Well, it took a while but I made it through the top 30 or so lefty blogs looking for reactions to the Reuters scam.
After disinfecting the keyboard, I got to work. It appears that out of the top lefty blogs, only 4 had anything to say about the Reuters story. And then there’s Billmon. Our friend didn’t write about the Reuters story. But he did use a photo of a woman that DFR at Drinking from Home has proven to be part of staged propaganda.
TBogg, in his usual incoherent and childish manner (is there a more immature intellect on the web?) essentially points out that yes, it’s bad that Reuters did this but RETHUGLICANS DO IT TOO…NYEAH, NYEAH, NYEAH. (One can almost see TBoy sticking his tongue out in a most defiant manner).
How very grown up of you. Maybe next year, your mama will let you go to the playground all by yourself as long as you look both ways before crossing the street…
Ahab blogging at Roger Ailes site also takes the juvenile road by using the Reuters scam to savage Powerline for not posting a complete answer by Rep. John Dingell to the question of whether or not he was “against Hizbullah.” Dingell answered “no” and then tried to prove he was neutral (meaning of course, he was not against Hizbullah) but which the lefty blogs erupted because the guys didn’t include Dingell’s long winded explanation regarding his agnosticism about a terrorist group.
I know, I know…But you have to think like a liberal to understand the “nuance” involved.
At any rate, Ahab only mentions the Reuters story in passing – as if we get this kind of thing all the time so what’s the big deal? I guess I’m just not sophisticated enough to be blase about a wire service with thousands of clients printing fake pictures in order to advance the public relations cause of a terrorist group.
Brad at Sadly, No! takes exactly the right attitude – for a Hizbullah toady. He condemns the offending photo as “unethical” and then adds the Hiz Spin:
Now, while I think it’s unethical for Reuters to photoshop any picture it runs, I have to ask… is there really that much of a difference between the two that justifies the wingnutosphere’s scream fest? I mean, to me it looks like the photographer mostly darkened the smoke in the picture so it’d look better in black-and-white. I can’t believe this is the best the wingnutosphere can come up with nowadays.
Moral blindness personified. It isn’t a question about whether there is little difference between the two pictures, the fact is that the doctored photo was done to elicit a greater emotional response from the reader. This is the essence of propaganda which makes ‘ole Brad a truly useful idiot of Hizbullah. Even when presented with incontrovertible evidence he’s being taken for a fool, he goes right on acting and thinking foolishly.
The only lefty who seems to get it a little bit is Taylor Marsh who, not surprisingly, is more centrist than leftist on some issues. Ms. Marsh makes a valid point about why this kind of thing happens in the first place:
As if we needed more corporate media disrespect, we’ve now got Reuters’ propaganda. They’ve now admitted to actually doctoring a picture to show more smoke and disaster in Lebanon than was happening in a certain snapshot. It’s bad enough in Beirut, so we surely don’t need to push this envelope, not to mention heighten mistrust of the media. There are not that many corporate outlets willing to risk their people in war zones as it is.
Indeed, the reason Hizbullah is able to get away with this kind of crap is because the mainstream press, for a variety of reasons – some good, some bad – are not covering this war with their own people. The extensive use of stringers has been forced on media outlets due to the danger, the lack of personnel, and the limitations imposed by the warring parties. We see the same thing in Iraq, only magnified considerably because the danger is so much greater thanks to the lawlessness in Baghdad as well as hatred of westerners in general.
This brings us to Billmon of Whiskey Bar and his use of the old woman photo who seems to turn up whenever Reuters needs a “grieving old woman standing in front of her ruined house” picture.
She appears to be the same woman seen in two different pictures, mourning the loss of two different homes, on two different dates.
It is very hard to say for sure, but it appears to me that the picture in Billmon’s post is of an entirely different neighborhood as well. At the very least, this woman has been moved around in order to get great background shots of the devastation. We know this because when Hizbullah takes the press out for a Devastation Photo Op, they rope them off and only show them images that the terrorists want presented to the world.
