Our excellent group blog, “The Wide Awakes” has taken on several new members recently with more coming in all the time. If you haven’t already, check out TWA for some of the best writing on the right side of the sphere. And make sure you blogroll TWA and its members!
TMH Bacon Bits is an “old” new member who the House has linked to on several occasions. “Why the Left Doesn’t Understand Bush” is an eye opener.
The Discerning Texan is another blog you should be reading regularly. Here’s a post on why Rove’s comments distress the Democrats.
Mustang’s blog (Sheesh!...Another Texan!)Social Sense has a self explanatory post entitled “We Like to be Lied to.” Mustang’s got a tart, witty style. I think you’ll like him.
Duncan Avatar of Parrot Check can fisk the moonbats with the best of them. He’s posted a response to a letter to his alma mater about Morgan Reynolds, the tin foil hatter with the wacky 9/11 conspiracy theories.
You may have seen Kit Jarrell’s work at either Blogger News or Blogcritics. His Euphoric Reality blog is not to be passed by – especially this post, an interview with a Marine who served in Fallujah.
Daisy Cutter is a great site with a military bent. Check out his post on “Darth Rove” – it’s a stitch!
Clarity and Resolve is another TWA newbie you should have on your blogroll. “California Jihadin’ ” is just one reason why.
As always, check out TJ’s “News – Interesting – Funny” (NIF) for the best media and Shadow Media links around.
While we’re looking at some newer sites on the blog roll, you’ve probably already heard of “The New Editor”. Their links and analysis of news stories and editorials is always interesting. Check them out if you haven’t already.
10:21 am
Thanks for the mention. It is a great group of writers. Happy to be aboard. A couple of things you should know … yes, a military bent, but not a complete emphasis (although events lately have certainly steered me this way), and … yikes, another Texan.
What is the world coming to? Take care.
10:33 am
Thank you for your kind words, Rick. Remember, Texas is a whole ‘nuther country. Ya’ll come on down!
12:07 pm
I’m crushed, devistated, I feel abandoned… I joined after Mustang, after Duncan, After The Mary Hunter and I get NO MENTION... It’s because I’m another Texan isn’t it… I knew it… Texicans Unite…. LOL…. But, since Rick is posting on the others, allow me to introduce GM’s Corner as the site where “Truth, Honesty and Integrity Are Honored Above All Else!” Other than my “accidental” leave out, great post and I encourage everyone to read all the Wide Awake posts. Mine included.
1:59 am
Thanks for the interesting new blog sites…several were added to my favorites list.
5:53 am
Rick, Thanks for the linkies! Too kind. Criminy, I can’t keep us all straight anymore. Some come, some go… have to get the automatic bologroll working in my own sidebar.
And,... the woman I married is damn near a Texan. She’s really a Kansan, but went to college in Houston and has a brother & family living there now. Does that qualify her for honorary Texasship? Mustang, GM?
6:44 pm
Thanks (as always) for the linkie-love, and more importantly – a hearty Welcome Aboard to the n00bs!
(They have no idea what they are in for!)
PS - NIF will be adrift on the web for a bit … from Jun29-July10 I am out to the mountains of western North Carolina, where the Internet is little more than something those city folk keep asking about