Thank you Samsel for your fascinating comment about nuclear propulsion. To shorting the journey to and from Mars to six months easily puts the Red Planet within striking distance.
I would expect a conventional booster, as it would be hard to support a nuclear blastoff with possibly dire consequences should the mission abort early.
Still, the funds necessary to research and develop this option uniquely for humans may not find the needed backing. With so much money geared for the mid-East, there is no such funding available.
Still again, considering Bush's interest in sending humans to Mars and back, why was not nuclear propulsion funded?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 29.05.2008 @ 20:17
Rick says:
"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration may have had to endure some justifiable criticism for its shortsighted and unimaginative manned space exploration program. But when it comes to its unmanned planetary exploration achievements, the scientists and engineers at JPL and their affiliate programs at universities and other space agencies around the world can still “Wow!” us all every once and awhile."Bush says, Jan 15, 2004:
Bush also made his case for why manned exploration is needed, rather than sending unmanned missions, such as the Mars rover, Spirit, currently sending information back from the red planet."The human thirst for knowledge ultimately cannot be satisfied by even the most vivid pictures or the most detailed measurements," he said. "We need to see and examine and touch for ourselves, and only human beings are capable of adapting to the inevitable uncertainties posed by space travel."
Rick, don't be too hard on NASA if they were forced to reckon with the President. If he's so keen, could we launch him first? Oops, I almost forgot, he failed to show for his physical and lost his wings!
I am completely behind the unmanned missions around the solar system. The cost and danger of sending humans to Mars is not worth drawing resources away from unmanned explorations. I keenly await the data Phoenix will provide. Nailing the landing, I'm so excited!
Comment Posted By bobwire On 26.05.2008 @ 00:14
thank you manning for reminding me of the meaning of manicheanism!
"The universe is divided between good and evil, and evil is irredeemable"
Granting you that, can the Devil ever be greater than God? No? Then what is your problem...
Comment Posted By bobwire On 24.05.2008 @ 04:25
After all we've been through, why not cut some Deux Ex Machina slack?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 24.05.2008 @ 04:35
"And almost every test shows improvement"
Improvement means the missile nuke hits vegas instead of LA. I could not agree more!
Face up to it, the genie has been let out of the bottle. What could be more geopolitically democratic than national nukes? There is no shield against suitcase nukes. And you want more billions to fight missiles?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 22.05.2008 @ 01:18
Rick, never underestimate the power of a great public transportation network. Portland is a great city in that regard.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 19.05.2008 @ 21:18
Comment Posted By bobwire On 15.05.2008 @ 01:44
American Betrayal - Franklin Roosevelt Casts Poland into Communist Captivity
Comment Posted By bobwire On 15.05.2008 @ 01:35
Twentieth-century America was blessed with greatness in many quarters, but none stood taller than Roosevelt, though of course for the last two decades of his life he could stand only with the aid of braces and crutches. He was a giant, immense in his flaws as well as his gifts, but a giant all the same. He led the nation out of the Depression that could well have destroyed it, and then he led it to total victory in the most terrible war the world has known. He gave hope to millions who had lost it, and he changed forever the relationship between the citizens of the United States America and their government.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 15.05.2008 @ 01:27
1. To carry on a sexual affair, especially an extramarital affair, with a woman one cannot or does not intend to marry. Used of a man.
2. To engage in many love affairs, especially with a frivolous or casual attitude. Used of a man.
FDR was a philanderer and wished to transform America into something approaching communism.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 15.05.2008 @ 01:19