But Billmon should not be criticized too harshly. After all, he was unaware of the Hizbullah propaganda shenanigans and only used the photo to elicit a gut wrenching, emotional response from the reader. In other words, even if the photo wasn’t staged, he was doing Hizbullah’s work for them.
He also has a picture of Mr. “Green Helmet” whose traveling mortician show magically moves from Lebanese town to Lebanese town. “Green Helmet” was in both Qana and Tyre and just coincidentally happened to bring out dead children in both cities, parading them shamelessly before the penned up reporters down what the EU Referendum blog calls “Stretcher Alley.” Read the jaw dropping piece by EU Ref accompanied by photo evidence that at the very least raises enormously troubling questions about the way that wire services are getting their photos and writing their stories.
And for my lefty friends out there, let me make it absolutely clear that by examining the aftermath of what happened at Qana and Tyre in no way diminishes the fact that civilians lost their lives as a result of a bomb dropped by the IAF. That fact is not in dispute here. I think it a baldfaced lie to say that Israel deliberately targets civilians but I am not arguing that the IAF’s actions leave them blameless. They have freely admitted to making a mistake in Qana, apologized for it, and even changed their targeting regime to help prevent it ever happening again.
What does concern me is that you have become the unwitting propaganda pawns of Hizbullah when you ignore what Reuters has admitted doing; they have pulled every single one of Mr. Hajj’s photos from their archives because he has apparently been doctoring photos for weeks. The implications are staggering. It is now impossible to trust any “news” coming from Reuters. Anyone who does is a fool. And my gut feeling is that these revelations will not be confined to Reuters. It would not surprise me in the slightest if in the coming days we see similar stories about photos from AP, UPI, AFP and other wire service outfits.
And what about stringers being used by the big newspapers like the New York Times and WaPo? Can we really trust these outlets to vet their stringers and make sure that they are as unbiased as possible in this conflict? Can we be assured that the stringer’s BS detector is good enough to tell the difference between propaganda and news?
This story is a foreshock. The earthquake that may follow could rock the media establishment like no other event in our lifetimes. Am I exaggerating? I wonder what they’re talking about at AP today? Do you think they’re nervous over at UPI? Has someone been tasked at AFP with looking at old photos with a more critical eye?
These and other mainstream outlets live or die by selling the appearance of unbiased truth. By exposing Reuters as a propaganda arm of Hizbullah, the blogs have shown that the media emperors have little clothing left covering their behinds. And that’s the kind of perception that directly affects the bottom line.
Jeff Jarvis gets it. In spades:
It seems more likely an act of agenda that fits into the current argument about proportionalism in the Hizbullah-Israel war. One side of the argument is, of course, that Israel’s security was violated by Hizbullah, and it has a right to defend itself and to assure that these attacks will stop by disarming or disabling Hizbullah. The other side of the argument we hear now is that Israel’s response is disproportionate, an argument I find puzzling in war, where the disproportion is in winning or losing (I have blogged on this here and here and here). If the effort is not to make war look worse but to make one side in it look disproporationate, then I suppose it makes sense to make the smoke bigger and blacker. It makes sense if that is your agenda.
It doesn’t make sense if what you’re trying to do is report the news.
And in addition to the usual jaw dropping variety of links in her round-up, Malkin adds this:
If Reuters had half a brain, it would post all of Hajj’s photos on a separate site and welcome continued blogger analysis that uncovered this debacle in the first place. Withdrawing the photos to cover their tracks is a dumb idea.
If they are interested in the truth, they will harness the power of the Internet’s distributed intelligence network—not cut it off.
Thee’s never a half a brain around when you need one…
I got a very interesting email from a professional photo-journalist who disabused me of some notions about working in a war zone:
Actually, if you were a journalist with experience in a war zone, or a disaster
site, you’d understand that this is common enough practice. They cordon off a
“secured” area to keep the group safe for their tour. Once the tour is over,
you can go where you want. This is done everywhere, not only by Hezbollah. For
example, on disaster sites, down in NOLA, and at Ground Zero. It’s a common
practice to keep reporters and photogs from stepping into a hole or worse,
during the tour.
