Foul mouthed, ignorant commenters have once again ruined it for the rest of my readers. It seems every time I get a link from “Sadly No” or “T-Bogg,” the most vile, insulting, obscenity laced comments are left in moderation.
I’m tired of dealing with them, of looking at them. So I have shut down the comment function on this blog.
What is it about obscenities and scatological vulgarity that it becomes a herculean effort for these mouth breathing troglodytes to avoid them in the normal discourse of everyday language? Are they really that limited in their intelligence that every other word has to be a vulgarity? Don’t they realize that this language isn’t “shocking” as much as it’s nauseating?
No matter. Comments will be closed for the time being. At least until they crawl back underneath the rotten logs from which they slithered to get here in the first place.
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