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CATEGORY: Politics

I am usually quite proud of being a conservative. I know in my heart that the only way to enjoying liberty under the law AND equality of justice is through the application of conservative principles to government and society. And I am usually proud of the rational, reasonable basis on which most conservatives see the world and evaluate people and events.

That’s why it embarrasses me to no end to see fellow conservatives who actually believe that Barack Obama is some kind of “Manchurian Candidate” sent by Muslims to undermine American society. Or that Obama is a closet Muslim just waiting to take power before unmasking himself. Or perhaps most bizarrely, since Obama was born to a Muslim father, he is a Muslim whether he wants to be or not and that Muslims elsewhere will not let him forget his heritage.

There are other permutations to this theme involving Obama’s middle name of Hussein which to some of my fellow conservatives is a dead giveaway that he is Muslim. And there are no end of theories, rumors, tall tales, and outright lies about Obama’s Muslim childhood spent at this madrass or that mosque which “proves” him to be a son of Islam.

Most of this idiocy takes place in comment sections of blogs and conservative boards where new Vince Foster murder theories still generate excitement. Occassionally, one of these stories goes mainstream and for a brief period, conservative are made to look like paranoid loons who believe Barack Obama is a cross between the anti-Christ and Osama bin Laden’s long lost brother.

Well, today conservative stupidity regarding Obama and his supposed ties to Islam hit paydirt – as in generating a ten on the laugh-o-meter. Evidently, the probable next president of the United States was caught in flagrante dilecto, dressed to the nines in what appears to be some kind of native garb (probably Kenyan) and with a (gasp!) turban on his head. To some of my unschooled, ignorant conservative friends, this is further proof that if we elect Obama president, there will be a department of Sharia Affairs.
Image Hosted by

The truth as Jim Hoft (via Sweetness and Light) shows, is a little less dramatic. The costume is that of a Kenyan tribal elder.

Now Obama already has some problematic connections to Kenya including his appearances for presidential candidate Raila Odinga, a distant cousin and someone whose recent actions in fomenting violence in Kenya following a crooked presidential election are extremely troublesome. (There have also been rumors of a deal between Odinga and the small Islamist party in Kenya that he would, if elected, establish Sharia law – a dubious proposition and almost certainly a lie that has been picked up by some conservatives in this country and passed off as the truth.)

But the idea that Obama in traditional Kenyan garb proves he’s some kind of closet Muslim or Islamic sympathizer is absurd. Kenya is 70% Christian and only 10% Muslim. To extrapolate that Obama’s dress denotes anything other than acknowledging his birthright not to mention playing the gracious guest by donning the clothing of his hosts is irrational, stupid, ignorant, and totally without foundation.

But that doesn’t stop some from allowing imagination to trump rational thought:

Over at Islamica magazine, they are acknowledging what the few of us fighting the great fight have been saying all along. Hussein Obama is Islam’s candidate. They call it a wink and a nod but shhhhhh don’t let on to the fat, lazy infidels.

Expect the fantasy mongerers in the mainstream media to continue to scrub and whitewash (no pun) Hussein Obama’s Islamic bonafides. The rabid fervor by the leftarded lemmings is Hitleresque.

A former Associate Publisher of The New York Observer should know better.

While writing this post, I received a comment on my article from yesterday about Obama’s radical friends. The wildly off base nature of most of the charges made almost make me believe I’m living on a planet full of escapees from the loony bin:

Rick, check out these other Obama ‘soulmates”:

Cousin Raila Odinga, the losing Presidential Candidate in Kenya, whom Obama supposedly has almost daily conversations, has been linked to religous violence, burning of churches ( with parishioners in them), and other violence following his loss in the elections. Odinga was accused of making a secret pact with a Kenyan national muslim group to install sharia law in Kenya if he won the election. Oh by the way, check out the picture of Obama in Kenyaa tribal Muslim garb in 2006 at Sweetness and Light.

