006 @ 13:20
I'm getting it.
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 21.09.2006 @ 10:56
Wong. You don't get it.B. Poster, Nell,
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 22.09.2006 @ 10:06
If we changed our foreign policy to be more acceptable to the Muslim world, we would just be pissing-off a wholy different group of people. When you are the most powerful and most prosperous nation in the world, most of the world outside your borders (and a significant minority inside) will resent you and blame you for their lack of prosperity no matter what you do.
If you can answer this question correctly, you "get it": Why do so many baseball fans outside of New York hate the Yankees?
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 21.09.2006 @ 11:03
Although its good to remember the victims and the heroes of that day, I too am not remembering 9/11/01 with sadness anymore. It's more important now to remember not how horrified and sad we all were, but to remember that we have an enemy, that this war is not over for them, therefore not for us either. They are still determined to defeat us. 9/11/06 is an opportunity for us to remember just what the enemy is capable of and an opportunity to stregthen our resolve.
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 11.09.2006 @ 11:18
I didn't see any threat of legal action in the quote you posted. You may see an implicit threat, but I think the author of that letter worded it very carefully so nobody could charge them with making an explicit threat.
I don't see anything wrong with criticising a show or urging its broadcaster to modify it or shelve it. ABC is still free to ignore its critics, be they conservative or liberal.
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 8.09.2006 @ 12:12
Is that just the greatest example of irony ever? - a peace prize winner fantasizing about murder.
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 25.07.2006 @ 10:38
My question is the same as Fly At Night's . . . I think.
I may be showing my ignorence, but wasn't the Supreme Court established to interpret the US Constitution? So why are they now trying to interpret the Geneva Convention?
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 30.06.2006 @ 11:59
Constitutionaly speaking, any resolution by Congress to withdraw troops, at any time, is non-binding. Only the Executive has the Constutional power to deploy, re-deploy or un-deploy (if that's even a word) US troops.
I haven't read the resolutions, so maybe they are actually resolutions to de-fund the Iraq war, which Congress does have the Constitutional power to do.
Comment Posted By Doug Purdie On 22.06.2006 @ 15:56