It’s bad enough when some B-List blogger and wacko talking head like Debbie Schussel runs off at the mouth about the danger of electing Muslims. That kind of idiocy can be partly ascribed to Ms. Schussel’s desire to move up the blogging ladder, bashing Muslims being a quick way to fame and fortune when plumbing the extreme depths of the conservative sphere for audience and links.
But when a Congressman of the United States sends a letter to his constituents that raises the false specter of some kind of Muslim invasion of Congress while simultaneously warning that “traditional” values would be threatened by Muslim immigration, it forces me once again to take up the Cudgel of Righteousness (already bloodied from yesterday’s pummeling of Schussel) and give Representative Virgil Goode, Jr. a few well deserved whacks upside the head:
In a letter sent to hundreds of voters this month, Representative Virgil H. Goode Jr., Republican of Virginia, warned that the recent election of the first Muslim to Congress posed a serious threat to the nation’s traditional values.Representative Virgil H. Goode Jr., left, said Keith Ellison’s decision to use a Koran in a private swearing in for the House of Representatives was a mistake.
Mr. Goode was referring to Keith Ellison, the Minnesota Democrat and criminal defense lawyer who converted to Islam as a college student and was elected to the House in November. Mr. Ellison’s plan to use the Koran during his private swearing-in ceremony in January had outraged some Virginia voters, prompting Mr. Goode to issue a written response to them, a spokesman for Mr. Goode said.In his letter, which was dated Dec. 5, Mr. Goode said that Americans needed to “wake up†or else there would “likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran.â€
“I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped,†said Mr. Goode, who vowed to use the Bible when taking his own oath of office.
In taking the good Mr. Goode to task for this stupidity, allow me first to slap all of you lefties around a bit for once again overgeneralizing when it comes to Values Conservatives by attempting to make the bad Mr. Goode a poster boy of sorts for that constituency.
Goode isn’t even a good example of an extremist. That’s because his letter is so transparently a political calculation that it doesn’t even come off as sincere. No Congressman can be this stupid, can they?
Mr. Goode declined Wednesday to comment on his letter, which quickly stirred a furor among some Congressional Democrats and Muslim Americans, who accused him of bigotry and intolerance.They noted that the Constitution specifically bars any religious screening of members of Congress and that the actual swearing in of those lawmakers occurs without any religious texts. The use of the Bible or Koran occurs only in private ceremonial events that take place after lawmakers have officially sworn to uphold the Constitution.
Mr. Ellison dismissed Mr. Goode’s comments, saying they seemed ill informed about his personal origins as well as about Constitutional protections of religious freedom. “I’m not an immigrant,†added Mr. Ellison, who traces his American ancestors back to 1742. “I’m an African-American.â€
Goode’s spokesman has informed us that the Congressman actually is that stupid; he declines to apologize and “stands by” the letter.
Of course, such incidents help Ellison enormously. They allow him to appear the reasonable, bemused, aggrieved party while anyone who has a passing familiarity with the devastating series of articles published by the Powerline boys knows that “reasonable” is not the way to describe many of the new Congressman’s views.
But beyond the shameless, shallow pandering by Goode is a revealed truth; that too often Republican politicians are using this “traditional values” theme to capitalize on some unimagined fear as in the case of Goode and his phantom Muslims. We also see other individual groups like gays targeted as somehow being in conflict with traditional American values – as if these values are practiced by people solely as a result of their religion, sexual orientation, ethnic heritage, or any other qualifier that a politician seeks to use to drive a wedge between us.
There are plenty of gay people who practice what, by any definition would be “traditional” American values. They are as monogamous as heterosexual couples. They raise children. They are god fearing folk. The cry when the flag passes in front of them. They fight and die for their country. Aside from their sexual orientation, there is absolutely nothing to differentiate them from your average Joe American. (Don’t believe me? Visit Gay Patriot and any one of a number of Republican/center right gay blogs and read a little bit about what they believe.) And yet, because of the actions of some so-called “Gay Rights” groups – who are much more about advancing a leftist agenda then they are about advancing gay rights – most conservatives look with distrust upon gays who believe in traditional American values.
