Enraged film goers stormed and torched the Danish and Norwegian embassies in Damascus following a showing of the 1999 movie The 13th Warrior which stars Spanish born Antonio Banderas as an Arab diplomat. The film follows his rollicking adventures with a group of hard drinking, hard fighting Vikings,
Shouting “God is Great! Banderas Sucks! several hundred jihadist movie enthusiasts were objecting to the portrayal of the poet/diplomat by Banderas, based on characters in Michael Crichton’s novel, as “unrealistic and a disgrace to Islam.”
The plot centers on the banishment of Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan Ibn Al Abbas Ibn Rashid Ibn Hamad (Yes, that’s really the name of the character played by Banderas) for falling in love with the Shiek’s daughter. Falling in with a motley collection of Viking warriors, he is enlisted to go to war against some cannibals who have been plaguing the Norseman’s kinsmen. Ahmed acquits himself well enough in the ensuing war and earns the respect of his Viking friends despite his prissiness and arrogance toward those who he considers his inferiors.
Some rioters seemed more interested in carrying away Havarti cheese and Norwegian cod cakes from the embassy’s kitchens rather than in protesting what others saw as a negative portrayal of Arabs by Banderas.
Munching on the contents of a can of King Oscar Sardines, one rioter complained that Banderas didn’t even look like an Arab.
“He looks like what an American thinks an Arab should look like,” said Saad Sadr, a taxidermist who lives in Damascus. “Look at me. I could have played that part with ease. I sort of look like Banderas plus I’m a real Arab.” Mr. Sadr added that he would have been very good in the action sequences since he has had recent experience wielding his sword against “infidels.”
It should be noted that Mr.Banderas is 5’ 9”, is ruggedly handsome, and has all of his teeth. Mr. Sadr is barely 5’ 4” and in desperate need of major dental work.
Other rioters were upset with the portrayal of Arab horses compared to Viking horses in the film with some protesters complaining that the horse ridden by Banderas had an underdeveloped character and that more could have been done with the budding love story between the horse ridden by the Viking warrior Buliwyf and the beautiful white Arabian.
Apparently the main bone of contention of the rioters was that the Vikings were portrayed as far superior fighters to the smaller, weaker Arab played by Banderas.
“It is an insult to portray Arabs as smaller than infidels,” said Abu al-Assad, an unemployed “security consultant” in Damascus. “It is typical of the west to show Arabs as being small and weak. And for this, a fatwa should be issued against all westerners who participated in the making of this film.”
The theater owner who screened the offending film canceled the showing of the matinee feature Lawrence of Arabia.
“Allah knows what these madmen would have done if they found out that Anthony Quinn was born in Mexico,” he said.
5:55 pm
To Wahhabist Islamic fundamentalists from Londonistan to Karachi, “humanism†and “idolatry†are primitive pagan sins that must be combated by all means- and that includes the beheading of “infidels†and other Shariaa-compliant niceties such as autodafes and suicide bombings…
Ironically, the main role model for these fanatical fools is not their own medieval Arab prophet Muhammad, but rather ancient Semitic heroes such as Moses who fought “the decadent/civilized Egyptians armies with a small group of Bedouin believers/guerillas†and Sicarii-in-chief Simon Bin Giora who believed that it was a “believer’s religious duty to kill infidels, collaborators and their childrenâ€
See wiki link below for more:
Eventually, secular Roman generals were left with no choice but to massacre them en masse:
“When Albinus reached the city of Jerusalem, he bent every effort and made every provision to ensure peace in the land by exterminating most of the Sicarii.” [Josephus, Jewish Antiquities (xx.208)]
7:42 pm
Heaven forbid one should portray an Arabian horse (known for small size but tremendous speed, stamina and intelligence) bred to carry lightly-armored Arab archers and swordsmen as smaller (and,I might add, FASTER - I saw the film) than a Viking horse (likely of European Warmblood stock, the same that produced the Belgian and the tall, thicker-bodied horses of Europe), bred to carry fully armored European knights. Allah save us from historical accuracy
(and sanity…while we’re at it)
8:08 pm
Over a movie this happens? Oi! It is no wonder these guys blow themselves up. The intellect has been in the desert heat too long. Missing a few cards from the deck. Paddling upstream with one oar. Lost too many marbles playing shoot with monkeys. A little too puzzled as to why the shiny pyrite did not buy the beaver skins. A movie???????? Remarkable.
8:12 pm
I assume that the fools were rioting but because of that horrid movie, no way. Well come to thnk of it I guess I could riot after Banderas did Zorro and a few others.
11:03 pm
[...] ly”. Other’s Blogging: Stop The ACLU TMH Bacon Bits Never Yet Melted Rightwing Nuthouse Hyscienc [...]
11:26 pm
Not crazed Islamist, Crazy as a bed bug Arabs, live like animals and act like animals. Just the type friends the dim-wits need…Guess the lefties are adopting the same tactic. Old Slick Willie says the dim-wit members of the house are treated like sharecroppers. I guess dem po ole boys and gals just can’t get a thing did with the oposition of them bad old publicans. They down to wearing their brogans and bib overalls 24-7. They’ll be burning hay bales and horse manure on the steps of congress next week. I shore do pity the poor soles. They still don’t realize they have lost every election in congress since 1994 and their recent acts of stupidity will assure they lose a lot more. Actually the dim-wits are all going to hell for lying, stealing and cheating and they know it, so why try to act normal. Being the most stupid bunch to ever make it to Washington don’t help their cause.
11:35 pm
Why don’t we burn down the Goddam Syrian embassy in DC? These Islamo-fascist war criminals deserve nothing less! If we follow in the footsteps of the wimp Dimmah Carter, we haven’t got a chance for survival. I say we go after the Islamo goons no matter what and wipe them off the face of the map forever!
1:07 am
Personal Finance Advice: Funny Money GigoloKitty: Snowy White and the Seven Stalkers, Part 9 Right Jokester: News Flash The Right Place: Captions Outrageous Right Wing Nuthouse: Crazed Islamists Torch Norse Embassies as Payback for “The 13th Warrior…
2:06 pm
I must take exception to this comment:
Heaven forbid one should portray an Arabian horse (known for small size but tremendous speed, stamina and intelligence)
Being a professional horseman, and knowing full well the differing temperments and abilities of various breeds of horses, I feel compelled to point out that while arabs are known for unmatched stamina, (the horse, not the people, and adherents of the North American “Mustang”, a descendent of horses the spainards brought over, would argue even this point), arabs (again, the horses, NOT the people) are NOT known for their intelligence, (being considered as “flighty” and “spooky” as a general rule) and definitely NOT their speed, as they are perhaps the slowest horse that grows over 14 “hands”.
However, certain parallels have been drawn between arab horses and the arab people, their behavior, (hot tempered, and known for doing the unexpected and downright dangerous), and their historic environment, and questions have been posed as to the connections between the ohso hot arid deserts they hail from and their propensity for doing things that other people consider…..insane.
4:42 am
Wonder what would happen if we threatened to behead all muslims who refused to convert to Christianity, as well as “wiping them off the map” for calling us all infidels. I think the person above actually made a good point. May be it’s time we gave them a little taste of their own medicine. Perhaps we should all take to marching in the streets, burning their flags,and chanting “death to Syria and Iran”! Reckon that would get their attention, or are they so carried away with the thoughts of their 72 virgins, they would still miss the bloody point?