For all of us who are breathlessly awaiting the photo-op of the Century – Karl Rove emerging from police headquarters following his arrest for Crimes Against Plame – Jason Leopold is once again tickling our curiosity and flitting around like the gadfly reporter that he is, looking over the prosecutors shoulder to tell us exactly when The Evil One will be brought low:
For the past few days, we have endured non-stop attacks on our credibility, and we have fought hard to defend our reputation. In addition, we have worked around the clock to provide additional information to our readership. People want to know more about this, and our job is to keep them informed. We take that responsibility seriously.
I love it when the self-important use the royal “we” when talking about themselves. And of course, it makes all the more dramatic when we are informed that “we have endured non stop attacks (sigh) on our credibility.”
I can’t for the life of me think of one reason why no one should believe Jason Leopold…Well, okay. I can’t think of any more than one reason why anyone should not believe Ja…Um…Anyone can make a couple of mistakes which means that doesn’t give us sufficient reason not to believe Jason Leop…
Let’s just say that’s all water under the bridge and Jason has promised us, like Bullwinkle promising Rocky about pulling the rabbit out of the hat, that “this time for sure! Presto!”
We can now report, however, that we have additional, independent sources that refute those denials by Corallo and Luskin. While we had only our own sources to work with in the beginning, additional sources have now come forward and offered corroboration to us.We have been contacted by at least three reporters from mainstream media – network level organizations – who shared with us off-the-record confirmation and moral support. When we asked why they were not going public with this information, in each case they expressed frustration with superiors who would not allow it.
Oooh those meanie network level MSM editors. If only they had the courage, the indomitable spirit and will of our Jason to go ahead and publish unconfirmed rumors all in order to report THE TRUTH…without fear or apology for being wrong.
So why leave us in suspense, Jason? Tell us, oh prescient one, when can the celebrations commence?
We reported that Patrick Fitzgerald had, “instructed one of the attorneys to tell Rove that he has 24 business hours to get his affairs in order….” That does not mean that at the end of that 24-hour period, Fitzgerald is obliged to hold a press conference and make an announcement. It just means that he has given Rove a 24-hour formal notification. Fitzgerald is not obliged to make an announcement at any point; he does so at his own discretion, and not if it compromises his case. So we’re all stuck waiting here. Grab some coffee.
Now we understand. For a minute there, you had us all going. It’s our fault that we misinterpreted “24 hours” to mean “24 hours.”
So these are “doggie hours?” Or maybe donkey hours since we are keeping time by a Democratic clock.
Whenever it happens (and I hate to inform my partisan friends but Fitzy doesn’t investigate for three years and only indict little Scooter – he needs a much larger scalp to place on his lodgepole), you can be sure that our Jason will be strutting like a peacock and crowing like a cock about how accurate he was in his reporting…even if everyone on the planet knows full well what a sorry excuse for a “reporter” he truly is.
Jeralyn Merritt continues to be one of the only lefty bloggers who seems keen on getting to the bottom of Leopold’s claims.
Ms. Merritt has a detailed post mixing intelligent speculation with some hard headed questions for Mr. Leopold. Read it all.
8:05 pm
Careful, Rick… your stiletto is showing!
I am amazed at the civil, resigned patience with which you deliver your, um, correction to this… person. I would be using “moonbat,” “idiot,” and far worse by now…
But then, I’m still working on the “patience is a virtue” thing. LOL
8:14 pm
After reportly taking his cat to the vet around the time the Leopold claims the this hard-boiled session with Fitz was taking place.
The cat’s fine, thanks. Her stool sample shows no evidence of harmful parasites, which is one of the big differences between my cat’s stools and this case.
Bob Luskin
8:22 pm
All Fitzgearld has accomplished so far is to waste millions of dollars and make an ass of himself. Reminds me of the DA in the Duke, maybe rape, maybe total lie, case. Fitz has been offered numerous sworn witnesses that say that Plame was a well know person (polite ain’t i) before some dim-wit started hollering she was outed as a CIA secretary.The entire case is a joke, and the idiot is spending my money on himself trying to extricate his head from the jaws of failure (ass). I’ll help him, as a member of a Fire Rescue organization i’ll bring the jaws or life and spread his cheeks so he can get his head out.
12:52 am
I have no issue with Fitzgerald; he is only doing his job. As a former/current Democrat, I know what Donkey time is. It is similar to what meeting someone at 10:00 am means. That person may appear between 11:30 am and 2:00 pm. Only difference with donkey time is that it is due from drinking bong water. I haven’t drank the elixar of progressiveness, but I have friends who have.
3:03 am
Given Leopold’s documented problems with cocaine addiction in the past, I’d like to pass along to our friends on the left the advice once given me by a recovering meth addict:
“Never, ever, trust an ex- junkie. Never. Because all the horrible things you’d never dream of doing—sell your body, steal from your parents, lie to your friends—they’ve already done it. And after you’ve done it once, it gets easier.”
7:13 am
We think this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.