There are traditional values that are under attack – but not by gays, or Muslims, or any specific group. Rather it is leftist ideology that seeks to remove religion from public life not separate it as they claim. It is leftist cant that seeks to change the narrative of our nation’s founding, substituting the basest of motives for Independence instead of the truly heroic and improbable way our freedom was achieved. The left has spent the last 40 years degrading our culture, denigrating our heroes, altering our history, deriding the simplicity and patriotism of the most common of folk among us, and in the end, trying to tear down 200 years of tradition and decency that our ancestors fought to pass down to the rest of us.
Whether this is their intent or not is a moot point. Their actions are having this affect. Whether it is the “no holds barred, anything goes” cesspool of a culture they have created via Hollywood or, in the name of “civil rights,” erecting a structure of separateness and discrimination via “affirmative action,” the left has done its best to destroy what many Americans cherish and believe in.
But none of this excuses idiots like Goode – and many others who use the battle cry of “Traditional Values” to advance their own agendas – from responsibility for engendering fear and loathing among those who are susceptible to the siren call of nativism. This strain has a long, dishonorable history in America, going back to the first days of the Republic when the first wave of immigrants began to unload onto the docks in New York and Boston. Then it was mostly Swiss and Germans with a smattering of Scots and Irish. Later waves of Irish immigrants would raise the spectre of not only aliens who didn’t possess “American values” but arrivals who were papists to boot. And each successive wave, the nativist impulse would rear its ugly head and find something scary and alien about the newcomers.
Goode is no different. From his letter:
“We need to stop illegal immigration totally and reduce legal immigration and end the diversity visas policy . . . allowing many persons from the Middle East to come to this country,” Goode said in the letter. “I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America.”
Right out of the nativist playbook.
I’m all for controlling our borders. I’m all for enforcing the law. But I am also in favor of increasing legal immigration. If someone wishes to go through the bureaucratic rigmarole that it takes to get here legally and then work toward citizenship, that alone should denote a person’s interest in the “traditional values” of America. There are plenty of Muslims here today – second and third generation Muslims – who embrace the same values you and I do and are no more a threat to those values than my pet cat Snowball.
For Goode to posit the notion that Muslims are incapable of adopting and embracing traditional values not only flies in the face of history and everything we know about immigrants but also bespeaks a shallow and corrupt mind, incapable of grasping the shining truth about America as a melting pot that embraces all cultures and ethnic groups.
And that may be the most traditional of all American values.
3:31 pm
I don’t understand, is this sarcasm?
3:33 pm
Um…do you mean the idiot congressman who wants to ban Muslims from sitting in Congress? Or only ban them from coming into the country legally?
4:52 pm
Gotta disagree with you here. How many times do we have to hear that the goal of the religion of pieces is to populate an area then take it over. I personally don’t want myself or my children to be forced to bow down to the death cult known as Islam because we were all afraid to insult Muslims. I think his comments are brave and necessary in a time when hysterical political correctness runs amok
4:59 pm
How many times do we have to hear that the goal of the religion of pieces is to populate an area then take it over.
Wow, I have never heard or read that. Words like that sorta make you sound crazy. It is a shame that reasonable people reach so low to demonize folks who are different (thought, not that much) from you.
5:19 pm
Then you haven’t been paying attention.
5:47 pm
Then you haven’t been paying attention. Sir, please. It is true I have not paid attention to Fox news, O’reilly, hannity, coulter, limbaugh, haggerty, falwell, malkin, beck, swaggert, etc…So truly, I may have not been exposed to the ‘information’ you are privy to. If you are serious – that is your fear of being overrun – there really is no sane response to that paranioa. I sincerely hope your children don’t learn from your example. We need more sanity in this world, not less.
5:53 pm
The main problem I have with allowing oath-swearing on the Qur’an is the fact that the Qur’an allows muslims to lie:
Qur’an 9:3 “Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations.”
Qur’an 66:1 “Allah has already sanctioned for you the dissolution of your vows.”
There is also this passage:
Qur’an 33:21 “You have in (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for anyone to follow.”
This is problematic because there are numerous examples of Islam’s prophet lying and permiting his followers to lie contained in the Hadith scriptures (which are considered to be divinely inspired), such as:
Bukhari:V7B67N427 “The Prophet said, ‘If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.’”
Bukhari:V4B52N268 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘War is deceit.’”
