Is it just me or are the flights of rhetorical nonsense emanating from the Muslim world regarding the Pope’s remarks getting more surreal as we go along?
We’ve seen murder, mayhem, and arson from our peace loving Muslim brethren over the last few days, all in response to a perceived insult from someone who’s been dead for more than 700 years. Now, I agree that’s a lot of lost time to make up for but there’s got to be a limit to the rage exhibited by the adherents to the Religion of Peace. I mean, isn’t there a statute of limitations on hyper-emotional outbursts and unreasoning hatred?
Silly me.
I suppose we should all be comforted by the brilliant idea advanced by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, a noted Muslim scholar, who has torn a page from the Abbie Hoffman School of Grievance Mongering and called for a “Day of Rage” for Muslims on Friday:
“I urge Muslims to take to the streets on the last Friday in the month of Shaban, to express their anger in a peaceful and rational manner,” Qaradawi, chairman of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), told Al-Jazeera’s Al-Shari`ah and Life program late on Sunday, September 17.“Muslims should be wise in their anger,” he stressed, warning against attacking churches, individuals or property
And if one wants evidence of a towering state of denial among moderate Muslims about the nature of these protests, all you have to do is read this next quote from the article linked above in Islamonline:
The prominent scholar regretted that some Christian places of worship had been attacked over the past few days.“It is unfortunate that such a mistake was made by a man who represents one of the largest denominations in Christianity,” Qaradawi said.
“It is unfortunate as well that the pope insulted a great religion whose followers are up to one billion people.”
I may be missing something but do you see anything in what the Sheik said that indicates he regrets that “some Christian places of worship had been attacked?” I see him not knowing that the Roman Catholic Church is not “one of the largest denominations” in Christianity but the largest by far. But what you don’t see is a connection between what was written in the article and what was said by the scholar. If this is what passes for “regret” on the part of moderate Muslims, we are in deep trouble.
Mike Lee of ABC News tries to be helpful in explaining why, even if the protests on Friday turn violent, it isn’t the Muslims fault:
But why do Islamic leaders use what many Westerners regard as inflammatory language?Because it is not inflammatory, at least not in the context of Islamic culture. “We must not try to interpret Islamic terms and cultural signals by using our Western ideas,” said Fawaz Gerges, a professor in the department of international affairs and Middle Eastern studies at Sarah Lawrence College, and an ABC News consultant. Gerges pointed out that in Islamic culture “ghadab” means anger or frustration. A day of rage does not mean a day of jihad (war), added Gerges.
Mimi Daher, a Muslim woman working in the ABC Jerusalem bureau, explained that the Grand Multi in Jerusalem reflected this cultural mindset today when he said, “Muslims have to express their anger. Was the pope expecting Muslims to clap their hands to him while hurting their faith and prophet? Of course not. We call on Muslims throughout the world to react in a disciplined manner, according to our Islamic faith.”
I believe what the Pope may have been expecting is exactly what occurred; an illustration for his thesis about reason and violence in the name of religion. The fact that this has passed completely over the heads of his intended targets shouldn’t surprise us. Nor should it surprise us that Muslims would lift whole passages out of the “aggrieved minority” PR handbook to try and elicit the Pavlovian response by western liberals to blame themselves for the violence. Eric at Classical Values:
That difference is what we in the West naively call civilization. We tend to assume that all people want to be civilized. The enemies of civilization don’t. They want to kill us. For things like looking at the wrong pictures. For quoting obscure Byzantine emperors. And what do we do?We apologize, because among civilized people, an apology is seen as the civilized thing to do when someone is offended. The problem is, uncivilized people see apologies as weakness. No number of apologies is ever enough. Which means one is too many.
No, it is never enough. And that’s why this “Day of Rage” will not be the end to Muslims venting their “grievances” against any and all perceived slights against the Prophet or Islam. Mike Lee once again helps us understand by obscuring the larger truth:
There are at least two important reasons why Muslims react with such passion when the Prophet is called into question. First, to Muslims, Mohammed represents an absolutism. His is the absolute prophecy. To question that is to challenge the foundation of their belief system. As for Westerners making jokes about Christ, or movies that question the teachings of the church, many devout Muslims will ask, “Why don’t the Christians defend their prophet more vigorously? Just because some of you Christians don’t stick up for your Christ, don’t ridicule us for sticking up for Mohammed.”
