Sometime early this evening, my sitemeter will turn over and register the one millionth visitor to enter The House.
Thems a lot of right wing nuts.
Of course, many of you are nothing of the sort. Some of you are spambots. Some of you are lefties. And when I can figure out the difference, I’ll let you know.
Come to think of it…there really isn’t that much difference between them. Both are annoying. Both are full of gibberish. And both make grandiose claims without supplying a shred of proof. I suppose one could detect a difference between a spam trackback that promises me a satisfying sexual experience with a young, nubile golden haired woman covered from head to toe in olive oil and a comment by some liberal about Shrub. But you’d have to look real hard and suspend belief equally between the two.
(C’Mon fellas. You had to expect a little dig in honor of this milestone. You know I really don’t mean everything I say about liberals.)
In all seriousness, I am in awe. There are so many people who have helped along the way with advice and encouragement that I know if I start a long list, I will forget some important people.
Let me just say that without my blogmama Cao and all my friends at Wideawakes Blog and now Wideawakes Radio, I never would have gotten into blogging in the first place.
Pat Curley was the one of the first bloggers to link to me and put me on the Kerryhaters blogroll.
The Watcher honored me by picking me for the prestigious Watchers Council whose alumni include some of the best bloggers around. The Council has given my writing a wide distribution among other bloggers and allowed me the privilege of making friends with bloggers like Dymphna and Dave Schuler.
Tom Lifson at American Thinker has been a friend as well as being very supportive of my writing by editing and publishing my articles in his E-Zine.
The Commissar has been enormously helpful and has shared his love and fascination of science with me on more than one occasion.
Scott Johnson at Powerline has linked me many times and offered his advice and encouragement with a generous spirit.
Ed Morrissey - a true Christian gentleman – has been a supporter of this blog almost from the beginning. I’m not the only one who has found inspiration at Captains Quarters.
Allahpundit is another long time supporter of this site whose good humor and generosity is always much appreciated.
Michelle Malkin has always taken the time to read anything I’ve sent her and has been generous in her support of this site.
To those I’ve mentioned and those I haven’t, thanks from the bottom of my heart for everything you do to make blogging so much fun and fulfilling.
10:47 am
11:59 am
Congrats, my friend! You rock! Somebody when I grow up I wanna be JUST like you….
1:18 pm
I’ve popped a bottle of bubbly and toasted you, CONGRATS RICK.
1:23 pm
2:50 pm
By the way…that picture?
That’s the stuff nightmares are made of. Clowns are evil.
6:17 pm
Good job!
The clown is disturbing. Don’t do it again.
7:49 pm
Furtive Glances – Cease Fire Edition
I’d better take advantage of the current cessation of hostilitiesedition of Furtive Glances before the whole house of cards falls apart. One of the more thorough and thoughtful bloggers around, Rick Moran of the Right Wing Nut House, will be
11:12 pm
It’s I who am honored to have you on board!
And I’m sure Dymphna and Dave Schuler appreciate your shout-outs… but they would probably appreciate them a bit more if you managed to spell their names right.
(By the way, I almost got to take credit for sending you your millionth nut, but I was about four nuts off… alas!)
9:31 am
Congratulations, well deserved.
9:39 am
Dispensing Hits to the Competition
The People’s Cube is growing on me. It’s very original and occassionally very, very funny. Check out the comments, too. Some of the Photoshops are priceless. ...