Barack Obama was booed at a McCain Town Hall in Waukesha, Wisconsin yesterday.
That’s right. I’m not joking. A crowd of Republicans actually had the audacity, the temerity, the gumption to show their displeasure when the name of The Messiah was uttered.
And according to this breathless, fearful account published in the Washington Post this morning, that’s not all they did:
There were shouts of “Nobama” and “Socialist” at the mention of the Democratic presidential nominee. There were boos, middle fingers turned up and thumbs turned down as a media caravan moved through the crowd Thursday for a midday town hall gathering featuring John McCain and Sarah Palin.
I weep for America. In God’s name, what are we coming to? To actually show disdain and unhappiness at the mention of The One? And what’s this about giving the finger to our friends in the press? Don’t they know that a free press is vital to our democracy? How dare they make such a vulgar display in the direction of those who toil so unselfishly in service to the republic.
Gee – you’d think the crowd believed the press was the enemy or something.
I regret to inform my readers that, in fact, there is more disturbing news to report from recent rallies featuring John McCain. Apparently, according to unnamed sources, the people attending these rallies are angry.
In recent days, a campaign that embraced the mantra of “Country First” but is flagging in the polls and scrambling for a way to close the gap as the nation’s economy slides into shambles has found itself at the center of an outpouring of raw emotion rare in a presidential race.“There’s 26 days and people are looking at the very serious possibility that there’s a chance that Obama might get in, and they don’t like that,” said Ian Eltrich, 28, as he filed out of the crowded sports complex.
“I’m mad! I’m really mad!” another man said, taking the microphone and refusing to surrender it easily, even when McCain tried to agree with him.
I fear for this country. An ordinary citizen – a McCain supporter – is “really mad.” And what makes this even more outrageous, more frightening (if that’s possible) is that John McCain and Sarah Palin just stood there like statues and did nothing when the crowd booed Barack Obama’s name. They showed no remorse whatsoever.
I would like to digress here and thank the Washington Post for bringing this to our attention. Clearly, this is unheard of in American politics and deserves scrutiny. I mean really now, would partisans at a Democratic rally boo the very mention of George Bush’s name?
sarcasm off/ (finally)
I can’t tell you how much contempt I have for the Post and other media outlets who have been pushing this meme – that it is somehow dangerous, or racist, or indicative of something horribly ugly in the mindset of GOP supporters to show strong emotion at the mention of Obama. Not when similiar outbursts happen at Democratic rallies. Not when Democratic party partisans on the internet and elsewhere have whipped up a frenzy of hate against John McCain.
Has there ever been someone who screamed out about McCain “Kill him!” at an Obama rally? We don’t know because the idea that the press would report what one, lone, idiot shouts out at a rally of thousands is ludicrous – except if it is a McCain rally and then it becomes front page news.
And evidently, it has become verboten to even take the name of Obama in vain – his middle name, that is:
Seems like almost every day now there’s a McCain-Palin rally where the campaign has the candidates introduced by someone who hits on “Barack Hussein Obama”. Just happened again in Bethlehem, PA. After the fifth or sixth time you pretty much know on the orders of the campaign. It is obviously with tacit approval (to believe anything else is to be a dupe at this point); and quite probably on the campaign’s specific instructions.Given the regularity of the cries of “treason” and “terrorist” and the like, and the frequency with which the screamers seem in oddly convenient proximity to the mics, we should probably be considering the possibly that these folks are campaign plants. It happens all the time. It’s just that usually they don’t scream out accusations of capital crimes.
Late Update: A thought. At what point do they start burning Obama in effigy at the Palin rallies?
“A thought” by Josh Marshall? Well, at least that’s an improvement over what we’ve seen recently from the former web journalist turned lying, hyper partisan hack. I thought that Marshall’s last electroencephalogram revealed no brain activity at all. At least this is progress.
But not much judging by his cockamamie notion that Republicans would do to Obama what Democrats and liberals have been doing to Bush for the last 8 years.
(Courtesy of Zombietime)
Perhaps Republicans could get a few tips from Democrats on the proper way to burn someone in effigy. Maybe Marshall could publish them on his website.