Point taken. However, I doubt if you were at NoLA or Ground Zero, they would threaten your life if you aimed your camera at the wrong target.
This is also an excellent point:
Also, you and others keep harping on pictures that seem out of place by date.
The old woman for example. It is not uncommon for a number of things to happen.
First, the photog takes a series of pictures of an event. The one of the woman
could average up to 100. (Fast exposure, multi-series with a digital camera
etc) Easy. And, they could very well show many different backgrounds. I’ve
taken pictures like this many times.
I’ve looked at the pictures you site, and it is just not possible to tell if it
is the same background or not. Not enough info to make that judgement. A point
you struggle with as well. With no real definitive answer.
Agreed. My primary beef with the old woman is that the captions cited by DFH are on two different dates. Perhaps the second one was a result of your editor needing something dramatic. Fine. But the caption from the later date makes it seem as if the Israelis had just destroyed her home the previous night.
Not exactly honest journalism, in my opinion.
Thanks to “Camera A” for the fascinating background info.
1:22 pm
[...] Update: The left reacts the only way they know how, by ignoring what the scandal implies about media coverage of the Middle East and downplaying it instead to minimize wingnut point-scoring. “Moral blindness personified,” says Moran. [...]
3:04 pm
Publish all of the pictures and welcome analysis?? My guess is Reuters is more interested in burial than analysis when it comes to any pictures which may have been doctored. But more dangerous and more reprehensible are the staged photo opps, like the Qana show. Not necessary to Photoshop any of these pics, but how many were from previous events? How many bodies were literally refrigerator-trucked in by green-helmet, just to make certain the heart rending woman/child death ratio would be adequately over-represented. In other words, I’d be more interested in discovering the number of truly despicable, willing accomplices Hizballah has in its media circle.
3:37 pm
Early reaction:
The republicans do it too?
Where? The libs love to accuse and then not follow-up with proof.
Moreover, does the dolt not see the association he has implied along with the one he has drawn?
Reuters is a NEWS organization. Republicans are a POLITICAL party.
In one foolish statement he is making a double assertion, without explicitly stating both:
1) Reuters is a liberal (controlled) media outlet. (this is something the left never admits to. They continually whip the “MSM.”)
2) The Republicans have a similar media arm/presence, because they “do it all the time.”
He has in backwards manner confessed to having at least part of the MSM as a liberal lap dog rather than an independent reporter of FACTS. In a direct manner he has attempted to paint the Republicans and similar manipulators of the news.
We’d like to be, but we are mighty short on lap dogs.
The left in the meantime is short on lap space, there are so many clammouring to climb up.
4:01 pm
[...] Rick Moran exposes my secret identity as a Hizbullah Islamoblogofascist operative: [...]
4:42 pm
Hey guys,
More fun with photoshop:
Anybody seen the newest from our friend Hajj in the NYTimes? This one is so full of mistakes, I don’t know where to start, but judge for yourself and see if you agree with me.
1. I’m sorry, but the guy on the stretcher looks like a cardboard cutout! His head is not resting on the “stretcher†and how is his weight being shown by those who are supposedly carrying him? Especially the hands in front…he’s carrying the stretcher with one hand? BS! I looked at the wall behind his hands and the stretcher is not resting on that either.
2. The whole thing is as fake as hell! What they are carrying him on looks like paper and on which there is not even a fraction of the weight necessary to make this believable.
3. Now look at the guy standing behind the “victim’s†head. He is not even looking at the victim, is WAY out of proportion to the victim…and if you look really closely you see that he has no legs
This one is TOAST as far as I’m concerned! Been a photographer for about 30 years and this is another sloppy fraud
Nice going Reuters, Hajj, Keller and the NYT! Doh!
4:53 pm
These pics get faker and faker each time some pinhead takes off his lens cap …. what is going on here, surely someone other than Rick and all us with half a brain are seeing this.
5:02 pm
It is never the crime that gets you, but the cover-up.