“Tony” Rezko, corrupt Syrian-Amerioan slumlord/ businessman and heavy poitical contributor to Chicago area democrats, who will be inducted this week I believe for corruption. This is the character, with a nineteen year relationship to Obama and his law firm, who put up the money for a portion of Obama’s lot so Obama could purchase his $2.1 million home. Rezko it seems also has ties to politically connected types in Syria and the former Saddam regime.

It seems that it was true that Obama was reaching out in bi-partisan way- it just was to the parties of the Islamic radicals and not to the Republicans.

This is a guy who:

• Won’t say the pledge of allegience
• Won’t wear an American flag pin.
• Whose wife has never been proud of American before her husband’s campaign.
• Who belongs to a racist anti-white church in Chicago.
• Who was enrolled as a muslim in Indoneisa’s schools and studied the Koran in afterschool clubs.
• Whose middle name is named after Ali Hussein, grandson of Mohammad and the founder of Shia d’ Islam. Incidentally, “Barrack” is awfully close to the name “Buraq”, the winged steed that Mohammad rode to heaven on.

This apostate muslim is the one who is to lead us on the War on Terror?

Pray tell, how is Barrack going to make peace between the Shia , Sunni and the Sufi, much less those other people of the Book, those infidel Jews and Chistians? The muslim Takfiri have only been waging war on the insufficiently pious muslims and infidel for over thirteen hundred years, or did’nt Barrack learn that studying the Koran as a teenager?

We as voters really need to hear from Barrack, how studying the Koran as a teenager affected and shaped his political outlook and worldview.

I receive these kinds of comments all the time and read them constantly on other blogs. What the commenter and other conservatives don’t take into account about Obama is that he is much more of a calculating man than anyone generally gives him credit for. He attends a church in Chicago whose pastor is admiring of black racist Louis Farrakahn. But I doubt whether Obama’s Christianity goes much deeper than his devotion to Islam – which is to say his religiosity is a calculated element of his political personae. His attendance at Trinity United Church Of Christ in Chicago establishes his authenticity as an African American more than fulfilling any spiritual need the candidate may have.

And that’s why I find charges that Obama is some kind of closet Muslim so absurd. The candidate may have been trained as a grass roots organizer using the playbook written by radical Saul Alinsky. And he may have been involved in radical lefist politics early in his career. But a man who has so carefully crafted a political resume by conveniently being absent for key votes or voting “Present” on controversial bills – all the better to obscure how far left his politics go or what his true politics are – it is not beyond imagining that whatever his religious beliefs, they are calculated to effortlessly merge with the rest of this image Obama is presenting to the world. There is no room for Islam in this image nor is there anything in the public record that would indicate Obama has even given his Muslim heritage – if indeed his father was a member of the Islamic faith – a second thought as an adult.

I would say to my conservative friends who continue to insist that this is a rich vein to mine that you are so off base as to be a laughingstock. Just because my middle name is David doesn’t mean I’m a Jew despite a long, illustrious connection of that name to the history and faith of the Hebrews. Hence, this nonsense about Obama’s middle name being “proof” that he is a Muslim has got to stop. There’s no evidence that name was given to him for any other reason except the given one – it was his father’s middle name as well.

Nor does Obama dressing up in local garb make him a Kenyan elder or a shadow Muslim. The fact that he is wearing a traditional headress is irrelevant to what he believes. When Calvin Coolidge was photographed wearing a Lakotan headdress, no one came out and said Coolidge was a devotee of The Great Spirit. Politicians wear all sorts of funny hats and clothes. It’s part of Americana. For Obama to be singled out for honoring his hosts by dressing in traditional garb is the height of stupidity and my conservative bretheren should be ashamed of themselves.

I really wish this meme would stop. There is so much else to criticize Obama for that to start tilting at windmills by claiming he’s a danger to our Judeo-Christian society is a waste of time, effort, and resources. I would imagine the candidate himself rather than being hurt by these accusations probably gets a good laugh out of them, so silly they are and so revealing of the stupidity that permeates a large subset of the right.

Get a grip, friends.


Good to see even most of my conservative readers agree with me – at least judging from the comments and the nearly dozen emails I’ve gotten already.