Ishaq:519 “Hajjaj said to the Apostle, ‘I have money scattered among the Meccan merchants, so give me permission to go and get it.’ Having got Muhammad’s permission, he said, ‘I must tell lies.’ The Apostle said, ‘Tell them.’
Ishaq:323 “I am the best of plotters. I deceived them with My guile so that I delivered you from them.”
Ishaq:365 Tabari VII:94 “Muhammad bin Maslamah said, ‘O Messenger, we shall have to tell lies.’ ‘Say what you like,’ Muhammad replied. ‘You are absolved, free to say whatever you must.’”
Bukhari:V5B59N369 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Who is willing to kill Ka’b bin Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?’ Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslamah got up saying, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! Would you like me to kill him?’ The Prophet said, ‘Yes,’ Maslamah said, ‘Then allow me to say false things in order to deceive him.’ The Prophet said, ‘You may say such things.’”
Ishaq:442 “By Muhammad’s order we beguiled them.”
6:02 pm
The Dark Side of Traditional Values>
Rick Moran takes up the “Cudgel of Righteousness” against Representative Virgil Goode, Jr. for his brilliant simply average regrettable astoundingly stupid statement regarding Representative Keith Ellison’s religion (Islam), and decision to be sworn…
6:06 pm
Machiavelli Said:
5:53 pm
The main problem I have with allowing oath-swearing on the Qur’an is the fact that the Qur’an allows muslims to lie:
Sir, the oath of which you speak is done FOR THE CAMERAS. It is not an oath taken as a promise to God. There is no requirement to swear an oath on any written word or book. The public oath is a PR image for the ‘folks back home’. Please learn a little bit before you write things which are not true. Some folks might believe you – and that would be a shame. Congresspeople could swear an oath on a phone book if they chose to.
6:16 pm
[...] UPDATE 2: Rick Moran takes Goode to task for his political pandering and does it without accusing Goode of equating Ellison’s election with a threat to our traditional values. [...]
6:42 pm
I personally find Congressman’s Good comments most unfortunate.
“Sir, the oath of which you speak is done FOR THE CAMERAS. It is not an oath taken as a promise to God. There is no requirement to swear an oath on any written word or book. The public oath is a PR image for the ‘folks back home’. Please learn a little bit before you write things which are not true. Some folks might believe you – and that would be a shame. Congresspeople could swear an oath on a phone book if they chose to.”
I believe there are two oaths. One done in public as a group, and one done in private. Many people I think take oaths very seriously. I would be disturbed if it were otherwise.
I agree that to deny to opportunity for Congressman-Elect Ellison (who I don’t particularly like) to take the oath on the Koran would violate the “no religious tests” guaranteed under the Constitution.
It is possibly worth noting that Dennis Prager, the radio host who somewhat inadvertently began this discussion, has condemned Congressman Goode’s comments.
6:44 pm
VEry good post and people should remember that just picking verses out of the Koran using that as an excuse to hate all Muslims could backfire. I am a Christian, but there are scriptures in the Bible that might make Christians look intolerant or dangerous as well if taken out of context.
I know very well that Islamists are dangerous and I support the war on Terror, but people have to be careful about demonizing a billion people. It just makes them look paranoid.
7:10 pm
Jim says: I believe there are two oaths. One done in public as a group, and one done in private. Many people I think take oaths very seriously. I would be disturbed if it were otherwise..
Very true. 100% in agreement. The salient point though is to know that no written word or book is required when administering or taking an oath. Even in court, nobody swears to tell the truth on a book or manuscript. Aain, we have a show oath whereby elected people will bring the bibles given to them by their grandmother or another ‘holy’ book which is important to them. Just because it appears on TV that people use a ‘holy’ book of some sort, does not make it a necessity.
7:19 pm
[...] As for Goode, Moran uncorks a righteous rant but lets his dudgeon get a smidge too high. No, not all Muslim immigrants are a threat to the “values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America,” but the ones who take seriously the supremacy of shari’a are. To borrow one of Steyn’s favorite quotations, from James C. Bennett: “democracy, immigration, multiculturalism … pick any two.” As long as Muslim immigrants are on board with numbers 1 and 3, Goode’s a tool and we can all relax. If they’re not, and some of them surely are not, we have a problem. [...]
7:41 pm
Very righteous. Hope you’re right.
8:38 pm
Good for you, Rick.
