I hate days like this. There are a lot of things I’d like to write about but really don’t have anything to add to the blogospheric cacophony. Not that I’m necessarily above stealing from other bloggers. But do you really want to read your umpteenth post for the day on how Hillary is finished (or not), or Obama is a dangerous liberal cult figure (or not), or McCain is a lying sack of turd blossoms who will destroy the Republican party (or he’s worse than that).
I know I left The Huckster off that list but is anyone writing about him at all?
Then I could have blogged about the FISA fiasco. But it just seems of late I’m suffering from “Outrage Fatigue” (a term I take pride in coining. Well…if not coining the phrase I certainly popularized it. Um…perhaps not popularized, more like “used it to its best effect.”) Try as I might, I found it hard to rant and rail against liberals for their incredibly stupid, delibertately dishonest caterwauling about interrupting the Tom Lantos memorial service with a procedural motion on FISA when it was the Speaker’s admitted fault that the motion was unavoidable under the rules and that a scheduling snafu had occurred to boot.
Did that stop the “Republicans polticize the dead” crowd from throwing a tantrum worthy of any two year old? Of course not. And to make the criticism ascend to the level of sublime irony, it seems our lefty friends forget that Google has gone public and is actually making a little money now. If I typed in the name “Paul Wellstone” and added “Memorial Service” to the search, you would come across a story so profoundly disturbing that you would be forgiven for wretching while reading it.
It seems the Democrats wanted to honor the late great Senator from Minnesota who tragically died in a plane crash a few days before the 2002 election with a “memorial service.” I put the event in quotes because whatever Democrats tried to call it, it became a hot house political rally for the left. Republican friends of Wellstone – and there were many who respected his honesty, integrity, and sincere desire to take others views into account – found themselves the target of political barbs. The White House offered to send the Vice President of the United States – he was disinvited. One speaker went so far as to demand that Norm Coleman exit the race and allow a Democrat to win.
I guess when liberals politicize a memorial service, it’s “speaking truth to power” and is perfectly acceptable. Like when Jimmy Carter alluded to government spying on Martin Luther King at Coretta King’s funeral – a veiled reference to the wiretapping controversies of the day. And Joseph Lowrey, at the same memorial service, excoriated President Bush for the Iraq War.
There have been other examples of the left using dead people like political clubs. Accusing the GOP of doing so when a simple reading of the rules would have given the lie to that meme propelled the left wingosphere beyond contempt and into the stratosphere of malicious mischief.
You can see my dilemma. Unless you can summon the appropriate amount of outrage, simply listing the transgressions of liberals for exactly that which they are taking the right to task becomes an exercise in boredom killing. Everyone knows that lefties are a bunch of hypocritical bastards with the morals of an alley cat and the brains of a marmoset. How many times can you say that and remain interesting?
There were other topics I could have written about today. Pakistan is set to elect a parliament on Monday. Musharraf has been making deals with al-Qaeda and the Taliban so quickly, he’s running out of white flags to run up Pakistani flag poles. Perhaps in spite of this, he is easily the most unpopular man in Pakistan. He envies George Bush’s approval numbers.
And yet, given that he has forbidden much international monitoring of the election, it is probable he will try to monkey with the results. He will almost certainly not try to engineer a victory for his party but rather deny the opposition a 2/3 majority which would result in his immediate and well deserved retirement. The US should condemn this election before it happens just to get a head start on the mayhem that will probably follow.
Kenya has been in the news recently as well. Not only is Obama’s good buddy Raila Odinga of the Luo tribe still winking at the violence being carried out by his supporters against the corrupt, election stealing government of President Kibaki and his Kikuyu tribe, but it now appears that the Germans of all people are offering Kenyans the opportunity to use their own power sharing agreement as the basis for a rapproachment.
I know there’s some really bad international relations joke in there but I can’t find it at the moment.
Other topics I could have written about were Lebanon (tipping toward civil war), Afghanistan (NATO is going to its grave with a whimper), Iraq (things aren’t as good or as bad as people are saying), GOP election prospects (where?), and the horrific tragedy at Northern Illinois University (talk about politicizing dead people…).
Any one of these topics I could have turned into one of my brilliant, penetrating, incisive essays, read by millions, and influencing the movers and shakers in government, bending them to my iron will.
But telling the world what to do gets boring sometimes so I’ll just sit here and shut up for the time being. Maybe tomorrow I’ll find something interesting to write about…
9:43 pm
Rick – Your modesty is so understated.
Come on – bend my mind and my will!
I really did like the post just kidding!
1:39 am
Rick sez “Everyone knows that lefties are a bunch of hypocritical bastards with the morals of an alley cat and the brains of a marmoset.”
So then we can expect ‘everyone’ to return non-lefties to the executive branch and a congressional majority in 2008?
True, the Dems are a spineless lot in search of a parade. But they have been useful idiots in being Republican enablers.
Why pick on marmosets? Is this a backhanded compliment?
6:19 am
“Outrage Fatigue” Perfect, I like it. I send e-mails to friends met through MM site similar to the football ones I have sent you over the football season and that sums it up in a nutshell.
My mantra was either I’M D.O.N.E. or I DONT CARE ANYMORE, “Outrage Fatigue” will be my new theme.
The story that put me over the cliff was the 1.4 Billion bones for Mexico to secure IT’S southern border and the gall of the Mexican president to want his dough ri mi’s with no strings attached. (palaces cost big bucks and he’d hate having to admit builing 3 of em with that money). What an hole.
If that story isnt enough to give you O.F then I dont know what is.
Just a suggestion , make it saturday light, take a stab at baseball, not the Clemons BS and that lame hearsay congress waste of time but some predictions, hopes and how many hot dogs you’re going to eat on opening day a Wrigley.
39 days till opening day…..
7:31 am
Perhaps the story about Congressman Henry Waxman going after Hollywood’s epidemic use of steroids to fraud the audience…oh wait, he’s going after baseball players who have ties to McChimprethuglianneoconnazi.
Never mind.
11:02 pm
Writing about nothing is not easy, especially when you don’t know nothing. I haven’t ever been able to get my mind around nothing, unlike many others who can say nothing about nothing all day long, and actually make you think they do know nothing very well. They write equations that represent nothing with a nothing symbol, sort of like what was there before the Big Bang—nothing. I can’t get there either! There must have been more than nothing (ex nihilo) for someone to make us out of. So I have nothing further to say about it at all—nothing.