As for taking the middle name of our Lord in vain, I would simply say that those who are inclined to believe the idiocy that Obama is a Muslim will not be swayed by anything John McCain would say. Or Sarah Palin for that matter. The idea that speaking Obama’s middle name is in and of itself racist or bigoted presupposes that making the charge gives the accuser insight into another’s soul – nice job if you can get it but something that liberals do on a regular basis so they have a lot of practice. All liberals are mind readers and psychics.
The question is it done deliberately in order to inspire feelings of fear and revulsion against Obama I would have to answer almost certainly yes. But this is a political campaign not a society ball. Raising the specter of fear if McCain is elected is part and parcel of the Obama campaign as well. It’s how elections have been conducted since Jeffersonians warned the re-election of Adams would lead to the establishment of a monarchy.
Denying this singular fact of life in political campaigns only shows liberals to be naive and ignorant. For 4 years, the left has been screaming at their own candidates to get tough on Republicans. Well congratulations, you’ve found your man in Obama. Schooled as he was in the rough and tumble, corrupt Machine politics of Chicago where you don’t defeat your opponent, you bury them, Obama needs little urging to hint at McCain’s advanced years, mock his war injuries, bring up past questionable associations, level charges of personal malfeasance – all the while piously insisting that he is staying above the fray. That kind of hypocrisy is enabled by his partisans and syncophants in the party and the press who never seem to find the time, the space, or the guts to call Obama out for his descent into the politics of personal destruction.
So get over it and get on with it.
Speaking of getting on with it, many of us were wondering when the race card, heretofore used only sparingly would become more prominently used by the Obama campaign.
As the McCain campaign ratchets up the intensity of its attacks on Barack Obama, some black elected officials are calling the tactics desperate, unseemly and racist.“They are trying to throw out these codes,” said Representative Gregory Meeks, a Democrat from New York.
“He’s ‘not one of us?’” Mr. Meeks said, referring to a comment Sarah Palin made at a campaign rally on Oct. 6 in Florida. “That’s racial. That’s fear. They know they can’t win on the issues, so the last resort they have is race and fear.”
“Racism is alive and well in this country, and McCain and Palin are trying to appeal to that and it’s unfortunate,” said Representative Ed Towns, also from New York.
In recent days, as polls have shown a steady lead for the Democratic ticket, Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin have used reports of Mr. Obama’s loose association with Bill Ayers, a former member of the ’60s radical group the Weather Underground, as evidence that he is different from them.
“Our opponent,” Ms. Palin told donors in Englewood, Colo., “is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”
She added, “This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America,” she said. “We see America as a force of good in this world. We see an America of exceptionalism.”
An Associated Press analysis characterized those remarks as “unsubstantiated” and carrying “a racially tinged subtext.”
Actually, if we are to believe Obama, he too sees America as a “force for good” in the world. The question asked is can we take him at his word? Given his numerous, unbelievable prevarications involving people who don’t see America as a force for good in the world – Ayers, Wright, Meeks to a name a few – it is eminently practical and logical to ask if he is telling the truth when he says it. This goes to the heart of the reason his associations with radicals is so problematic. We all have friends and associates we disagree with on politics. But the level of hatred of America espoused by people like Wright and Ayers begs the question of why Obama has had such long term associations with these nutcases.
I have answered that question to my own satisfaction – Obama does indeed love America and he is not a radical in the sense that he shares most of the views of Ayers-Wright. But is it legitimate to ask if Obama’s idea of America is the same as mine and most Americans? This is a perfectly reasonable question to be answered by each of us individually based on what we see and hear from each candidate.
It is not racist to ask this question nor is it a personal attack. We are about to elect a president who is going to take charge amidst economic carnage the likes of which haven’t been seen since the Great Depression. It would be immensely helpful if voters had a good sense of what kind of America each man would like to see emerge from the wreckage. We will be a different country, of that I have no doubt. My own concerns center on whether the next president will seek to save the free market or throw it out with the rest of the bad paper that must have its way with us economically before an upturn in our fortunes can begin.