As for Machiavelli:
“Say: O ye
That reject Faith!
I worship not that
Which ye worship,
Nor will ye worship
That which I worship.
And I will not worship
That which ye have been
Wont to worship,
Nor will ye worship
That which I worship.
To you be your Way,
And to me mine.”
– Surah 109
The Qur’an
It isn’t my book, but I figure it drives a lot of the current debate, so I’d read it rather than just quote what others write about it.
8:44 pm
Only someone willfully blind, with malign intent, or historically ignorant could conclude large numbers of Muslim immigrants are a good thing. Unless your idea of a functioning polity is Lebanon, southern Thailand, or Paris, it makes sense to pull your head out of your posterior and smell the demographic conquest leading to balkanization and eventual sharia law.
At least read Bostom’s Legacy of Jihad before writing something this ridiculous again. Every nation which thought Islamic immigration was a good idea is now called a “Muslim nation” or is facing imminent collapse, like the EU. It’s hard to believe anyone could be so blinded by the old “immigrants assimilate” trope which never turns out to be true with regards to Islam.
The texts are immutable. Ijtihad is closed. The ulema is radical and Saudi funded, so it’s only going to get worse. Islam never gives up one inch of conquered land, which includes new mosques – anywhere. There is no mainstream Islamic theology which can be considered moderate. The last word on the “rights” of non-Muslims is Sura 9.29: convert, pay the jizya, or face warfare. I could go on and on, and perhaps someone should to confront this type of breathtaking ignorance.
Goode conjoined a stupid argument about the Qur’an with a very important argument on immigration. But he is the first federally elected official to broach the issue. For that, if nothing else, he deserves kudos. Swearing on the Qur’an is horrible is because of the rules on never taking non-Muslim friends, loyalty to the ummah above all else, and the duty to lie for the ummah.
9:10 pm
Why bother when you do it for us? Take ‘er away:
Put perfectly. Straight out of a Kos Diary.
9:31 pm
Burning embassies after a cartoon insult reveals plenty about these misfits.
Ignoring traditional U.S. practices to satisfy the few angry nutjobs places us further from the norm.
Majority rules on this one.
Don’t like our oath, go crawling to babylon.
9:44 pm
Steve G,
I pity Rick that he has people like you on his side of the political divide.
When you think of the Bill of Rights, have you ever realized that they were given not to mobs, but individuals. They are in place for the express purpose of preventing the majority from overruling certain rights. If Keith Ellison chooses to have a private photo-op swearing in on the Qur’an, that’s up to him. It’s not Ellison who’s un-American, but those who believe they have the right to stop him.
9:48 pm
When Zawahiri gave his high-five to democrats in yesterday’s threat video, he forgot to acknowledge the fine support he gets from the losertarian right wing.
Terrorists deserve tax cuts too!
9:52 pm
The Face of Righteous Indignation
Rick Moran at Right Wing Nut House works up a head of steam over Representative Virgil Goode’s letter. I can’t blame him. Here’s a sample of the letter:The Ten Commandments and “In God We Trust” are on the wall in…
10:12 pm
Are We Not Christians? Are We Not Men?
I don’t know, the men part of that is a quote from something I’m too tired to recall. Ah, Devo. Thank God for Google! Thank God?? Can I say that here?But beyond the shameless, shallow pandering by Goode is a
10:30 pm
Are We Not Christians? Are We Not Men?
Riehl World View
I don’t know, the men part of that is a quote from something I’m too tired to recall. Ah, Devo. Thank God for Google!
Thank God?? Can I say that here?But beyond the shameless, shallow pandering by Goode is a revealed truth; that to…
10:46 pm
Snowball must be stopped!
10:50 pm
So if I take an oath in front of a camera…it doesn’t count? That’s great news!
As for nitpicker, that verse you quoted was abrogated by this later one:
Qur’an:9:29 “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
12:07 am
We could do this all night.
“If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers…Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.” – Deuteronomy 13:6-10
“The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.” – Psalms 58:10
“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped…” – Titus 1:10-11
4:31 am
Machiavelli Said:
5:53 pm
The main problem I have with allowing oath-swearing on the Qur’an is the fact that the Qur’an allows muslims to lie:
There are truly some deeply stupid people reading and posting here. If you paid any attention at all to politics you might conclude that politicians actually take an oath to lie, to never willingly tell the truth.