If the media have nothing to fear, then thay can come clean and open their archives and demonstrate that all of the images of an event are available and that the metadata is available… all from the raw images and video. Cover-up, obfuscate and attempt to claim that it was just one individual, when it is a multi-year problem by more than one editorial review team at multiple media organizations will not cut it. They have let obvious fraud pass as real and purport it to be news. What they are giving, instead, is that journalistic thing called a story. Not all news is part of a story and often times the story can only be put together months and years after the events have happened. Similarly not all stories are news.
This started in the 1970’s when going after the story became important and putting the news into a storyline was made the credo of journalism. Mere reporting won no awards. Presenting factual representations did not gain plaudits. But creating a story? Beloved by the news.
So now image archive is forever tainted by the fact that there was poor or no editorial oversight, that telling a story was more important than mere news. How much ELSE is there in the archive that has been misreported, misrepresented, or simply fraudulently added. And as Adnan Hajj has sold his pictures to MULTIPLE news organizations this indicates that it is more than just Reuters. Exactly how much fiction is being given to the public on a daily basis? And exactly what has and has not been created by lack of oversight, inept editing or outright fraud and given as news?
And what happens in a few years when adding 3D animated photorealistic data streams becomes possible? Moore’s Law pushes that capability down and hard. Set standards for openness and transparency now and these things can be spotted more readily and individuals held accountable. Give them a pass… and I am sure that we will be at war with Oceania soon… or Eastasia…
5:02 pm
MidEast War: 85
August 7 2006 12:00 PDT War News (Blogs & Opinion below) 15:01 PDT President Bush and Secretary Rice called for a comprehensive solution to the problem in Lebanon. “Sometimes the world likes to take the easy route in order to…
6:06 pm
At the risk of giving TBogg more attention than is merited, it should be noted that the comparison he makes is between Reuters on one hand and politicians/activists on the other. So his premise appears to be that we should consider Reuters to be a political group with a particular agenda that it advances with questionable tactics. I’m pretty sure that’s not the mesage he intended to send, but there will be many who will welcome his implicit concession regarding Reuters.
6:38 pm
Why not go for the gold and try for the Rev Guards? President Dinnerplate can always use a good man.
Plus he’s got all that petrol cash. I bet he has to actually look for ways to spend it all – I mean, how many centrifuges can one man use in a lifetime?
6:51 pm
Reuters Rocked: More Adnan Hajj Photoshopping & The Reuters Lebanese Mystery Woman Who’s Always Ready For Her Close-Up
*****UPDATE***** Reuters pulls all Hajj photos. Congratulations conservative blogosphere, especially Jawa, you’ve done it again. SCROLL to the bottom of this post for full details and more updates… ****SCROLL FOR UPDATES**** AFP labels one photo wit…
6:54 pm
- The more balanced outlets like FOX are pressing the story, but none of them are addressing the other have of the ruse, “stagging”, which is even more insidious than photoshopping.
– Rueters is laying smoke in other ways, hoping no one asks why the photo reviewers have not been taken to task. We are left to assume that freelancers were being given carte balnche to submit feeds directly with zero ed oversight. That aspect of the whole mess is even more damning that “Reutering” photo’s. I don’t believe that for a heartbeat, and they’re avoiding that problem entirely anyway.
It was cute the way they also avoided dealing with the second fake they put up when they pulled the first fake. Stone walling time.
7:05 pm
Why do you bother paying the left any attention, if you think we’re nothing but childish fools ? You chide Tbogg for not being serious enough about this tempest in a teapot, yet have nothing constructive, or mature, to say in your own right.
The MSM does not have a liberal bias. Maybe it did, twenty or thirty years ago, but not now, not in the age of Fox and corporate consolidation. You know this, but don’t care, because attacking the MSM boogeyman will always play well with your target audience. But if you want to assault the left as immature you should try doing more than trying to game the ref in your own work, Rick. Politics and war are not sporting events, no matter how much many on the right seem to want to treat them as such. People are dying, and you’re attacking the left over the relative significance of how dark and dense the smoke in the picture actually was?