One good point made by an emailer is that even if he isn’t a Muslim, Obama may be more sympathetic to Muslims than any other candidate.

I hope so. Someone sympathetic to Muslims wouldn’t use the word “Crusade” when talking about the war in Afghanistan. That utterance by Bush did more to harm US-Muslim relations than anything except possibly the war in Iraq which most Muslims refuse to acknowledge freed 25 million of their co-religionists from one of the most brutal regimes in the world.

But would he be more accomodating of radical Islamists? Would he seek some kind of truce with al-Qaeda or other radical groups? Would he believe the Iranians if they told him face to face that they had no interest in building a nuclear bomb?

This, I don’t know. But given his past associations with radical leftists whose myopic belief in the goodness of our enemies (since it is we who are the ogres of the world) is one of their most endearing qualities, that fact might make any foriegn policy initiative possible.

Some believe it is inevitable that the west will negotiate with Bin Laden – at least about Afghanistan. God knows what these next years will bring but if there would be an American President who might consider it, I would finger Obama before McCain any day of the week.

By: Rick Moran at 8:07 pm
  1. 1
    ChenZhen Said:
    8:59 pm 


    And it looks like Atlas has been off the rails for some time now.

  2. 2
    Roy Mustang Said:
    9:04 pm 

    I agree. The picture would hurt Obama more if we used it as a piece of humor (like the Dukakis tank picture).

    We should concentrate the attacks on the more disturbing unpatriotic crap the Obamas try to pull. Should we really elect a man whose idea of sacrifice is wearing a flag pin on his suit?

  3. 3
    Donnie Said:
    9:23 pm 

    Thank you for your honesty. Some form of this nonsense occurs on nearly every comment thread I’ve read on the right blogosphere.

    Whenever someone uses Obama’s middle name in my presence, I ask them if they know McCain’s middle name.

    So far the reply has always been some form of “no”, and in some cases “no”, along with an extended rant that boiled down to “it doesn’t matter”. None have answered “Sidney”.

  4. 4
    Michael in MI Said:
    9:43 pm 

    Well, this issue is about as silly as the whole Fred Thompson “silly hat” issue, yet Michelle Malkin, Bryan Preston, AllahPundit and a whole host of other “conservatives” used their blogs to tar and feather Fred Thompson over that. I guess turnabout is ‘fair play’.

  5. 5
    Lawrence Franko Said:
    10:10 pm 

    The picture is not our problem, or my problem, it is BOs problem. He is responsible for his own image. It’s maybe not a good idea to be pictured as a Somali Muslim Elder while running for President of the United States. Maybe he should run for President of Somalia instead.

  6. 6
    Walt Said:
    10:13 pm 

    Glad that’s settled. So, now. How about Hillary. Is she really butch? And McCain. Is he the real Manchurian candidate?

    In other words, we’ve got way too much time on our hands between now and the election. It’s gonna get worse, ‘cause there’s a whole lot of folks, left and right, who are just barely hangin’ on. And our candidates have learned that the less they reveal about their intentions and inclinations, the better it is for them. So, all we have to go on to distinguish between them is fables, slanders, and ghost stories, of which there will be no shortage.

  7. 7
    In the Department of Credit Where it is Due § Unqualified Offerings Pinged With:
    10:14 pm 

    [...] the National Examiner, of all places), about Obama being an Islamofascist mole. Posted by Mona @ 10:14 pm, Filed under: Main « « Ronning Into the Ground | Main| [...]

  8. 8
    tess Said:
    10:16 pm 

    OK, I read your piece and agree with most of it but how do
    you feel about the fact that he was only in politics a short
    time when he was in a close relationship with:

    Ayers of the Weatherman
    Dornan of the Weatherman
    Part of a church that is very, very RACIST
    In cahoots with Antonio Resko
    and the list goes on…..
    To be very honest, I feel that his making a comment about not
    wearing an American Flag Pin speaks volumns: if he had said
    nothing about it – we may not have noticed.