6:50 am
Jyllands-Posten is a Danish newspaper that published a series of cartoons of Muhammad to in September 2005 in an attempt to contribute to the debate regarding criticism of Islam and in protest to the self-censorship that the western media had imposed on itself. This sparked wide spread protests by Muslims worldwide which unmasked the real intolerant and violent nature of Muslims. While up to that moment, many people thought the Islamic violence is reserved to a few disenfranchised extremists, these riots showed that violence is the nature of Islam and turned the world public opinion against this cult.
Robert Redeker a French writer and philosophy teacher who on September 19, 2006, a few days before the Islamic month of Ramadan, wrote an opinion piece for Le Figaro, where he attacked Islam and Muhammad, writing: “Pitiless war leader, pillager, butcher of Jews and polygamous, this is how Mohammed is revealed by the Koran.” He called the Qur’an “a book of incredible violence”, adding: “Jesus is a master of love, Muhammad a master of hate.” Afterwards, Redeker received various death threats and he is currently in hiding receiving police protection.
8:05 am
Hey Peter! Nice to have another dolt to take potshots at.
The article has very little to do with Ellison, proving once again that you can’t read. May I suggest your local Junior College for a remedial reading course? Or maybe you should watch Sesame Street for a couple of months just to bring you up to speed on the alphabet.
And Schlussel never mentioned Ellison in her article – it was about Obama.
Refresh my memory…Did I ban you for being totally ignorant or just a pain in the ass?
8:39 am
No insulting the host. That gets your comment deleted and you, once again, banned.
Criticize without being insulting thank you. I’m the only one who can insult someone on this site.
8:39 am
I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make, but since we seem to have moved on to Bible verses, here’s one that makes it a no-brainer for any professed christian to use the Bible for oath taking:
Exodus 20:16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.”
8:47 am
I guess if we’re going to conclude that ALL politicians lie, then what’s the point in having them take an oath in the first place? How do we know they’re not lying?
9:31 am
Hey jpe (#18),
Right out of a Kos diary, perhaps, except that Rick doesn’t proceed to unleash a flurry of false associations and broad-brushed statements in the interest of bolstering the perceived moral superiority of the more zealous followers of Liberalianity, whose display of critical thinking skills is inversely proportional to their propensity to pay the Brockmans, Palasts and Moores of their counterculture to say what they want to hear.
10:30 am
Then you haven’t been paying attention. Sir, please. It is true I have not paid attention to Fox news, O’reilly, hannity, coulter, limbaugh, haggerty, falwell, malkin, beck, swaggert, etc…So truly, I may have not been exposed to the ‘information’ you are privy to. If you are serious – that is your fear of being overrun – there really is no sane response to that paranioa. I sincerely hope your children don’t learn from your example. We need more sanity in this world, not less.
Tom, you’re sad. Unlike you I don’t get all of my information on this stuff from talking heads on partisan cable networks and websites. Your attempt to marginalize my observations and opinions by insinuating that I’m crazy is a shortcut to thinking. Why don’t you try reading a book about this stuff. Or better yet since you’re obviously coherent enough to use the web try doing some research on what I said. They called Churchill a madman too. Look how that turned out. Everybody has an ulterior motive. You can choose to acknowledge it exists, or stick your head in the sand and hope it goes away.
11:24 am
“In taking the good Mr. Goode to task for this stupidity, allow me first to slap all of you lefties around a bit for once again overgeneralizing when it comes to Values Conservatives by attempting to make the bad Mr. Goode a poster boy of sorts for that constituency.”
“Whether this is their intent or not is a moot point. Their actions are having this affect. Whether it is the “no holds barred, anything goes†cesspool of a culture they have created via Hollywood or, in the name of “civil rights,†erecting a structure of separateness and discrimination via “affirmative action,†the left has done its best to destroy what many Americans cherish and believe in.”
First I’d like to say that I am a “lefty” type, yet I do respect the rationale views of the author of this blog. I started reading back during Katrina and come back from time to time, and although I do not always agree with the postings (naturally),I do respect the honesty, common sense, intelligence, appreciation and respect for the US Constitution and intelligence that you exhibit.