As for your claim the left side of the blog world has ignored the photo, two things. One, you only mention THREE relatively major lefty outlets that were on it yourself. Take another look and you’ll find plenty more. Thing is, and this is my second point, it ain’t that big a deal. I’ve yet to find any reasonable argument as to why the difference in color and density of the smoke is of any true significance. Reuters fired the photog, and has probably dozens of stringers in the area. That one allowed his personal beliefs to corrupt his professionalism doesn’t mean Reuters is a propoganda machine.
Would a single corrupt broker mean an entire wall street firm was corrupt? Does a single corrupt cop mean the entire force is corrupt? Or does a single bad apple only taint those groups and institutions you dislike?
8:39 pm
“the fact is that the doctored photo was done to elicit a greater emotional response from the reader.”
Your not REALLY this thick are you? Brad’s point was that whether or not that was why it was done, the doctored photo isn’t particualrly more emotional than the undoctored one. If anything, it’s less, because it looks, well, so stupidly fake.
You can call it apologist if you want, but that’s only to distract people from the fact that his point is perfectly valid: as an attempt to try and manipulate people, this would flunk in everywhich way.
9:06 pm
I think Brad has a point. People are dying and the Rove Patrol is worried about facts. When it comes to war you should always trust your feelings. No worries about the facts – we can always fit the facts around your feelings, no matter how delicate or how sophisticated the software required.
Layers. Like an onion without the skin.
10:06 pm
I’ll speak slowly for you brad so that you understand, because it is important. Ready? Here we go. If the press, like Reuters, from whom we get the news, is caught lying, then who can we go to when we need to know the news? The level of the lie does not reduce the fact that it was a lie.
I hope that helped.
11:44 pm
EXCLUSIVE: Another BIG Reuters / Adnan Hajj Scandal Busted
I was turned on to yet another Hajj scandal by reader Michelle, and have dug a little deeper to add to it. Obviously Hajj is officially discredited so the piling on isn’t necessary, but the point still remains that Reuters…
11:56 pm
PHOTOS: “Green Helmet’s” Friend “White T-Shirt” A Hizbollah Fighter?
This is one I’ll leave for readers and especially photo experts to decide on their own, but reader Michelle wonders if the man known as “White T-Shirt” (yeah, “Green Helmet’s Qana pal), is actually the same man as a Hizbollah…
1:05 am
If the press, like Reuters, from whom we get the news, is caught lying, then who can we go to when we need to know the news?
Why…FOX news, of course!
1:39 am
I’ve had no illusions about the press since my first real encounter with them in 1966 when Charles Whitman shot people from the UT Tower just a few blocks from my front yard. We drove to New York for our vaction the next day and the body counts gained the further north we drove. When we got to NYC he had shot 200 total killing 120+. It took years just to get an accurate count from the Austin press and TV news.
The press lies and makes stuff up to squeeze their pathetic dime out of peoples pockets and sell advertising. If you’ve ever been interviewed you know it. If you’ve ever been involved in a news story you know it. If you’ve ever been accused of something sensational you know it. It’s time everyone comes to grips with it, investigate the bastards and give them a dose of their own arrogant medicine. There’s your real Pulitzer worthy journalism.
1:48 am
The sound of silence from the Left
As I stated before, I was gone all weekend and am still catching up with the Reuters’ faked photos scandal … What should surprise, but doesn’t, is the total shutout of this story by some of the big guns of…
1:51 am
Here’s an idea…why don’t all of you knuckle-draggers get a fukking life.
2:22 am
I have a life, which includes a framework of know what is right or wrong.
aka morality
Why don’t you start with the dictionary and branch out from there, eh?
4:57 am
Eveel Librul:
Here’s an idea, why don’t all you libruls (your mispell, not mine)terrorists sympathizers, get a room at kos or code pinkie motel—hear the rates are good thre, or just take a bus to cindly sheenut’s fradulantly obtained house in Texas where you’d feel right at home with mama sheenut but watch out, the litte town ain’t very happy that sheenut lied to get the property, such an upstanding liberal loon.
