More than 1500 posts. More than 14,000 comments.
Exactly two years.
Two years ago today, I started this blog with the intent of rediscovering my writing skills while trying to make a living as a writer. As for the former, writing every day has in fact re-acquainted me with the nuts and bolts of the craft. That process alone was worth starting the blog because I get more enjoyment from writing than almost any other activity in which I engage. There are days it is torture and days when it is enormously satisfying (even if no one reads what I have to say). I am proud of much of what I’ve written – less so of others.
As for making a living as a writer, the sum total in two years of what I’ve made as a writer would be a good monthly salary for many of you out there. Both Sue and I have made a lot of sacrifices in order to give this middle aged dream of mine a decent chance at success. I’ve made a decent start and hope that the coming year will bring more opportunities.
To all of you, my faithful readers, I thank you for your continued support.
4:54 pm
Hey Rick, it’s been a while since I’ve replied on your website, but you know life in Chi-town…it can get pretty hectic! Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. Please keep up the great work. You commentaries, and opinions are thought provoking and worth the read. Thank you for taking the time to keep us imformed who prefer to be informed from the inner circle rather than from the lunatic fringe!
8:50 pm
Happy Blogiversary!
10:47 pm
Glad you’re still here and hope more $$$ is in your future!
11:06 pm
“I feel assured I should write for the mere yearning and fondness I have for the beautiful, even though my night’s labors should be burnt every morning and no eye shine upon them.”—Keats
6:23 am
Happy Bithhday To You,

Happy Birthday To You,
You Give Us the Info,
And Don’t Sound Like a Shrew.
10:01 am
Congrats, Rick! Happy Blogoversary!
4:00 pm
Happy Blogoversary, Rick. Thanks for your top-notch writing and for helping keep track of and explain the issues that matter to adults. I don’t know if you see it this way, but I’d say you are doing your part to make sure our children and grandchildren have something to enjoy.
Thanks for your hard work!
12:48 am
Hi Rick,
I’ve only started reading your Blog a couple of months ago but it is everything I’ve been thinking and am glad to see that finally I’ve found a site that is objective and truly “fair and balanced” in the analysis of our Government and world events. The fact that you take on falsehoods from both sides of the aisle is a great encouragement that recognition of truth still exists.
Best regards to you and your family,
Billy cathcart
Keep up the good work
3:37 pm
Quick Hits
I’ve been pretty busy today and I’m headed out on errands for the evening. I wanted to share a few links for you guys to visit while I’m out. I’d also love for you to share some links with me.
Ms Underestimated celebrates he…