    Then to have wifey make her famous statement about never
    being proud of this country before – the volumns gets heavy!

  9. 9
    Rick Moran Said:
    10:18 pm 

    Keep scrolling

  10. 10
    Donnie Said:
    10:30 pm 

    And the flag-pin nonsense and the “Pledge” BS—enough already.

    I’d rather have a man that considered the de rigueur-flag-pin an easy and often false show, than one who has them pre-pinned to every suit coat. (check out John Cole for a rogue’s gallery of this cheap display.)

    A photographed fraction-of-a-second during which Barack Obama failed to have his hand and arm in a certain position while the National Anthem (not the Pledge of Allegiance) was being played, has become a false cheap-and-easy meme. Where are all the other pictures to certify this “refusal to salute” as habit? Surely there would have to be many other photos, video even?

    It’s fascinating to watch political themes being born. This stuff is dishonest. I hope dishonesty doesn’t work this time.

  11. 11
    Steve Said:
    10:54 pm 

    I agree with you, Rick. No self-respecting Marxist believes in God, so how could Barak be a Muslim? However, I do believe he sympathizes with many radical Islamist views in regard to Israel, the U.S., and the West in general. He would be a dangerous man to elect President of the United States. His reported support of Odinga in Kenya is telling, and chilling.

    You are also right that he is more calculating than that for which most have given him credit. My question is just exactly what is he calculating on doing as POTUS? At least with the Clintons it is a fairly naked Nietzschian will to power. I think the Senator from Illinois is more complicated than that.

  12. 12
    Dennis D Said:
    11:08 pm 

    Obama had a Muslim Daddy, Muslim Step Father and belongs to a Church that just made Farrahkan its MAN of the Year. But make no MISTAKE. Obama is no Muslim lol

    Debbie Schlussel has exposed the long list of Obama staffers who just happen to belong to the Nation of Islam.

  13. 13
    DANEgerus Said:
    11:11 pm 

    It isn’t that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim by virtue of his father & step-father’s religion…

    It isn’t that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim by virtue of his early education…

    It isn’t that Muslims think Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim…

    It isn’t the 1/2 dozen Nation Of Islam supporters working at top levels of his campaign…

    It isn’t Barack Hussein Obama’s “mentor” the race-hater and Farrakhan associate “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright…

    It isn’t the Carter administration anti-Semites Barack Hussein Obama’s hired to run his foreign policy…

    It isn’t Barack Hussein Obama’s association with PLO terrorists and apologists like Edward Said…

    It isn’t Barack Hussein Obama’s ongoing association with domestic terrorists like the Weather Underground’s William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn…

    It isn’t Barack Hussein Obama’s support, and family ties, to the Al-Qaeda allied Luo tribal leader Odinga and his bloody revolution in Kenya…

    It isn’t Barack Hussein Obama’s long association with known Communist agitators associated with Communist activist Saul Alinsky…

    It isn’t Barack Hussein Obama’s #1 ranking as the most Leftist Senator in Congress…

    It isn’t his refusal to say the pledge of allegiance or Barack Hussein Obama’s dramatic declaration he won’t wear an American flag pin even as he dismisses criticism for flying Che Guevera banners and the Cuban flag in his campaign Headquarters…

    It isn’t his viciously LibRule spouse who sups at the trough of tax-payer subsidized preferences and then denounces the system that indulged her with hypocritical condemnations as a ‘thesis’...

    It isn’t that Barack Hussein Obama defends his empty rhetoric with stolen rhetoric…

    It isn’t the MainStreamMedia’s partisan advocacy that covers up these facts or their blind support for his Orwellian platitudes…

    It is the cumulative absurdity of a Hawaiian running as the new Messiah.

    He has done nothing, he has seen nothing, and yet embraces the hate-rhetoric of his LibRule fellows with the intolerant theocratic absolutism of a true believer.

    Like any “chicken-hawk” he will be clumsy in his execution, of powers he doesn’t understand, to solve problems that only exist in his fellow traveler’s minds, resulting in horrific damage to society at large…

    Which the faithful will only blame on the rest of us who ‘fail to understand’...