So how each candidate sees America is vitally important. And by playing the race card, the Obama campaign only causes us to ask more questions along those lines. I can’t believe people will be shamed into voting for our next president – not with what’s at stake. I can’t imagine voters being fearful of being called racist for failing to vote for Obama – a fear deliberately fostered by Obama playing the race card. In our current situation, it is understandable why Obama would do so, the race card being an extremely potent weapon. But will it play with the voter? I would hope that the voter has other criteria by which to judge the candidates.
“Angry” GOP crowds notwithstanding, all Americans are upset and fearful of the future. It is a fact of life that politicians would seek to capitalize on this fear. Both sides are trying to do it and both have done it in the past. Many voters no doubt will give in to this fear. Perhaps many more will not and it is among those voters that the election will be decided.
My boss, Tom Lifson, at American Thinker writes about proof that there are Democratic plants at McCain rallies holding signs and shouting stuff about Obama.
And I just watched the video of the guy getting up and saying he was “mad – really mad” and let me tell you something friends. Any rational, objective observer watching the crowd in that video would violently disagree that they were an “angry mob.”
This is really pathetic. Transparent and stupid. And we have got to make sure that the American people don’t fall for it.
8:19 am
I find it interesting, every four years as you say Rick, that the Republican’s have an amazingly bizarre case of amnesia about who has been in control of the government since the last elections. So government like Shit just happens and we aren’t supposed to hold any accountable after they have been screwing us into the ground for years? All just because the people who wasted our tax dollars and 1500 of our finest soldiers, truly are more American? Good luck with your denial. Here is one more question: just what exactly did the anti-abortion crowd, the Palin Base if you will, get for their support of Bush while he, tom Delay and Bill Frist were in charge of the Government as the majority for 6 years? Well?
8:31 am
Great post Rick.
It’s curious how threatened liberals feel by conservatives.
I think playing the race card hurts Obama’s chances of being elected. It’s obvious that whenever this charge is trotted out – whether by Obama himself, other Democrats or the media – that it’s complete bollocks. I imagine most people, instead of being fearful of being labeled racist if they don’t vote for Obama would instead feel offended by the threat. I find it ironic that the political philosophy that supposedly prides itself on open-mindedness, tolerance and deep understanding can only come up with one reason why someone wouldn’t vote for Obama.
8:49 am
It’s about doggone time Conservatives started displaying some spine and gumption! And as far as calling that phony p.o.s. huckster from Chicago by his FULL name – have at. I do it on my site all the time.
I’m NOT voting for Barack Hussein Obama. I’m not voting for him because I consider him an unprincipled, inept, unprepared and completely unfit, unready and unsuitable for the Presidency due to his lack of moral character and his socialist agenda. I don’t think he’s all that smart either – book learning and real intelligence don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand, you know.
9:22 am
There’s a lot of reasons not to vote for Obama that have nothing to do with race. He’ll be a disaster for the country and the judges he appoints will plague us long after he’s just a bad memory. It would be nice if Rezko would spill and they came and took Obama away from a campaign event in handcuffs.
10:53 am
It’s not the anger that frightens me or the fact that most of our fellow party members are screaming things that are blurred gray at best. It’s just if we as Republicans want to connect Obama to bad judgements, what’s going to happen when they connect McCain to all of his bad judgements? Will the polls spread even further apart? They need to drop it before I’m forced to vote for Barr in this election. Hammer him on the Fannie/Freddie stuff or the cost of his healthcare program. But I don’t need anymore examples of questionable judgement, morally and politically, when McCain has a ton of his own.
10:57 am
*”So how each candidate sees America is vitally important.”*
Bah. I want the candidate that sees America as what it is. America is NOT a force of good or evil. America is a force of America. A force of commerce above all because commerce means self preservation. We do what we do because we’re on top and we want to stay that way. We create and destroy as needed. Now always in equal proportions either.
12:01 pm
YES, We are more angry this year than ever before, before the media at least provide the fantasy that they were treating us fairly. The MSM this time is so obviously showing their bias that they should be considered part of Obama/DNC Public Relations Department. They continuously cover that error and public dangers of Obama/Biden in every case of poor judgement, corruption, poor policy, and just straight up lying.
12:04 pm
Americans hate the damage Republicans have done to this country. Angry? Yes! We are weaker militarily, poorer (morally and economically), in debt up to our eyeballs, and have far less influence in the world because of Republican leadership.
