Rick, after blowing off all that CO2 you suggest more study, and more peer review of existing studies. Have anybody in mind? Propose any funding? And by which bodies of experts? Exxon seems to be flush these days, perhaps they can pony up, just like they have been. Surely there are enough prostitute scientists to give you the results you crave. Where the hell are they? Who has been paying for this 'bad' research? Where is the free market response to science? Is there not more money to be made pimping oneself to the status quo than to alternatives? What the hell has gone wrong? We need to get the scientists back where they belong: our hip pocket. At the beck and call of the current Decider.
And of course you don't have an agenda, Rick. You merely want unfettered business as usual. That is not at agenda, right? You just want more peer review. That should be enough to stall any changes until your last breath. Meanwhile the price of dithering may be visited on others, not us, so who gives a rat's ass anyway?
You moan about cats, what about polar bears? How about harp seals clubbed by Canadians? What kind of moral swamp do you call home? How about an american horsemeat hamburger? Venison? Dolphins sacrificed for your tuna sandwich? Huckabee's polecat pie? Those with firing synapses demand consistency. Feel free to demonstrate such.
And you think 2 studies that conclude we must apply the most draconian measures in order to save ourselves is sufficient? Two? What a laughably ignorant tool you are to believe that when there is no proof whatsoever that reducing our emissions will lower the temperature in the first place. There are many climate change scientists who dispute the idea that lowering our emissions will change anything. What do you say to them? People who agree with you that man is causing the earth to warm but that there's nothing we can do about it? Are they industry tools also?
And, like any unthinking global warming bot, you assume that because I want to see more than 2 studies before we destroy western industrialized civilization that I am some kind of industry hack. I oppose the kind of massive change that would be required to meet a "zero emission" goal by 2050 because anyone with a third grade education knows that 2 studies do not mean that anything is proven. And anyone who has taken a high school science course knows that those studies - published last week - HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN EXAMINED BY PEERS TO TEST THEIR HYPOTHESIS YET.
You are an anti-science Luddite. There are steps we can take to reduce our emissions over the next 20 years - 60% reduction according to AEI - that would accomplish the goal of reducing CO2 emissions substantially while not destroying our economy. I am for that kind of action, dickhead, so get off your climate change high horse and join the rest of the realists.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 11.03.2008 @ 01:31
God, Rick, why do I feel you are pandering to your own blog? Why am I the first to say anything? My next-to-worthless comments may be archived long enough to pique inquisitive relatives.
Somebody's gotta step up here, and be pithy. Dog knows I just don't have it in me, save "So how's the delegate count going?"
Comment Posted By bobwire On 5.03.2008 @ 22:47
Global warming/climate change: yes there are cycles, and yes I believe man can have an influence to an extent which may be hard to quantify. For me the question is, will Jesus arrive in time to pull our nuts out of the fire, or is he already here picking broccoli, mowing our lawns and just too otherwise pre-occupied to notice?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 3.03.2008 @ 21:38
Terrorism begins at home. Just ask anybody. do they fear another inchoate veil? Some mexicans mowing your yard? As far as I can tell, terrorism begins at home. Terrorism is a republican mantra. Is it who do you trust, or whom do you trust. Where is Safire when we need him!
Comment Posted By bobwire On 1.03.2008 @ 02:32
His patrician spirit was a dead giveaway. His endorsement of drugs available:
God bless this libertine libertarianist! Who has bollucks to follow in his shoes?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 28.02.2008 @ 02:57
We can never know, to walk a mile in the shoes of a black woman in this country, so I'm inclined to give her some slack.
As for your comment "There are plenty of instances in the last 35 years I have been ashamed to be an American:" I offer my own list.
The escalation of the Vietnam war, the undeclared war in Cambodia leading to the ris e of Pol Pot and the needless loss of millions of their lives. A pogrom ironically brought to an end by communist Vietnam.
The needless support of apartheid in South Africa, when calls by people like myself at university for divestment was met by indifference and scorn.
The training and backing of Death Squads in El Salvador, where military leaders in that country were trained in the US at the School of the Americas. Say goodbye to tens of thousands.
The Iran/Contra scandal, where cocaine was smuggled thru Central America by Ollie's buddies to buy weapons for use in the mideast to circumvent congressional restrictions. And Reagan had the nerve to call the Contras the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers, when they were Somoza holdouts operating out of Honduras.
Skipping ahead...the refusal of the Bush Administration to accept foreign aid after Katrina, in spite of Brownie doing a heck of a job.
The hubris of Bushco to absorb intelligence that could probably have prevented 9/11.
And why not mention Karl Rove, whose evil treatment of McCain derailed the better candidate in 2000? Will we see a deathbed confession a la Lee Atwater from his minion?
Please help me to be proud of, to put it kindly, the bull in the china shop.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 21.02.2008 @ 02:57
Rick sez "Everyone knows that lefties are a bunch of hypocritical bastards with the morals of an alley cat and the brains of a marmoset."
So then we can expect 'everyone' to return non-lefties to the executive branch and a congressional majority in 2008?
True, the Dems are a spineless lot in search of a parade. But they have been useful idiots in being Republican enablers.
Why pick on marmosets? Is this a backhanded compliment?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 16.02.2008 @ 01:39
We must face up to Obama vs McCain. On the one side we have Rove against/with the swiftboaters vis a vis McCain. On the other we have momentum vs. entitlement. Toss in sexism, racism, and the sleeper Islamicist. I swear to God, it's ours to lose!
Comment Posted By bobwire On 12.02.2008 @ 02:10
The essay where Rick sez global warming has a human component, where we don't know if reducing emissions will have an effect, but we should try anyway.
Great. I look forward to some Republican leadership instead of denial. Jesus will once again fail to appear and pull our nuts out of the fire. Any bettors?
Here's an idea. Select a rich European country, find out their per capita energy usage, and then compare that with the US. What you will probably find is at least a one-third reduction in energy usage. Next, find out how they achieve this, and see if that could work here. It's a global issue, let's do our share technically.
Let us first talk about technical fixes, the invisible ones, where homes are better insulated, appliances are more efficient, and gas guzzler taxes support these transformations. The list goes on, if you are interested, and you must be, because if technical fixes are not adopted, then social fixes may be in the offing. And who wants those?
Comment Posted By bobwire On 31.01.2008 @ 23:15
Rick, if you see a "party that is inexorably drawn to the center" then who can you blame except Republican voters?
McCain is the best candidate to defeat any Republican, I must agree with the polls. What I fear is how much he will be swiftboated, to an extent where he is damaged overall. While I don't really imagine more Republican votes for any Democrat, if the primary becomes more tawdry, the whole slate can go down.
Comment Posted By bobwire On 31.01.2008 @ 22:53