Just one minor issue (and it is minor, and really not a big deal at all) I assume that you didn’t intend to generalize and were merely using shorthand, but in the first paragraph you write that you don’t want us lefties to use one guy’s views of Islam as representing the right, but then later on (in the 2nd quoted paragraph) you go ahead and make a generalization about the left (via Hollywood eroding values).
I and the liberal people I know, have absolutely no problem with religion. Nor do we have any issue with say, nativity scenes, Merry Christmas, or displaying religious icons in public. Actually its only when people act like the Representatives and editorialists you discuss, do we lefties have a problem. Intolerance and some kind of religious litmus test flies directly in the face of the US Constitution and what this country was founded on. This we as Americans should pretty much all agree on despite our individual political and religious views.
We “liberals” embrace American values too. Like the aforementioned freedom to worship. Like the freedom of speech and the rest. Like being able to raise one’s family in peace and safety.
As for the effect Hollywood has on morales, I am of the opinion that liberal and conservative have less to do with it and the actual motivation is money making. Sex and violence sell.
Well that’s my 2¢. I wish everyone who may come across my silly post a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May next year be better for all of us.
12:03 pm
Oh Lord. I hadn’t heard about this embarrassing flap until last night on the Brit Hume hour. I was not looking at the TV when the Virgil Goode clip began to run… From another room, I found myself trying to guess how many teeth the guy had in his head and wondered wryly if he is also an “English First” advocate. Anyway, thanks for printing his remarks, as I otherwise might not have been able to form an accurate opinion. I agree with your comments. Now, I am off to read your pummeling of the crackpot Schlussel woman. Thank God someone on the Right is beginning to question the increasingly counter-productive and hysterical nativists who have seized near-total control of the radio & TV microphones, along with much of the RW blogosphere. Those people do NOT speak for me.
1:23 pm
[...] I’m pleased to report that not everyone on the Right agrees with Rep. Goode’s letter. For example, blogger Rick Moran of Right Wing Nut House wrote, But beyond the shameless, shallow pandering by Goode is a revealed truth; that too often Republican politicians are using this “traditional values†theme to capitalize on some unimagined fear as in the case of Goode and his phantom Muslims. We also see other individual groups like gays targeted as somehow being in conflict with traditional American values – as if these values are practiced by people solely as a result of their religion, sexual orientation, ethnic heritage, or any other qualifier that a politician seeks to use to drive a wedge between us…. [...]
12:19 am
Submitted for Your Approval
First off… any spambots reading this should immediately go here, here, here, and here. Die spambots, die! And now… here are all the links submitted by members of the Watcher’s Council for this week’s vote. Council li…
2:01 am
hi Rick and the rest of you..a few salient points, if I may weigh in.
First of all , Congressman Goode was entirely correct about the dangers of Muslim immigration, since to many Muslims their first loyalty is to the Muslim umma and sharia. Take a peek at Europe for an example. For a congressman who describes himself as a devout Muslim to swear to defend the Constitution is a contradiction in terms.
And Machiavelli is quite correct that the Qu’ran not only allows Muslims to lie to kuffars (non-believers), but encourages it when Islam is being advanced.The Islamic term is taqiya.
Second, there are all kinds of verses in the Qu’ran, but none of you have mentioned the well accepted Islamic doctrine of Abrogation, which states that later verses come first. The Qu’ran was not written concurrently, and the latest verses, unfortunately are the `jihad’ verses in suras 2-9.Those take precedence, along with the Hadiths, the actual life and sayings of Mohammed.
This is, as Machiavelli mentioned, also the doctrine of Mohammed as being the Muslim paridigm, the model man. And Mohammed was notorious for breaking oaths and treaties when it served him.
I know plenty of non-jihadi Muslims, but because of the Saudi funding and takeover of the Mosques and madrassahs here in the US, the radical viewpoint is becoming much more common and acceptable . Some of my friends don’t even go to the local mosques anymore because of the hardline wahabi nonsense preached there.
Where Congressman Goode gets it wrong is on stupidly focusing on Ellison’s choosing to swear on the Qur’ran (since it doesn’t matter), rather than the fact that this ex-Nation of Islam member and CAIR poodle is a congressman at all.
Goode is right to be concerned about us being saddled with more like Ellison.Again, take a look at France to see where that road ends up leading.