Republicans have earned the right to be beaten badly. I just hope America can survie the damage that has been done.
Oh Jesus Christ stop being such a fucking drama queen.
Tell me something, Shirley. Just where is it you think America is going if it doesn’t “survive?” If we lose our liberties, it will be Obama who takes them away – not Republicans. Wrap that one around your tiny brain.
Wasn’t it a Democrat who said “All we have to fear is fear itself?” You certainly give the lie to that one, huh?
12:06 pm
Politics is politics.
But generally speaking when people don’t accept what candidates say but prefer to infer what their beliefs are based on past associations, they are simply looking for a reason to distrust him.
12:08 pm
Hey, if I decide not to vote for John Sidney McCain because he’s being a real prick, does that automatically make me an “angry liberal”? What’s with the double standard here?
12:48 pm
We may be able to “bailout” what greed, at every level, has infected our nation with… a leap of faith is required.
Honor and trust won’t be so easily recovered.
Thank you Wall Street, worthless government bureaucrats, several generations of spoiled consumers, paid-for elected officials and journalists who have long ago sold their souls…
Once again it is up to those of us in the “cheap seats” to pay the price and then endure another struggle for what really counts… just a fair chance to better things for our kids.
12:49 pm
How come it’s all about the “perceived” threat of Obama but it’s never about how McCain is fundamentally a better choice to lead the country? You’re juvenile rant at Larry- for basically being right (and you know it)- shows the depth of your frustration with not being able to focus on McCain. McCain is a terribly weak candidate and now, with Palin waiting in the wings (and imagine the loss of freedoms if she ever got to appoint a SCJ), a scary one. The last eight years have been horrific and you don’t understand people flocking to Obama? Just look at the smooth campaign he’s run for almost the last 2 years. In this political climate it’s a pretty impressive thing and hopefully indicative of how he’ll run the country. The Republicans are basically out of ideas and need to regroup and take a time out. Can you really defend the last 8 years? Tell us what McCain will do to get us out of this domestic and foreign policy mess we’re in. This country needs a radical rearrangement. Obama is very much like the original “ONE”, your deity, Reagan. Only smarter, younger, and with new ideas. The irony is that he probably won’t be able to do much after he’s cleaned up after the Scrub debacle, if it’s even possible. And one more thing, Bill Ayers wishes he had the effect on amerika that Kenny-Boy, Cheney, Scrub, and all the others in the cabal have had on amerika.
Who’s defending the last 8 years? For me, this really is a “lesser of two evils” election. I am spitting mad at Republicans – more than you are I imagine. I have no desire to defend anything McCain does. If he is elected I suspect I will savage him as much as I have Bush and Obama.
And what is it that is bringing the drama queens out of the woodwork today? The only thing “scary” about Palin is the unhinged opposition to her – you included.
12:56 pm
If I could ban you, I would. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to my C-Panel at the moment so in the meantime, I am simply deleting any of your typically off topic, worthless, insulting comments.
You will not be allowed to comment on this site again so you may as well go somewhere else.
1:12 pm
Here let me correct this and repeat it for good measure:
I find it interesting, every four years as you say Rick, that the Republicans have an amazingly bizarre case of amnesia about who has been in control of the government since the last elections. So government, like Shit, “just happens” and we aren’t supposed to hold anyone accountable after they have been screwing us into the ground by wasting our resources both tax dollars and 4500 of our finest soldiers since they have been in office? All just because those leaders showed nobel judgment and are somehow more American? Good luck with your denial. Here is one more question: Just what exactly did the anti-abortion crowd, the Palin Base if you will, get for their support of Bush while he, Tom Delay and Bill Frist were in charge of the Government as the majority for 6 years? Well?
Much better….. Thanks for letting comment here Rick.
1:28 pm
Great piece. I’m not a super conservative person, but this year I am voting for McCain because there is absolutely no choice and no way I can vote for Obama for all the reasons all of us who have actually done the work of vetting him (no thanks to the msm) know. The msm has had a double standard due to their blatant bias all year. They certain seem unphased when Obama calls anyone who doesn’t support his a racist, nor did the media flinch when Obama directed his adoring followers to “argue” and “get in their faces”. In all elections, passions run high and we all see things through our own biased lens. This year, however, Obama has fueled hate and division in keeping with his mentor, Jeremiah Wright. Obama just does it in a way that is silver-tongued and apparently flies below the radar of many who have yet to awaken to the horror that his Presidency would be.
