"There is not one single advocate for military action against Iran who has issued any “rosy scenarios†or “optimistic outlooks.â€
Thats because the Plausible Denialists who
forged the Iraq nightmare amidst the skeptical
and had nothing but 'rosy' outcomes, recognize
the attention span of the public would have to be greater than 4 years since the last 'optimism'Give them a year or two. There is no end to their disrespect for the american thinking public.
Comment Posted By Semanticleo On 18.06.2007 @ 20:12
You're deleting comments after the white-knuckle pan-handling here of recent weeks? You must have been a Hubert Humphrey Democrat.
Comment Posted By Semanticleo On 15.06.2007 @ 14:53
Is that a real question, or are you dodging
Comment Posted By Semanticleo On 12.06.2007 @ 09:17
Because Reagan happened to be Prez when
it occurred, it's due to him?Then I guess Reagan gets NO credit for the US economy in the 90's and Clinton did it all.
Comment Posted By Semanticleo On 12.06.2007 @ 09:06
All this crap about 'chaos' in iraq is being mainlined by the same idiots
who HAVE BEEN WRONG ON NEARLY EVERY ISSUE CONNECTED WITH IRAQ. But they don't just want tracks on their arms, they want us all on the
black-tar tit and 'chaos' doesn't work any
better than 'mushroom clouds' in the long-term.When we leave the Iraqis will finally be motivated to take charge of their country.
I thought you folks were opposed to the welfare state? How is our enabling different
Comment Posted By Semanticleo On 10.06.2007 @ 12:32
from making our own citizens dependent on governmental aid?
If you believe that crap about removing a dictator and establishing democracy as the reason for our going to Iraq, dear ol' St. Nick will be pleased you still wait for him Christmas morning.
A permanent military platform in Iraq, from which to launch forays on this "long difficult war" was the goal from the beginning.
It would seem the Kurdish region is the benefactor of 3500 American dead and, what is it now, $500 Billion in treasure? Guarantee
Comment Posted By Semanticleo On 9.06.2007 @ 10:28
you that is the fallback position for maintaining this beachhead. The Kurds have been cooperative, but also are very tribal.
Will THEY tolerate a permanent US military presence? I doubt it. The Turks? They'll
go ballistic. What will happen in Baghdad?
The Iranians will not allow it to create
instability for their home turf. Yes, many
Iraqis will die. It's time they took the reins and the responsibility for their own fate. All we can do is give them a chance.
We can't do it for them. It's their country.
I find it ironic that Ledeen, The Harlot of Babylon, is miffed that Bush seems preoccupied.
The harlot was a key town-crier in the bum's rush to Iraq. Now that we are broke and bogged down in that Mesopotamian swamp, he wants to
pump every headline with a new call to arms.I was able to find some info on the gist of the article (as no links are found)and, since
any exhalation of Ledeens requires a factcheck.(eg. If he declares 'the sun rises in the east' I must rise at dawn to verify)
one would think cites would be abundant.No, it is not on radar. Yes, it should be.
But Ledeen should not be the boy yelling 'wolf!'
Comment Posted By Semanticleo On 2.06.2007 @ 20:57
." but of course lefty bloggers and the liberal media are ALWAYS in lieu of some warmongering official spokesperson of the eeeeevil military industrial complex that are nothing more than lying liars who lie."
Perhaps you would condescend to cite the examples wherein Military Brass have been truthful. I wait with bated breath.
Comment Posted By semanticleo On 10.05.2007 @ 17:04
For the Plausible Denialists, a 'lie' is in the eye of the beholder, and a victim of semantics.
Are you referring, as your source, that the 300 NG troops they are reporting sent(5/9/07) is making Mondays news, a 'lie'? Knee jerk reactions to public relations disasters are hardly an indication all is well with the military personnel, or their equipment.
"Pentagon spokesman in Washington said other states were supposed to help provide resources in an emergency. White House spokesman Tony Snow said the administration was doing what it could and equipment would arrive if it was needed.Kansas Emergency Management spokeswoman Sharon Watson said because of the shortage of National Guard equipment, the state was rushing to hire contractors to help clear debris.
Nearly 70 Kansas National Guard troops were arriving in Greensburg on Monday to supplement about 40 troops already on the ground, and some guard Humvees were available to start clearing wreckage, Watson said.
Sebelius said the failure by Washington to replace or return state National Guard equipment deployed to Iraq was "not a very satisfying effort."
The governor said Kansas lacks about half the large equipment it could use for recovery efforts and debris removal, including dump trucks and front loaders. More than 20 percent of its Humvees and 15 of 19 helicopters were sent to Iraq, said officials with the Kansas National Guard."
Comment Posted By semanticleo On 10.05.2007 @ 10:44
"he should be informed in no uncertain terms of the options open to the United States military to deal with the problem."
Air strikes with conventionals and nukes is the
Comment Posted By semanticleo On 10.05.2007 @ 10:04
only military option, thanks to the brain-dead
intransigence of the Iraq war. We can't even send the National Guard into a town in Kansas which was leveled by a natural event. The military is nearly broken, and the vandal is your Prez'.