I’ll allow my favorite Catholic, The Anchoress, to answer that:
There are important distinctions not being made here. Muhammed, for all that he is praised – for all he is “absolute†– was still a man, and Islam (as far as I can tell) does not claim him to be more than man. All of the bloodshed and anger we’ve been witnessing, for example, over the Danish cartoons, has been in vengence of perceived slights about a man who – however blessed by God – was still simply a human being.Christ on the other hand is not a “prophet,†(although this is how the Muslims understand him), and he is not simply a man. We Christians believe and assert that He is God, identified as the second part of the Triune God (whose Trinity might be best understood as “Body, Mind and Spirit of God – Christ being the Body). He is also our Savior. And Christians DO defend Christ against the bigoted mockery and disrespect of the unbelievers in our midst…we just don’t do it by calling for their deaths, threatening them with death or running into the streets to burn things, destroy things and get folks worked up enough to kill people, and we would like it – the whole world would really, really like it – if the adherents of Islam could possibly learn to defend their prophet without feeling the need to do all of this violence and raging.
As I wrote yesterday, Muslim apologists like Juan Cole chalk the violence up to a post-colonial hangover, a gene that was surreptitiously planted in Muslims by evil westerners that turns itself on whenever Islam is insulted.
The politically incorrect explanation is cultural. We have a people “out of time” – that is, their world is not in sync with the 21st century calendar. Couple that with the inability of their institutions to make the leap across time to bring them into the modern, globalized world and what we have is a crisis in expectations.
The key, of course, is the Muslim faith itself. As Mike Lee points out, Mohammed represents absolutism. His dictates are not open for debate or discussion. In this sense, the Koran is not an interpretive text in the same way that most westerners see the Bible. And while most Muslims like most Christians honor their religious strictures in the breach, it is the values and lifestyle laid down by the Prophet that permeates life in Muslim lands.
Some more “moderate” Muslim countries like Indonesia and Malaysia seek to intermix ancient cultural traditions with Koranic law while adopting some of the material values of the west. What you get in Indonesia is a powderkeg. Bitter end Muslims are seeking to carve out a separate Muslim country to distance themselves from the disease of modernity and their tactics are remarkably similar to what their co-religionists in the Middle East use. Other nations with large Muslim minorities like the Philipines and China are witnessing similar efforts.
Perhaps it is time to ask if Islam is capable of “modernizing?” The first step would be some kind of self-examination, something The Anchoress wonders about:
But listen, the Muslims quoted above have said this “Day of Rage†is not “Jihad.†They’ve said they need the world to see that they are “aggrieved,†again. So good, say I; do it. Have your day of rage. Let the world see how very, very angry you are. But when you’re done raging on Friday and it comes to Saturday…then what? Then will you be ready to sit down and talk about your faith and your grievances, like adults? Finally? Will that be the point at which you can settle down and talk to the rest of humanity like human beings, in the same respectful tones you say you seek?What do you think will happen after your “Day of Rage?†Do you think the world will offer you Benedict XVI, so you can slaughter him and dance in his blood? That’s not going to happen. So, you need to plan on how you’re going to deal with the world the next day. Because you can’t keep on raging. That simply won’t do. It’s getting more than a little tiresome.
Indeed, it appears that Islam does not lend itself much to the kind of introspective examination that led Martin Luther to nail his 95 theses to the door of a church. And if you asked a Muslim participating in that “Day of Rage” just what he was going to do on Saturday, we may not want to know the answer.
8:26 am
Where does this idiocy end? There are and have been plenty of printed and historical publications in libraries around the Earth and on the Internet which criticize Muhammed. There are cartoons that have (surprise, Islamists) not ceased to exist just because “Muslims are outraged and reacted violently.”