BTW, I’m not bitter, nor is this about sour grapes, I’m not a racist, and I’m not a hillbilly. I’m a highly educated, well informed member of the electorate, a life long Democrat (until this year) and a relatively liberal person compared to most who likely visit this site.
But, political party aside, social values aside, it’s all irrelevant if we elect this neophyte with questionable sympathies to office. As far as I’m concerned, Obama has neither the experience nor the credibility to be President of the School Board.
Glad folks are waking up and expressing their concerns. Those on the Obama side have been doing so all year, and not just with some angry words. It’s scarey out there!
1:40 pm
Sorry for the many typos in my post. No time to proof read—-
1:51 pm
Here is a piece by David Brooks that in my opinion is fitting. The problem is not the charges and countercharges, that is how it should be in any debate. The problem is that many people (on both side) throw any reason out of the window and than you have people blurping out total nonsense. As conservatives we have to get back to serious intellectual debate and away from Ann Coulter and the likes.
2:36 pm
The Brooks piece in interesting. Thanks for posting the link to it, funny man.
2:39 pm
The right-wing of America also includes the skinheads and the white seperatist KKK types.
Palin/McSame are firing up their Brownshirts now, that’s what’s going on.
I fear for Obama’s safety, but I know owr Secret Service agents are the best in the world.
I would believe your idiocy if you had expressed one ounce of outrage when liberals burned Bush in effigy.
2:45 pm
2:49 pm
I am one of those conservatives who is deeply offended by those people who say my dislike of Obama is racially motivated. Bull!! I don’t care if he is black, white green or blue. I just do NOT like his policies and I will NOT vote from him for this reason and only this reason. As a full-blooded white/indian/black/irish/english american I determine my vote strictly on a candidates policies and morals.
Wramblin’ Wreck
3:05 pm
Wramblin’ Wreck what you say, I’m sure is true.
However, the far right-wing of America also includes the neo-nazi, skin head, white separatist/supremest types that do not feel as you do.
3:09 pm
Excellent post Rick. The media needs to be called out every time they pull this garbage. Not that anyone takes them seriously any longer.
3:12 pm
Why do you call Obama “The Messiah” and “our Lord” even after your “end sarcasm” tag? What connotation and/or fear are you trying for? I never understood that line of attack by the Republican party?
Is your defense of the “angry Republicans” and the “burning effigy” really just “well, the democrats did it”? Since the democrats were being whiny little bitches the republicans can too?
@Gayle Miller:
And why do you call Obama by his full name on your site all the time? Just for kicks? Do you call McCain by his full name as well (John Sidney McCain III)? If not, then how come? You also say Obama lacks moral character. What about John McCain’s moral character? How about that ex-wife of his? You know..the one he friggen cheated on? How’s that for moral values? What morals of Obama bother you?
You said “Obama calls anyone who doesn’t support him a racist”...where the hell did you acquire that knowledge? You say you will vote for McCain because Obama has fueled hate and division? Christ. On. A. Crutch! Have you even seen the ads the McCain campaign has put out? Just filled with love aren’t they?
It ticks me off when people just sit there and talk about main stream media being biased to the left. Whatever…ever heard of Fox news? They are biased to the right. Get over it, puh-lease. Boo. Friggen. Hoo. It goes both ways. Media bias can not be the answer for everything. Example: When Sarah Palin looked like an idiot in the Katie Couric interview it wasn’t because the media is biased. It was because of instances where she couldn’t answer easy questions (one specific magazine/newspacer, etc). Had nothing to do with bias. Maybe they should have just stuck to asking her what her favorite color was.
I’m sorry. I’ve had a bad day today.
3:22 pm
So the fact that CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC are all completely “in the tank” for Barack Hussein Obama is completely okay because of ONE OUTLET? Fox News is apparently sufficiently equivalent to those purveyors of misinformation and outright lies? Y’all have been guzzling the left wing Kool Aid way too much.