7:43 am
the fact is that the doctored photo was done to elicit a greater emotional response from the reader
so, you’re a mind-reader, too ? what a fabulous talent!
What does concern me is that you have become the unwitting propaganda pawns of Hizbullah when you ignore what Reuters has admitted doing; they have pulled every single one of Mr. Hajj’s photos from their archives because he has apparently been doctoring photos for weeks. The implications are staggering. It is now impossible to trust any “news†coming from Reuters.
so, they do the absolutely correct thing in pulling the photos, and this proves that they can’t be trusted. is there any action they could’ve taken which would’ve proved that they can be trusted? apparently no. sounds to me like you’re just looking for a reason to whine.
7:49 am
Here’s an idea…why don’t all of you knuckle-draggers get a fukking life.
I have a life, little Miss Eveel Librul, thank you very much. Part of my life is exposing and ridiculing brain-dead apologists for genocidal maniacs like yourself.
Here’s an idea … why don’t you get a dictionary and a clue?
7:54 am
[...] Ummmm, not. Of course. [...]
8:18 am
It seems this whole affair is more symptomatic than unusual. Everyone manipulates media to form thier own propaganda. Look at the tv over the weekend,IDF media managers espousing the party line.The political process in america has been this way for the last decade.The DCI group about the Gore movie,swiftboating, regency. It is just a shame (and to the detriment of both ordinary americans and democracy)the only two parties that ever lead? started and keep “catapulting” the messages.
As for Tbogg, i like his blog. well rounded and human, unlike many right leaning bogs.I have noticed many more left leaning blogs offer comments than right, i think it indicates a more open mindedness towards tolerating other peoples opinions and debating them.
Maybe the right leaning blogs are to busy “catapulting” the agenda to allow particpation.
8:33 am
Rob Said: 3:37 pm
Early reaction:
The republicans do it too?
Where? The libs love to accuse and then not follow-up with proof.
There were around 20 words between the start of TBogg’s post and the graphics you couldn’t find. Got Ritalin?
8:38 am
It isn’t a question about whether there is little difference between the two pictures, the fact is that the doctored photo was done to elicit a greater emotional response from the reader. This is the essence of propaganda which makes ‘ole Brad a truly useful idiot of Hizbullah.
This of course applies equally to the link he provided at the end of that post. The one where you can find the exact same sentiment about the exact same thing from holocaust deniers.
8:46 am
It is never the crime that gets you, but the cover-up.
If the media have nothing to fear, then thay can come clean and open their archives and demonstrate that all of the images of an event are available and that the metadata is available… all from the raw images and video.
By “this event” you mean the airstrikes in Beirut where this was one photo among 44 pages of photos yesterday on Yahoo news, the lead story of every media outlet on the planet. That event?
The evidence is that there was a bombing, followed by fire, followed by smoke is a little lacking for you is it?
What meta-data do you believe exists inside photographs you believe don’t?
10:37 am
Seven – Other than the quoted text, your comment seems to be in a language other than english. Want to try again, so we can understand you?
1:41 pm
the liberals have become a parody of a parody…
a very amusing joke…
1:47 pm
Remember NoLa during Katrina, and the thousands of deaths, rapes, looting, starvation?
Nah, no agenda at work in the media. None whatsoever. Which is why Reuters’ Moira Whittle said there would be no investigation into’s Hajj’s work. Until the blogs conducted it and found MORE chicanery. And Reuters answered by deleting everything they had.
Are they investigating now? Not that I’ve heard.
1:48 pm
If the press, like Reuters, from whom we get the news, is caught lying, then who can we go to when we need to know the news?
let me guess… Rush, Malkin and Hanitty ? maybe O’Reilly ?
and, no, Reuters wasn’t “caught lying”, they found out that one of their employees was breaking the rules, so they suspended him. Reuters only mistake was in hiring him – a mistake that’s only visible via the magic of hindsight, of course.
2:08 pm
Problem, Haji. THIS is what HAPPENS when you F*** with Reality!