  14. 14
    reliapundit Said:
    11:29 pm 

    With all due respect, Rick:

    this is a load of crap.

    I googled for about an hour trying to find another image of any kenyan or somali man wearing that garb and found NONE.

    the man instructing obama in the photo IS A MUSLIM. his name is prefaced by SHEIK. jeez.

    the hat obama has on is a turban – which is NOT african in origin.

    his sheik buddy is also wearing a traditional MUSLIM hat.

    i am NOT saying obama is NOW a Muslim, but it should be pointed out he is half Kenyan and half American and the Kenyan half is Muslim.

    Obama has NOTHING in common with black African-Americans except some degree of skin pigmentation.

    His forbears has less to do with the civil rights movement than mine, and never suffered under Jim Crow and were never slaves.

    This reveals that Obama’s biggest accomplishment to date has been convincing/conning black African-Americans into believing he’s one of them.


    And this photo points that out as much as anything I have seen.

    Which is why Obama doesn’t want it out there.


    Somali or not, the garb is Muslim – like MOST of Somalia.

    It’s true.

    Now deal with it.

    I have updated my post with additional; links and jpegs for your perusal.


  15. 15
    Judith Said:
    2:10 am 

    This is no conservative site. Any conservative who would give empty suit Obuma the time of day is just a liberal in sheep’s clothing. An article written by one of the cult.

    Please close your mouth when breathing. It keeps you from drooling and also hides the fact that your momma married your brother.


  16. 16
    Wolking's World Trackbacked With:
    3:05 am 

    Obama the Muslim: Not!...

    Rick Moran at PoliGazette echoes my sentiments regarding all of the superfluous, circling rumors on whether Barack Hussein Obama is a secret Muslim running for POTUS as a Manchurian candidate.
    I am usually quite proud of being a conservative. I know in…

  17. 17
    Telstar Said:
    3:12 am 

    It is quite true that Obama is NOT “some kind of ‘Manchurian Candidate’ sent by Muslims to undermine American society.”

    But he MAY BE a Manchurian Candidate sent by the Borg to assimilate all of humanity:

    It’s only a matter of time until shewd conservatives (like some of the previous commenters here) awaken to this perilous fact.

  18. 18
    Intellectually Honest Conservatives - Bang the Drum Pinged With:
    5:24 am 

    [...] Really DO exist. Just check this post out, reacting to more of the ridiculous fringe-lunacy about Barack Obama’s supposed “Muslim ties”. Thank you, Rick Moran. I may not agree with your politics, but I appreciate your intellectual honesty. (Don’t agree about them being “freed”, however.) But the idea that Obama in traditional Kenyan garb proves he’s some kind of closet Muslim or Islamic sympathizer is absurd. Kenya is 70% Christian and only 10% Muslim. To extrapolate that Obama’s dress denotes anything other than acknowledging his birthright not to mention playing the gracious guest by donning the clothing of his hosts is irrational, stupid, ignorant, and totally without foundation. One good point made by an emailer is that even if he isn’t a Muslim, Obama may be more sympathetic to Muslims than any other candidate. [...]

  19. 19
    syn Said:
    7:32 am 

    One would think that Obama’s Senate record voting for the continuation of Margaret Sanger’s “Negro Project” would be a bigger stain on his image that he supports blacks and African-Americans.

    Then again he’s a Liberal who believes this is a perfectly acceptable way of bringing Hope, Change and Purity to America’s soul.

  20. 20
    Vince P Said:
    7:42 am 

    According to this guy, only one of Obama’s great-grandparents is Black African, the rest on his father’s side were Arab. That makes Barry 50%white, 43%arab 7%black.

    If you ever read Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book “Infidel”, you’ll note that she was raised in Somalia. During the Civil War in the 1980s her family had to flee and they eventually settled in Kenya because Kenya’s christian heritage had resulted in Kenya being relatively stable. yet tribal affiliations were still the predominate factor in one’s identity. So it really doesn’t matter that Kenya is where his family is from.. that part of Africa is about the tribe, so if Barry’s father side is mostly Arab, and his father is a hard-line polygamous Muslim, then had barry lived in kenya his whole life, he would have been too.