Radical Islam and democratic values and liberties don’t mix. We will find that out as events catch up with us, unfortunately.
The real sadness is that many decent,pro-American Muslims who moved here to get away from sharia and `submission’ are going to be tarred with the jihadi brush unless something remarkable happens.
11:15 am
This Week’s Nominations
Here are all the links submitted by members of the Watcher’s Council for this week’s vote. Council links:Robot RightsThe Colossus of RhodeyThe Coming of Neo-MultilateralismAmerican FutureNY Times To Terrorists: Bomb the Tunnels! Bomb the Tunnels!Rhym…
12:07 pm
Eye on the Watcher’s Council
As you may know the members of the Watcher’s Council each nominate one of his or her own posts and one non-Council post for consideration by the whole Council. The complete list of this week’s Council nominations is here.
A position has ope…
12:17 am
Why are the whining about being ‘saddled’ by Ellison? I understand he was elected, he obviously connected with the people. A diverse America should have diverse representation in Congress.
I’m a happy lefty. Right-wingers giving so much credit to Hollywood for apparently having such vast powers to destroy values is laughable. And they are hypocrites when the use Hollywood to further their own cause.
12:54 am
Some of the comments listed are not only pathetic, but indicate the true ignorance of Islam. For those that do not know, Islam (all versions) is divided into two components: dar al-Islam (a nation that is at the core Islamic and follows the laws of Sharia. The other is dar al-Harb, the house of war (Jihad). Can you name just one religion that Islam co-exists with in a peaceful manner? I didn’t think so. The Christians are leaving Lebanon, Iraq, Bethlehem and many other areas in the Middle East.
I suppose we could continue allowing more of them to move here and live among us with their nearly totally alien mindsets, until the point where our own near-zero birth rates will push us into minority status as their 4-for-1 birth rates give them majority status. If we like the prospect of our great-grandchildren living under Sharia, we should continue with the status quo. As to the matter of Rep. Virgil Goode he is a friend of American borders and sovereignty. Rep. Virgil Goode is a member of the House Immigration Caucus. Not only does he have an excellent voting record, he also is a leader in particular for getting rid of the awful diversity visas that are handed out to winners of a lottery conducted by the State Department. How screwy is the Diversity Visa? Well, for 2007, the government is awarding 1361 to Iran, a nation with which we have no diplomatic relations and which was named by President Bush as an axis of evil. I will close with this… I believe what the terrorists truly want is a divided America.
United we stand, divided we fall.
We are falling.
Start hording bullets, bandaids,and beans.
12:59 pm
The Council has spoken!
From the Watcher’s Council: And now… the winning entries in the Watcher’s Council vote for this week are Follow Your Surges by Done With Mirrors, and From Khomeini to Ahmadinejad by Matthias Küntzel. All members, please be sure to link…
9:03 pm
Watcher’s Council Results
The winning entries in the Watcher’s Council vote for this week are Follow Your Surges by Done With Mirrors, and From Khomeini to Ahmadinejad by Matthias Küntzel. Here is a link to the full results of the vote. Here are…
5:26 pm
Religious freedom in the US is actually much like a set of Geneva Conventions for religion in the US. We all agree that we will avoid going past certain limits with our beliefs. Sometimes things get a little wacko (like the issue with the menorah and Xmas tree in Seattle, or the 10 commandments on the courthouse wall,). I don’t agree to respect your beliefs, I just agree not to resort to violence, proselytize your children, make it illegal for you to do your thing, etc. And you agree the same about me. We agree to stay out of each other’s way. There are inevitable conflicts but but we have avoided actual religious war in the US. I’m not saying that things have been perfect but it mostly works.
Moslems are mostly new to the US. Culturally, they are not used to living next to people who are not Moslems. Their track record for non-violence concerns many people. The question in some people’s minds (including mine) is whether Moslems will accept the rules that other religious people in the US have.
I hope they do.
3:13 pm
8:32 pm
Belated Watch
I somehow missed posting to the Dec 29 Watcher’s Council results. Done With Mirrors won the Council vote with Follow Your Surges, followed by The Coming of Neo-Multilateralism by American Future, IRANIAN Military Seized in Raid on Iraqi Insurgents—...
4:14 pm
[...] The Dark Side of “Traditional Values”—Right Wing Nut House [...]