Ooooh boy. Three weeks worth of results. Here we go.
W/E 7/6
1. 2 1/3 Guess Where Your President Was Wednesday Morning… Insh’allah
2. 1 1/3 With Snark
Done With Mirrors
3. 1 1/3 This I Believe
The Education Wonks
4. 1 1/3 Condescension As Bigotry
Bookworm Room
5. 1 1/3 Quote of the Day: Islamophobia Edition
Cheat Seeking Missiles
Non Council
1. 4 1/3 Bless the Beasts and Children
Michael Yon 2. 2 Understanding Current Operations in IraqSmall Wars Journal
3. 1 1/3 But Who Are They?
Classical Values
4. 1 1/3 The Liberal Obsession With Whiteness at the Expense of Instilling Academic Excellence In Black Communities
Booker Rising
W/E 7/13
1. 3 High Noonan
Big Lizards
2. 1 2/3 The NYT —“Run Away! Run Away!”
Joshuapundit 3. 1 1/3 Army Recruitment and the Influencers
The Education Wonks 4. 1 1/3 Bad Medicine BUMPEDBookworm Room
5. 1 Independence Day
Done With Mirrors Non Council
1. 3 Interview With Todd Bensman
View From a Height
2. 2 1/3 Anti-American July 4th
Zombietime 3. 1 2/3 Human Pre-History
Sake White 4. 1 Appreciating Snark
The Paragraph Farmer
W/E 7/20
1. 2 2/3 Harry Potter and Ostrich Syndrome
Bookworm Room 2. 1 1/3 Are Conservatives Really Hoping for Another 9/11?
Right Wing Nut House 3. 1 1/3 A President’s Legacy Quick Fix Playground—The Middle East
Soccer Dad 4. 1 1/3 Pangloss
Done With Mirrors
5. 1 Pope Reaffirms Teachings of Vatican II (UPDATED)
Rhymes With Right
6. 1 Bush Muzzled Sturgeon General—Thank God!
Big Lizards
Non Council
1. 3 1/3 Myths and Realities of the George Bush Presidency
TCS Daily 2. 2 1/3 Politics of Terror Reign Supreme
All Things Beautiful 3. 1 2/3 Preventing the West from Understanding Jihad
American Thinker 4. 1 1/3 Keith Ellison and the “Reichstag”
FrontPage Magazine 5. 1 A Petition asking Whittington to Apologize
12:15 am
I’m responding to your Michele Mallkin rsspones to me here since I can’t get in touch with you via your “contact me” section or on Michele’s site.
You wrote a response to me on Michele Malkins site that categorized me as a Ron Paul “tin foil hat” guy. I responded to you, actually twice, but the responses didn’t come through on her site. So I’ll respond to you here on your site.
I’m not sure why Michele’s site didn’t post my response. Maybe they wait till the morning to peruse the posts before putting them on the “comments” section as they are East coast and I am West coast. In that case, I’ll have two posts tomorrow that you can respond to saying basically the same thing…which is: “comparing someone to a “tin foil hat” wearing Tex Marrs type character is slander at best and debating someone (me) on the issues could lead to your enligtenment. Your choice. Maybe I’m already banned??? for doing what? Is this what Malkin espouses? A one sided debate? Sean Hannity tactics don’t fly with me. I’m sure you can do better than that Rick. Maybe it’s because you are a Sox fan and I’m a Cubs fan? ha….Debate me on the issues that Ron Paul espouses versus any other neo-con that you support. Read what I wrote and tell me where I’m missing the point. Blessings!
9:40 am
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