Here’s a triple dose of goodness from the Council
1. “Courts v. Terrorism = Wile E. Coyote v. Road Runner” by Big Lizards
2. “Unsex Me… Not” by Soccer Dad
Non Council
1. “A Great Shifting of the Winds” by Eternity Road
2. “Thompson Goes Electric…” by RealClearPolitics
1. “’Land For Peace’, American Style” by Joshuapundit
2. “School District & Cops Agree—Ignore The Law” by Rhymes With Right
3. “Racist Talk About Education” by Bookworm Room
4. “Behind the Anger” by Done With Mirrors
4. “Hollywood’s KoolAid Fest Continues: Wimps for Lambs” by Cheat Seeking Missiles
4. “Poverty and Terror, Again” by Soccer Dad
Non Council
1. “A Conversation in Bagram, Afghanistan” by Austin Bay Blog
2. “November 1947 and Annapolis Déjà Vu” by The Elder of Ziyon
3. “Stereotyping 101” by American Thinker
1. “Charting a New Course In Iraq Messaging” by Cheat Seeking Missiles
2 “Prophets in a Freudian Age” by Bookworm Room
3. “Who Won’t Be the Next President” by The Colossus of Rhodey
4. “The Infantilization of American Politics” by Right Wing Nut House
Non Council
1. “The Irrationality of Europe” by The Van Der Galiën Gazette
2. “The Ultimate War Simulation Game” by
3. “Al Dura Affair: France 2 Cooks the Raw Footage” by Pajamas Media
4. “Dissecting Media “Bias”: The Case of Eric Alterman” by Oliver Kamm
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