    This is why Obama is supporting the distint cousin in Kenya who is behind all the violence.. Muslim tribal allegences.

    We in the West are pretty naive that we think we can ignore all this because “we’re so much better”.. we’re so above all this… Well the world doesn’t work that way.. We better realize quickly what the world is decaying too because of the revival of Islam.

    They play by no rules… we have too many.

  21. 21
    Vince P Said:
    7:43 am 

    Ooppps.. in my last comment I mentioned a “this guy”.. this is the guy:

  22. 22
    Sidney Burkett Said:
    7:51 am 

    It my imagination or do half the entries at this blog trash different factions of the Republican party and/or conservatives. I miss the old RWNH where I could go and see the left taken to task.

    The larger point is that Obama is sympathetic to terrorists’ perspectives which are now obvious in his association with Dorhn and Aykers of unrepentant Weatherman fame. I loved the Obama campaign response about him being 8 years old at the time. Evidently violence, lawlessness and murder don’t count if it was before his time. If he had been born a few years later Osama Bin Laden could have been one of his buds too.

  23. 23
    Maggie's Farm Trackbacked With:
    7:59 am 

    Monday Morning Links…

    I’m hungry. Got any grub? If you vote for Hillary, you must be a racist. If you vote for Obama, you must be a sexist. Classical ValuesIs the NYT news dept in free fall?Old blighty might be ready for dhimmitude, but I doubt that Doritos is ready.Clinto…

  24. 24
    Chip Said:
    8:02 am 

    Far too much of the ‘sphere has denigrated into polarized echo chambers hurling absurdities back and forth at each other. Every time I think that spinning wheel of insanity is about to throw a bearing, along comes Rick Moran to apply the brakes. :)

  25. 25
    Ali Said:
    8:18 am 

    I think the pic is a photoshop.

    That said, Rick, do your research.

    Start with the archives of the Sun-Times and Tribune.

    Mail me when you get to the Iraq Power Plant and Security Deal, the requests for visas, letters written, whose relatives hired… etc. Not that he returned favors for donors./s

    To say it’s bad judgement would be a huge understatement.

    At the very least, check out his IL and hill votes/legislation records, as well as advisors, lobbyists… you know, what you usually do with any candidate, right, left or center.

    P.S. Pay close attention to the trial and read the documents re: Fitz

    WTF do you mean “do your research?” This comment is so incoherent I almost deleted it. The question is whether Obama is a Muslim not a crook, or a party hack, or that he used NoI personnel for bodyguards before the SS stepped in. If you believe him to be a Muslim, you are a loon – period.


  26. 26
    vermindust Said:
    8:25 am 

    The photograph is now at the top of the Drudgereport, but i saw it here first. Now that it is going to the MSM the nature of the odd costume will be a matter of faith. “Experts” will tell us that it is and that it isn’t; we will never know if Reliapundit is right about its muslum nature.

  27. 27
    JammieWearingFool Trackbacked With:
    8:36 am 

    Desperate Clinton Staffers Circulating Obama in Muslim Garb Photo…

    This is what happens when blind ambition gets the better of you.

    A relatively innocuous photo of Barack Obama dressed in an outfit while he was visiting Kenya was circulating around the blogosphere this weekend, and some imply some sinister motive…..

  28. 28
    Below The Beltway » Blog Archive » Clinton Supporter Behind “Obama Is A Secret Muslim” Nonsense ? Pinged With:
    8:47 am 

    [...] Rick Moran says this: [T]he idea that Obama in traditional Kenyan garb proves he’s some kind of closet Muslim or Islamic sympathizer is absurd. Kenya is 70% Christian and only 10% Muslim. To extrapolate that Obama’s dress denotes anything other than acknowledging his birthright not to mention playing the gracious guest by donning the clothing of his hosts is irrational, stupid, ignorant, and totally without foundation. [...]