3:15 pm
Deranged Progressives in Denial Watch
Little Green Footballs
Right Wing Nut House pulls on the hip waders and forges into the fever swamp of the lefty blogosphere, to see what they’re saying about the Reuters Photoshop Scandal: Hizbullah’s “Useful Idiots” Mum About…
4:05 pm
Qana and Nick Berg
What could the two possibly have in common?
6:54 pm
I wonder how effective face recognotion software would be in the attempt to identify the ‘professional’ victims.
Great post.
10:13 pm
The fact that our homegrown war porn aficionados apparently find this offense more atrocious than the vile crimes being committed in this war—by their side as well as by the officially designated terrorists—speaks volumes about their ethical priorities, not to mention their sanitary habits.
“To call them morally depraved would be like calling Jeffrey Dahmer a meat eater.
12:20 am
Yet More Photos
I keep thinking this story will go to the backburner, but Allah and the other bloggers keep digging up more dirt. And one made it to the cover of …
4:41 am
Sorry, Carol Johnson from comment nr 5, you are really out of your rocker… Just put on your glasses and look at the picture again…
1. There are plenty of hands holding the stretcher.
2. Nothing is out of proportion.
3. Why should the guy look at the wounded man and not under his legs?
4. Which he BTW certainly has? Just look again?
6:26 am
So some smoke was digitally manipulated in an image of an attack on civilians supposedly to elicit a greater emotional response.
The question is why is the Left silent.
Could it be the same reason the Right was silent about this:
Blog Search
Maybe that building in Beirut is just more important to the Right than the Left. Just like the attack on the WTCs were more important to the Left than the Right. Right?
I mean that looks like the same type of fuller-bodied upright smoke coming out of the WTC that we’ve been told implies the Jews did something terrible.
Maybe all those conspiracy theory whackjobs were Right all along. And don’t bother helping al Qaeda by disagreeing with the importance of this amatuer interpretation of the implications of smoke being digitally enhanced in an image of a burning building.
6:04 pm
[...] UPDATE: The Silence of the MSM’s Useful Idiots: RWN’s Rick Moran takes a walk on the left-side of the Sphere and returns to tell the doleful tale.â€This story is a foreshock. The earthquake that may follow could rock the media establishment like no other event in our lifetimes. Am I exaggerating? I wonder what they’re talking about at AP today? Do you think they’re nervous over at UPI? Has someone been tasked at AFP with looking at old photos with a more critical eye?†[...]
9:02 pm
[...] PowerLine: Yalla Ya Nasrallah Blackfive Young Americans Trailer And Video Clips YouTube: Pallywood Sake Light: Propaganda Videos – Collection of stuff Hot Air: Photoshop Warriors LGF: Reuters Doctoring Photos from Beirut? Left and Right: Reuters Faking Photos Ave of Spades: Reuters Doctors Photos From Lebanon!! Publius Pundit: More Enemy Media Hijinks? LGF: Anatomy of a Media Event Staged by Terrorists EU Referendum: The Corruption of the Media Newsbusters: Propaganda 101 The Strata Sphere: Qana Deaths From Hezbollah IED? Michelle Malkin: Not so fast, Reuters Gateway Pundit: New York Times Busted in Hezbollah Photo Fraud! Hot Air: Video: “Popular Mechanics†editor debunks 9/11 myths on O’Reilly LGF: TIME Reporter: Hizballah Has Our Passports LGF: Engel: “We Will Kill You if You Film These Rockets” LGF: The Larger Issue LGF: I Am The Slime From Your Video Opinion Journal: Jihadis Playing Possum RightWingNutHouse: Hizbullah’s “useful Idiots†Mum About Reuters Scam Front Page Magazine PDF: Big Lies Demolishing The Myths of the Propaganda War Against Israel Herald Sun / Andrew Bolt: Hezbollah sinks Australian warship LGF: Fox Shows Green Helmet Staging Corpse LGF: Reuters Shills for Death Cult Ideology Global Guerrillas: Propaganda Wars The Speculist: Winning the Meme Wars (and catch phrases!) More from the Speculist [...]
7:48 pm
Sexy cam babes, free live chat…