I don’t want the media to be EITHER liberal or conservative. I want them to give me the FACTS and let me work out my own interpretations. I know for sure that it’s unlikely they are smarter than I am and I know for sure that after 66 years on this planet, I’m one hell of a lot more experienced and possessed of more wisdom than are those fatuous asses!
3:38 pm
Your media is going to be biased. Like I said: Get. Over. It. I can’t believe it…now there has to be bias equality? That’s hilarious.
You didn’t answer my questions that I directed at you. All you did was reiterate media bias. Yay. That again…and tell us once again how smart you are. I once knew someone who constantly touted how smart they were. Yea. Good times. Get over that too, please. Has anyone here called you stupid in any way? I surely didn’t. I just wanted to know a few things from you. And what the hell…left wing Kool Aid? Wow…buzz words. Next you’ll break out the flip flops that the Republican party did Kerry. That’s pretty lame.
3:49 pm
the level of absurdity in the arguments against sen.obama are laughable. your blog lacks credibility. just end it.
I see the arrogant left has lost none of its vim and vigor.
4:04 pm
I don’t know… maybe free speech: Europe and Canada are surely doing a number on folks who don’t publicly tow the p.c. line.
But it’s been the GOP responsible for locking up people without habeus protections and sticking them with electrodes and whatnot.
Some are terrorists, sure; but others were simply taken off the street in Eastern Europe, or yanked out of their straw hut when an informant had a grudge to press. And Jose Padilla, though not exactly an example of sterling character, is a US citizen. So there’s definitely a precedent for the rest of us to worry about.
So, sure, Rick; villainize the Democrats – they certainly have plenty of faults. But don’t pretend that, of the two major parties, they’re the only threat to our constitutionally protected freedoms. At this point in time, I’m not terribly impressed by either one.
4:11 pm
arrogance is a true american value.
4:46 pm
An important clarification is that when Bush was being burned in effigy, nobody assumed that the action had any racial connotations. Just a bunch of angry people with too much time on their hands. When you get angry folks from the other side of the aisle returning the favor to Obama, the popular assumption will be that racial animosity played a part. This is why attacks on Obama have a very high chance of blowback, which is a good reason for McCain to stay away from a 100% negative campaign. (Sad to say, this is not happening.) Not only will he loose anyway, but its only a matter of time before this blows up and makes all McCain/Palin supporters look like closet racists. Which will be unfortunate for all Americans during this time of economic crisis.
6:59 pm
Interesting post Rick! I wanted to share with you why I think that Democrats say Republicans are using all these “racial code words”. Even though I am a Republican, I am in a unique position to observe Democrats because I am currently going to a very liberal college and am being submitted to all kinds of liberal core curriculum. This term I am enrolled in “America’s Diverse Cultural Heritage”, which is liberal-speak for “America’s Shameful Racist Past”. In this class, we learn all about how whites trampled all over minorities ever since our country’s founding, and how minorities still get the short end of the stick today. In most of these books on subjects of race I’ve noted that they refer to minorities as “the other”, because throughout US history, that’s what minorities were according to whites. They were considered by whites to be foreigners, un-American, only suited for menial labor, barred from simple rights like voting and owning property, etc. Our teacher has us reading “A Different Mirror” by Ronald Takaki now to study the history of race in the US. But anyway, after hearing all this liberal-speak about race, I can honestly say that I understand now when they say Palin is using “racial code words”, and I’m not writing this to criticize you, I just found it interesting because I know for me as an eternally optimistic Republican who still gets tears in her eyes when I hear Martin Luther King Jr’s speech, it was hard for me to understand how any Republican could be accused as racist. But let me explain how Republicans look through Democrat eyes. When Palin gets on stage and proclaims “He’s not one of us!” it sounds like whites long ago subverting and discriminating against minorities, such as during the Great depression when whites demanded jobs over minorities just because they were white. Of course, this isn’t Palin’s intention at all so I definitely don’t think it’s appropriate to accuse her of it. She just doesn’t know how to speak in Democrat code words, and if there’s one thing Democrats love, it’s whatever is being taught in liberal universities.