  29. 29
    southernsue Said:
    9:12 am 

    believe what you want. this barak guy sounds as if he is playing with the wrong crowd. have we become sheepal? not me. i prefer my president to be a “homegrown potato bud”. i want someone with roots in my country and represents my country, warts and all.

    imho, if there is this so much doubt about his playmates then he should be discounted for any serious office and let a real american step ahead. at least a person that will proudly sing our national athem and put his hand on his heart during the pledge and also wear our proud american flag pin.

    wake up america!

  30. 30
    Jimmie Said:
    9:20 am 

    Rick, there is an angle that is worth some thought, I think. If the perception is that Obama was a Muslim, even for a little while as a child, and he left that faith to join another one, that may very well make him an apostate in the eyes of quite a few Muslims, some of whom are world leaders he is going to have to deal with. I don’t think that’s a right opinion to have, but it is certainly a popular one in Islam.

    I wonder if he’ll have real trouble even getting in the door in those countries, much less having any sort of diplomatic conversation with them.

  31. 31
    The Bloggers Bail at politburo diktat 2.0 Pinged With:
    9:27 am 

    [...] Rick Moran: Right Wing Nut House » ENOUGH WITH ALL OF THIS “OBAMA IS A MOOSLIM” CRAP That’s why it embarrasses me to no end to see fellow conservatives who actually believe that Barack Obama is some kind of “Manchurian Candidate” sent by Muslims to undermine American society. Or that Obama is a closet Muslim just waiting to take power before unmasking himself. Or perhaps most bizarrely, since Obama was born to a Muslim father, he is a Muslim whether he wants to be or not and that Muslims elsewhere will not let him forget his heritage. [...]

  32. 32
    susan boyer Said:
    9:37 am 

    The picture is irrelevant, but Obama’s past associations with radicals are not. I agree there is no proof at present of Muslim ties etc. but there also isn’t proof he doesn’t have them. What if you’re wrong, sir. I think we need to know a whole lot more about his fromative years and associations in Fla as well. We also need to follow the money trail in Chicago etc. Surely this is done re all candidates by the media. Surely, Obama doesn’t get a pass because he’s biracial?

  33. 33
    Paul Ramsey Said:
    9:47 am 


    I did not say Obama is a Muslim. I wrote that is a an apostate Muslim. There is a big difference.

    The point about his name fool, was that his biological father was very much into Islam. That same polygamist father left him at a very early age. After being abandoned,his mother then marries another Muslim! This new stepfather takes him and his mother to Indonesia where he registers Barrack as a muslim child in the Indonesiam public schools. There he was taught the Koran, as was standard practice in Indonesia for a muslim child . In the eyes of the muslim world, he was a muslim. In Islam, once a muslim, always a muslim. The Koran forbids you from leaving the Muslim faith. Once you leave the faith, you are considered an spostate. It is an offense punishable by death under sharia law.

    What I was implying that we don’t kmow how this Muslim experience affected Barrack and what he attitude towards the Muslim World is now .

    His lofty rhetoric is full of feel good platitudes, but is empty and a near carbon copy, often word to word copy of Deval Patrick’s campaign in 2006. It is not original to him, and really doesn’t provide any true take on where he stands. We don’t know really where he stands on the Greater WAr on Terror at all, at least by his rhetoric. We definitely do not know how he proposes to win this War.

    What we do know is that:

    He is uncomfortable with:

    • conventional displays of patriotism
    • the war in Iraq
    • Gitmo
    • Abu Graib
    • FISA
    • Support for Israel

    But is comfortable with:

    • Repeating lies about the Military in Afgahnistan
    • Associates with ties to Islamic

    Radicals like Raila Odinga and Tony Rezko.
    • Former violent radicals like the Weather Underground.
    • Leaving the people and all the good we have accomplished in Iraq
    to the depravities of Al Qaeda

    Gee, for a the man who is most likely at this point to lead western civilization in the Greater War on Terror, don’t these attitudes seem to be a really big problem ?