In other words, all of this “offense” to Muslims still exists in some written or recorded medium regardless of whether they riot and firebomb or not. They can’t change that, so what are they rioting about? Why not every day for the next millenia with equal fervor and intensity?
Simple – they are easily manipulated due to the closed nature of their societies. They are up in arms because they saw something on state-run TV or heard something in a mosque that told them what to think about it. That’s it. The Pope was quoting a historical figure. The offending quote still exists , and the Muslims can’t change that – no matter how much rioting they do.
It is time for the Muslim world to learn a few things about civilization. We are not going to be dragged back into the Dark Ages because we might engage in that universal human practice of (shock) saying things, for G-d’s sake – they have to be dragged into modernity whether they like it or not.
Enough insanity is enough.
8:39 am
I don’t think their religion even enters into it for a lot of them. They riot, burn and kill because they like it. As soon as one of their leaders perceives an insult he gives the word and away they go. They’re probably not even sure what it is they’re supposed to be mad about.
8:56 am
Be sure not to miss this story.
I’m sure a few tongues will be wagging about it today.
10:19 am
You beat me to it, Neo. I saw Harris’ article at “American Future”, and was just going to provide a link. Two quotes jumped out at me:
“Given the degree to which religious ideas are still sheltered from criticism in every society, it is actually possible for a person to have the economic and intellectual resources to build a nuclear bomb — and to believe that he will get 72 virgins in paradise. And yet, despite abundant evidence to the contrary, liberals continue to imagine that Muslim terrorism springs from economic despair, lack of education and American militarism.”
“Unfortunately, liberals hate the current administration with such fury that they regularly fail to acknowledge just how dangerous and depraved our enemies in the Muslim world are.”
12:57 pm
Great article by Sam Harris; also found another piece he wrote in February: “Who Are The Moderate Muslims?”, which can be found at
2:39 pm
Good to see that the President’s campaign to build strong and stable moderate democracies in the Middle East is meetings with such marked success. And as far as these Islamic fanatics go, I can only assume that they are a liberal media invention designed to distract American voters from all the good we are doing there.
3:01 pm
Religion and our future
What part religion will play in the future of this world, only God himself knows. But I think it’s obvious to everyone that religion is playing a huge part in world events today. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is running on
3:38 pm
“Where does this idiocy end?” It won’t end so long as it works. They get the attention they want and will force the world to grovel at the feet of their tantrums.
How do you deal with a bully? You stand up to him. You put your face into his and tell him point blank “NO!” He may be able to wipe the floor with you. But the classic bully will back down. Because he is so used to people backing down to his demands, he does not know how to deal with someone standing up to him.
“Where does this idiocy end?” It ends when the world gives the Islamoturds the bitch slapping they deserve whenever they throw their tantrums. And when does that happen? When we put our fear of them aside and stand up to the bullying tactics they employ.
4:17 pm
Perhaps it is time to pursue the GWOT without reference to Islam. I don’t care what motivates people to blow up buildings and people, I just want them killed, defeated, whatever it takes to get terrorism stopped. We didn’t defeat Japan in WWII because of their worship of and willingness to die for the Emperor as a deity, it was because of their aggression and desire to destroy America. The used religion to create suicide bombers (kamikazis) but their religious motives were never emphasized.
Why piss off a billion people with rhetoric involving Islam? Just attack terrorism and terrorists without reference to motive.
4:18 pm
I agree with the Ancoress when she says “It’s getting more than a little tiresomeâ€. I understand that radical elements use the Arab media to great effect, but I believe the Western media also enables these histrionics. We cannot coordinate a response to events like the Day of Rage, but if we could I suggest a paraphrase of Oprah: If you want the civilized world to think you are peaceful and nonviolent, PUT ON YOUR BIG-BOY PANTS AND ACT LIKE IT!.
4:53 pm
The lame stream media is fanning these flames with ostrich feathers cuz they are in FULL DEFEAT CONSERVATIVE MODE till 08.
How exasperating.
2:59 am
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