But you know, this is politics, and politics is bloodsport. A key part of winning any election is to make your appointment seem like that “other guy”—a shady individual who is up to no good. Just because the McCain/Palin ticket is pointing out Obama’s interesting past does not make them racist, you know? So I don’t totally buy into all this “Republicans are racist!” chest thumping. We may not know all the special decoder ring ways of addressing race, but I tell you what, we still believe in giving anyone a fair shot regardless of gender or race.
7:02 pm
These angry rallys at McCain speeches are only going to hurt McCain further in the long run. He is trying to run as a conservative Republican when he really is not a conservative Republican. He has never appealed very well to conservatives.Perhaps by picking Palin helped in the short term. The problem is she simply does not now have the knowledge or experience to step into the seat of the predidency if somthing happens to McCain.A Mitt Romney would have been a better choice. I think Independents are realizing this now. This is then is a current example of poor judegment on McCain’s part. McCain simply does not have any good ideas to help get us out of the mess that George Bush got us into for the last 8 yrs. Most likely this will result in a majority Democratic congress that is philabuster proof along with Obama being president. There will be a fundemental change on how this country is run for the next 8 yrs. If Republicans and Conservatives are unhappy about it they have themselves to blame. They voted in Bush twice and now things have come back to bite them in the ass.
7:44 pm
Hussein O has already fooled the democrats across the country. Then that is not a difficult task when looking at the past. They actually supported the lying Hanoi John ‘traitor’ Kerry after knowing for a fact he was a phony.
I don’t envy the Lame Stream Media, soon thousands of them will be applying for jobs at McDonalds only to be told they aren’t qualified. I see the LASlimes just had another rather massive layoff. Guess I may lose the bet I made yesterday that the NYSlimes or Can’t Broadcast S*** (CBS) would be the first major outlet to go under. The LASlimes may beat then to the ‘we’re broke’ court.
Do the congress critters bail out the Media who hates them?
8:23 pm
You’re not obligated to cut down on the crazy in your breakfast just for our sakes, but it would be awful charitable of you to have a few more sentences without cliches or catchwords in your commentary (you were 1:8 in that last post).
Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Other, it always pays to put things in your own words; otherwise, they’re simply meaningless, and we’re all just yelling “Booo!” and Yay!” at each other. And that’s not terribly conducive to conversation, is it?.
9:09 pm
10:07 pm
If guilt by association is so bad, why is the main piece of Obama’s campaign associating McCain with Bush?
I gave up believing that libs would know “hate” when they see it, when so few were so much as scandalized at a stadium filled with college kids chanting at Bush Sr. “Bush must die! Bush must die!”
“They’re very upset at the Gulf War,” dems explained. As if you had to have understand the “frustration” when somebody is calling for death back then. But now the simple expression of frustration is enough to see a murderous crowd.
Biased as the day is long.
12:06 am
So Dave,
Is your point that McCain and Palin are firing up the neo-nazi’s because otherwise it would have escaped the notice of the neo-nazi’s that Barak Obama is half-black? That’s what kills me about all this coded racist message crap – supposedly they are trying to scare people with the message that Barak Obama is black. If someone is going to vote against him because he is black they’ve already noticed who the black candidate is. Obama is getting more votes because he is black than he is losing votes because he is black.
One difference between Republicans and Democrats is how they handle the ‘fringe’ elements of both of their parties. Sure, there are crazy neo-nazi conservatives. They are completely shunned by every other conservative. How does the left treat their radicals? Well, they become professors, educators and are given a place at the table.
If McCain had attended, for 20 years, a church run by a white supremacist, worked repeatedly with an abortion clinic bomber, tried to stifle the free speech of opponents with legal action, or funneled tax dollars to radical right wing groups and a hospital where his wife worked (where she also coincidentally happened to receive an astronomical raise) liberals would be apoplectic with rage and fury that such a person was even nominated.
I’d say that by and large the conservative response to Obama has been pretty measured and reasonable.
2:17 am
Gee, Rick, it must be frustrating when your candidate doesn’t get the memo. Just when the conservative blogosphere had risen up as one to denounce the notion that McCain-Palin rallies were getting nasty, up pops John McCain to call out his own supporters and remind them that Obama is a decent family man.
I guess the campaign’s polling must have revealed a problem.
Let’s see, does this remind us of anything? For the confederate battle flag? Against the confederate battle flag?
