I have always found it laughable that there exists a school of thought that mankind’s greatest achievements were actually the result of intervention by aliens from another civilization. The pyramids, the Nazca lines, even Stonehenge, according to this “theory,†were all built by aliens because we humans just aren’t clever enough to have done it ourselves.
Discoveries like this prove that the alien hunters consistently sell our species short.
why do you feel you have to defend yourself against alien hunters?
there is reasonable evidence that high technology existed before we had the means for producing it. That's evidence to be weighed scientifically
why go after alien hunters?
You find it laughable?
When Aanton Van Leuwenhoek was proposing the germ theory of disease he was widely laughed at- "little animals are not the source of our problems" said one of his competitors...
turns out he was right.
we might be a clever species
we might also be someone's pets
Comment Posted By epicenter On 9.01.2007 @ 15:09
Here's what Jay Rosen says regarding war supporters
The intelligence fiasco in the build-up to the invasion is an exceedingly ugly story and rather than receding into the past, its significance grows every day. It’s like the decomposing body under the expanding executive house. More keeps coming out about the fraudulent case for war, and the consequences of having only an imaginary plan for the occupation.
For Bush supporters who soldier on, the choices resemble what the go-getters from Enron faced: confront the bad accounting that’s gone on for years or adopt even more desperate measures to conceal losses and keep your hand alive. But if the AP had fabricated a source and relied on that source 60 times, maybe the tables could be turned again and the reckoning put off.
so true
Comment Posted By epicenter On 9.01.2007 @ 15:29
we don't have the combat power to secure Bagdhad
we acn argue it all day long
but these folls ahve hurt us in this way
our armed forces are overextended, undermanned, exhausted
and for what?
all this quarterbacking a war from a keyboard.
Comment Posted By epicenter On 9.01.2007 @ 15:11