It’s a good thing my computer is about 5 feet from my bed. If it were any further away, my chances of posting anything this week would have been significantly reduced.
I feel just aaaawful. But, being the eternal optimist that I am, I think I’ve hit rock bottom today and am now on the mend.
But illness will not be vouchsafed as an excuse for failure to post the results of our Watchers vote. And since I was remiss in posting last week’s results as well (actually, I was sulking because of my horrible showing in that vote), I must therefore make this a twoferone post.
Results from w/e 9/15:
1. “Your Chance of Dying in a Terrorist Attack” by Socratic Rythmn Method
2. (tie) ” Three Strands Not Easily Broken” by Soccer Dad.
2. (tie) “9/11 Ambiguities” by Shrinkwrapped.
4. “A Little Journalistic Arrogance” by Rymes with Right.
1. “And At Night, I Dream Of You…” by Villainous Company
2. (tie) “Ten Reasons Why the West Will Lose the War on Terror (the pessimist’s view)” by TMH Bacon Bits.
2. (tie) “Countdown To 9/11: My Days With the Dead” by Greetings from the French Hill.
2. (tie) “The Shadow of our Hand” by The Belmont Club.
2. (tie) “A General Theory of Just About Everything” by Crosscurrents.
1. “You’ll Never Know What We Did’” by Done with Mirrors.
2. “That Was Not a “Blunder.” It’s Just An Excuse to Kill Infidels” by Gates of Vienna.
1. “Just Outside Westminster Cathedral Today…” by Joee Blogs—A Catholic Londoner.
2. “What did you do this Summer?” by Murdoc Online.
If you’d like to participate in the weekly Watchers Vote, go here and follow instructions.
5:59 pm
Shoot Rick, I sure hope you feel better soon! You’re no good to us phlegming on your keyboard. Mend thyself!
8:00 pm
As a veteran of double pneumonia, trust me:
Take it easy.
This is a sickness that saps your energy, and you need all of it to get better. I pushed too hard when I felt better and came w/in 15 minutes of a ride to the hospital.
9:01 pm
Rick, do you have the flu or pnuemonia?
I never take the flu shot and knock on wood have never had the flu and used to work for years in an ER at a hospital here in Al. I must have a good immune system.
Are you drinking alot of fluids, taking hot Tamiflu, hot baths and getting your spouse to give you rub downs? I hope so cause all of these helped my kid when he had the flu.
Get to feeling better real soon.
9:06 pm
Actually, I have a chest cold that I think is the flu – not double pneumonia which was a play on the fact that I covered two weeks of Watchers council results.
But hey! I still feel like double crap, let me tell you…
5:19 am
New Al Qaeda recruiting video
Have you ever wanted to visit exciting, scenic Iraq? Now, you can get treated like a high-roller, free!
3:38 pm
You probably got the creeping crud that is going thur all the schools, alot of the kids start out with what sounds like croop and the it just settles in the chest and they ache and run fevers.
Hope you’ll be mended by next week.