8:04 am
There was a time in our not too distant past when like-minded individuals had to physically assemble together to share their thoughts. Union halls, churches, groups like the Lions and Moose, KKK, and Communist party halls were used to share thoughts, opinions, and plans. Nothing was off the table. People gathered their information from a large number of local newspapers, each with its own political slant.
Of course the vast majority of persons who were too busy living life and providing for their families had no time for such activities. But those who made it a priority had to reach out physiscally to be involved.
Now with the internet, the ability to be connected has exploded exponentially. Our time available to spend connecting is also much greater. And our collective knowledge has also grown dramatically. The group-think mentality has acheived greater certainty for which ever side of the divide you fall.
For example, there is a portion of the populace that is certain that Bush drove the war against Iraq to fill the pockets of his cronies, there are reasonable issues to be considered in our government’s involvement in 9-11, Bush stole Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004, and the government let Wall Street drive the economy into our current crisis. There is another portion equally certain that cries of voter fraud are laughable in FL and OH, but voter fraud in Milwaukee and St. Louis and Cleveland were driven by Acorn, the group that also pushed the subprime loans; that the press is attacking Palin because they are elitist, Obama is certainly a socialist if not a communist.
The biggest problem facing America, IMHO, is the intelectual divide. We have assembled into information ghettos where rumor is fact, and the threat of the “other” on both sides of the information divide is used to whip up a frenzy of emotion.
Rick, your blog is an assault on this divide, as you can tell, because you are attacked by both sides. But the red/blue ugliness appears to be headed toward a horrible tipping point. On the left I read threats of riots and civil unrest if the polls are not reflected in the elctoral college; on the right the call to load up ammunition for the expected government assault on the second amendment.
I don’t know where this is all headed, but the division of the late 1960’s is back, with greater communication capabilities, greater weaponry, and a more equal distribution of number and power. This is frightening.
9:01 am
Rick Moron doesn’t know English. He hates America. He’s a terrorist! He said “epiteths” instead of “epithets”.
Banish him! Off with his head!
9:10 am
Common sense should just tell somebody that some of the “angry mob” are Democrat plants. Any folks hurling racial epithets or shouting “kill him” may be overzealous Republicans but, more likely, they are Democrat plants saving their ammo for a convenient sound bite.
Given the MSM narrative on these stories, the Democrats have a vested interest in perpetuating the “Republicans are angry, racist, and violent” meme, and so why wouldn’t they put some plants at some McCain rallies to provid their allies in the MSM with convenient sound bites?
11:54 am
[...] Wing Nut House has more here, including this: I can’t tell you how much contempt I have for the Post and other media outlets [...]
4:56 pm
I like the idea being tossed around by several commentators that the most vitriolic spectators at McCain/Palin rallies are being planted by the DNC. It remains me of my English nephew in vacation to New York watching Star Wars fans dressed up as Jedis and other George Lucas oddities; he was convinced that they had to be paid sponsors from the movie studio. He was quite incredulous when i told him that all these freaks were strutting their antics to the world totally on their own free will and in fact paying for the privilege! (It took the kid some time to accept this fact; in fact, it may have been his strongest insight into the American character that he came away with.) So why would a political rally be any different than from a SciFi rally.
There really are a lot of genuinely upset people on the right wing; all it takes is a minuscule percentage of them to make a crown seem ugly. It is quite certain that the Democrats don’t have to pay select members of an “angry mob” to create embarrassment; the Republican party faithful are quite capable of doing it on their own. Anybody who believes otherwise is out of touch with reality.
10:07 pm
Hypocrites of the Left Laughing…
Americans are ticked off.
10:30 pm
ACORN, Media & the Angry Right…
We’re watching the press out-and-out lie in its reportage. We’re watching YouTube censor what may negatively impact their man. Networks will sell 1/2 chunks of airtime to the Obama campaign, but will not run an ad by his critics. Ann Alt…
6:53 am
Could someone please point me to any proof that these angry folks who have yellaed violent outbursts are in fact Left Plants? You all remind me of a line from a Kink’s song: “Paranoia the Destoya”. My stooge leader is going to beat your stooge leader by the way.
9:31 am