Part boilerplate, part madlib. Rick is the man! And are we not now better people for having visited?
The next president will inherit a record budget deficit of $482 billion.Vietnam was cheaper.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 29.07.2008 @ 02:38
"I think a timeline is a bad idea but withdrawing a a brigade or two a month for 3-4 months and then pausing to gauge the effect would be prudent. It might take until 2011 but my goodness why the rush now that things have settled a little."
thank you Rick for explaining what a timeline does not look like.
My goodness.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 22.07.2008 @ 01:31
"he was responsible for bringing Viet Nam to a successful conclusion"
Rick, these are your words about Nixon in the above essay.
"Successful" Your metrics?
Read it again,
"By the time we landed on the moon, columnists and opinionmakers were writing it was “Nixon’s War” and that he was responsible for bringing Viet Nam to a successful conclusion..."
The writers and opinionmakers were writing in 1969 it was Nixon's war and that he would be held responsible for bringing the war to a successful conclusion,
Comment Posted By bobwire On 22.07.2008 @ 01:22
What could be more painful to watch than attempts at 'humour' from the Republicans? I would pay for my own one-way ticket to the neo-Manzanar/Ghraib/Gitmo just to make it all stop.
It's like being back in grammar school, at the gymnasium, being forced to dance with the polio girl with crutches.
Why is no-one laughing?
"Q.What’s the difference between Obama and Dumbo?A. Dumbo hasn’t flip flopped on FISA reform."
Here it is totally transparent. You are completely correct, another dickwad.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 19.07.2008 @ 04:20
Rick Moran, the thinking man's conservative. Lonely?
The meta-narrative of your essay is not about Gramm, it's about not merely goose-stepping along. Look what it gets you.
Pariah, yet proud. You're the man!
Comment Posted By bobwire On 16.07.2008 @ 21:55
Dale thank you for reminding me of Obama's middle name. You are one sharp tack. Now, are you ready for Joseph (Stalin) Lieberman? Keep that chandelier well lit, son. Shine on.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 12.07.2008 @ 00:04
First of all, I am shocked and disappointed about your fast food failures. why do you keep seeking such heartbreak? Vote with your dollars. Has not In-n-Out Burgers not yet found your neck of the woods?
Second, there you go again stuffing a straw man. I guess you pushed my button.
Third, if you are so concerned about govt screwups, why not revive the Grace Comission report, a Reagan request? Sure, let's privatize the Coast Guard. And re modern times, why cannot we farm off the mideast to Blackwater? Let me know about the IPO.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 20.06.2008 @ 01:37
Rick, you are the man to review this book:
Here we both are left with Obama vs. McCain. And how stupid is that? Could you please weigh in?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 7.06.2008 @ 20:20
Seems like so much Monday Morning Quarterbacking to me, on Hopkins part.
Reed Irvine labels him as a Communist agent at the time. What are we supposed to make of that?
The clincher: "Hopkins has promised to donate some of the proceeds he receives from the book to the widows and orphans of Pearl Harbor."
The orphans are now 67 years old. And the widows?
Rick, are you pushing buttons?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 1.06.2008 @ 21:35
Rick: We are about to hand the presidency to the most ill-equipped, shallow, unschooled, and naive candidate in American history.
I will ask a question. Was not Dubya even less qualified? With his silver spoon notwithstanding, nearly every thing he touched was marked by failure. Only by having powerful and suspect connections was he able to regroup and get ahead. The man was merely a tool. Let's see how he gets by on the lecture circuit.
Having said that, it's hard to get behind a flash in the pan such as Obama. I am a firm disbeliever in Duex Ex Machina. A national sort of hope leaves this atheist looking askance.
But Rick when you say: If one asks the question how he rose so quickly to the heights he finds himself now...
The answer is much less complicated than you imagine. For six years the Republicans had the presidency and the Congress. And what did they do? Squander the opportunity to enlighten Democrats as well as re-inforce the conservative base as to what a thousand year Reich might look like.
So is it any wonder that when faced with deep, stinking piles of excrement Democrats shun the Beltway Hillary and embrace Divine Intervention? I too am disappointed that Obama is the candidate, as many of your readers shudder at the thought of McCain.
When electing a president, we cannot choose the Cabinet. Arguably Rumsfeld is the architect of our less-than-successful position in Iraq today. And we did not choose Brownie to handle Katrina. I at this point can only hope that Obama is less inclined towards patronage and no-bid contracts.
Rick: I know one thing. Obama will be the only president we have. Doing everything we can to support him – at least as far as our consciences allow – could make the difference between success and failure.
Thank you Rick for allowing you are beyond mere Manicheansim. And thank you for including all Americans. Many of your readers cannot do that. They may wish for Abu Graib meets Gitmo meets Manzanar.
We vote for a president, yet we get much more. With Obama as president, is failure the best option? I think not. For the conservative readers let me remind you that Jesus will not return. Yet again!
Comment Posted By bobwire On 29.05.2008 @ 21:18