This “Better Late than Never” edition of the Carnival was truly a joy to put together this week. After all, every major institution in the United States of America – the government, the press, religious leaders – all proved that they have the collective I.Q. of a marmoset. Rarely has so much stupidity been evinced by so many in so short amount of time. This is reflected in the fact that we have a very few repeat posts from our cluebashing bloggers so that the entire panoply of cluelessness can be presented for your reading pleasure.
It’s very hard to pick the #1 Cluebat of the Week given the range and diversity of our clueless candidates. If I were forced to choose, however, it would have to be a collective award, given to the nearly 100,000 of our fellow citizens who came to Washington this week, all to get in line to be cannon fodder for terrorists. At least, that would be the practical effect of their policy prescriptions if we were to listen to them. Thankfully, they are only moonbats so we can safely ignore them. But they certainly were a colorful lot, weren’t they? For a moment, it took me back to my youthful days as a Viet Nam War protester.
The big difference I suppose is that while my friends and I really did hate the war, we had other perfectly legitimate reasons to protest; not the least of which were the protest babes who usually made up more than 50% of any anti-war crowd back in those days. Crudely put, there simply was no better place to get laid than at a protest march. And the primo drugs that were available also made marching with the moonbats a very attractive activity.
So for both nostalgic and aesthetic reasons, the “Moonbats on Parade” in Washington will be named Cluebat of the Week. And if you take a few minutes to read just a few of the posts below, maybe you’ll find something or someone that brings a tear to your eye and a lump in your throat like this past weekend’s demonstration did for me.
“Stupidity is an elemental force for which no earthquake is a match”
(Karl Kraus, Austrian poet and playwright)
“Yeah, right Karl. But what about a hurricane?”
Mark Coffey’s Weekly Jackass is noted cartoonist and ignoramus Ted Rall, who has called charity givers “suckers.” Rall certainly knows how to highlight the compassionate side of liberalism.
Fred Fry is mad at President Clinton and has a few choice words on what the former Molester-in-Chief can do with his unwanted tax cuts. It’s tax deductible too!
The Headmistress at the Common Room doesn’t believe in corporal punishment for her homeschoolers I’m sure. But she’s mad enough to cane news reporters whose reporting from New Orleans was a travesty of journalism.
Giacomo at Joust the Facts tells us about some breathtaking cluelessness evinced by of all people, the Dalai Lama. We have just GOT to get the Lama and Osama together in the same room!
Below the Beltway goes dumpster diving to find European reaction to Hurricane Katrina to be just a little too hysterical.
Those personable pachyderms from Academic Elephants shake their trunk at Cluebat Hall of Famer John Kerry whose comments at Brown University about the Bush Administration are fisked right smartly.
Angry in the Great White North comes down hard on Mother Sheehan for her complaint that she has to share TV time with unimportant things like hurricanes and such.
Two Dogs rips into a few of his commenters who need some remedial civics instruction as well as more than half a brain.
More on Kerry from our bud The Maryhunter who reminds us that John Kerry was in Viet Nam. You didn’t know that?
Pat Curley shows Mother Sheehan to be even more of a hypocrite than we knew as he’s got a photo of her body guards carrying guns. I wonder who she’s blowing kisses to?
Cao at Cao’s Blog exorcises her own personal islamofascist demon who has been tormenting her for a while. And after reading this, if you’re still prone to the siren song of tolerance when it comes to these thugs, I suggest you adopt one yourself. Just make sure to keep sharp objects away from them.
Here’s some satire to go with your afternoon tea. Mr. Right has “Angry Protesters Demand US out of US Now!”
Mike Huckabee for President sends us a link to this Alan Dershowitz piece in HuffPo on why President Bush is so dangerous. Can you believe it’s because humans are living longer, more productive lives today?
Jimmie K at But that’s Just my Opinion throws the words about the global warming hoax of Tony Blair right into the faces of the clueless greenies who should be in anguish at this point.
Our satirical friends at The Nose on your Face have done it again with their take on the “Stuck on Stupid” quote from General Honore. Like Mr. Gump says “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Speaking of stupid, the folks at ROFA Six blog present us with this piece of flummoxry from a nursing home employee who wants $9 million for…well, read it and weep.
Van Helsing fires a silver bullet at Ted Turner - “The Mouth from the South” – for his clueless pronouncements about the benevolent and peace loving North Koreans.
Beth at MVRWC has a few choice words about the controversy over a 14 year old girl being expelled from a Christian School because her parents were lesbians. Beth is begging for a membership in the NAACP.
Please go to Atlas Shrugs and see Carnival Golden Girl Pamela’s post on Ted Kennedy volunteering to plug the levees in New Orleans all by himself. The picture of Kennedy being airlifted underneath a Huey is priceless…as is the picture of Pamela in a Supergirl outfit. Woot!
Rachel at the new (to me) blog Tinkerty Tonk has a jaw-dropping post about Katie Couric and her shameless exploitation of tragedy. Good writing and a nice looking site!
B-Right and Early quotes Senator Chuck Shumer about how independent minded Democrats are when compared to Republicans. Wha? Who? WTF? Jim does a good job making Chuckie look totally clueless.
Josh Cohen at Multiple Mentality shows how Georgia Governor Perdue singlehandedly created a gas crisis in his home state. Like Kevin Bacon’s character in Animal House during the Homecoming parade riot; “Remain Calm! All is well!”
Tom Bowler from the excellent blog Libertarian Leanings highlights some head scratching comments from moonbat extraordinaire Cynthia McKinney.
Wonder Woman at North American Patriot has an eye-opener about Google searches and George Bush. This from the folks that think that Neo Nazi websites are news aggregators but that Little Green Footballs is not.
My blogbud Jay at Stop theACLU has some recent perfidy by the “rights” organization regarding the Boy Scouts and homosexuals.
How about the Ferris Buehler of the Congresss, the Sausage King of Washington, that log rolling, pork barrelling Alaskan King Crab Don Young and his comments about critics of government spending? Here are the Reaganites Unite with the forearm shiver that leaves him bloody and bleeding.
Bullwinkle at Random Numbers has some thoughts on “Hillary Clinton look-alike” Joan Baez and the aging troubador’s pronouncements on the nature of war.
Finally, here’s my post on Katrina coverage “When ‘That’s the way it is’ Isn’t.”