    All Obama and Kerry in 2004 before him, seem to be saying is that all we need to do is sit down with a bunch of Muslim leaders and simply hammer out a peace agreement. Except that the Koran forbids a true peace agreemnent with the Infidel. It only allows a “Hudna”, a temporary truce favorable to Islam. In Islam, the only way to find peace is to submit to the word of Allah.

    This war is mostly a war of Ideas. How exactly do you propose to address the fact that for fundamentalist Islam, Allah has the answers to all things and there is no need for democracy or free thought? How do you reconcile that Islam with our democratic ideals and our unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? How do you protect those muslims who want those same democratic Ideals for themselves?

    As George Weigel says, to truly have a meaningful dialogue with Islam, one must first recognize our true differences. You seem to be afraid to expose those diffences for some polically correct reason.

    Your whole post was a frightened muddying of the waters, not a courageous examination of the truth. What a true Dhimmi.

    I once thought better of you.

    Oh for gods sake read the freaking post. Just because I say anyone who thinks he’s a Muslim – or in your case a Muslim apostate – is a loon doesn’t mean I support the guy. Beyond that, I’ve been blogging about Rezko since he announced his candidacy so don’t tell me what to look at.

    And you lost me after this: “...that his biological father was very much into Islam…” Wrong, “fool.” His biological father by all accounts (except those in the hysterical conservative sites where rumor is substituted for facts) was an agnostic. His paternal grandfather may or may not have been Muslim. And the reason he was enrolled in the muslim school in Indonesia is because that’s what you did if you wanted to live there.

    Having to defend this far left liberal from the likes of you sickens me – you and others like you are muddying the waters, going after the guy where people are not only not paying attention, but those that are listening are laughing at you for your stupidity. If the only way to marginalize you and protect reasonable conservatives from being tarred with your idiocies is to bring you down and make you disappointed in me, so be it. Ive lost better readers than you.


  34. 34
    Candy Said:
    9:57 am 

    Wow, you sure called your fellow bloggers a lot of things.

    Even mused on how Obama might take it.

    He will be more sympathetic.


    Reliapundit, don’t bother… he’s lost to us now.

    Obama’s more suited to talk to them… for some reason.

    Must be the tender years of Indonesia in Catholic school, registered as a Muslim… as he said in his book. But never mind.

    Some right-winger must have inserted that into his book…
    It was just ignorant, stupid and ridiculous to make that up.

    BWHAHAHAHAHA…you’re joking, right. So which is it my loony tunes friends. Did Obama attend a Muslim school in Indonesia per my buddy above? Or did he attend a Catholic school and register as a Muslim?

    When you can’t keep the lies straight, it’s time to bail folks.


  35. 35
    T-Ray Said:
    10:14 am 

    I appreciate this blogs attempt at a reasonable response to so much “hooey”. The responses to the above article are the most telling piece of evidence as to a group in our society that cares not for reason or integrity. It’s my ideology or bust. I would suggest that a picture of a sitting Vice-President asleep in several meetings might sway a reasonable person more than not “posing” properly at all times. What happened to reason and integrity? Really.

  36. 36
    rightwingprof Said:
    10:16 am 

    These are Schlussel memes, started by that idiot Debbie Schlussel, and repeated by those who are stupid enough to pay attention to her babbling. There are plenty of reasons to go after Obama without resorting to this nonsense, but the same was true of going after Clinton without going off the deep end about Vince Foster, you name it.

  37. 37
    RedKitten Said:
    10:19 am 

    imho, if there is this so much doubt about his playmates then he should be discounted for any serious office and let a real american step ahead. at least a person that will proudly sing our national athem and put his hand on his heart during the pledge and also wear our proud american flag pin.

    Like these guys? Are these the types of real Americans who you would prefer to have in office. Rick’s right—you guys are so desperate to paint him as some sort of Muslim Manchurian candidate that you’re ignoring your own inconsistencies.

    And Paul Ramsey? You said that Obama was uncomfortable with conventional displays of patriotism. No wonder, when those conventional displays have been co-opted by Bush’s scoundrels. You said he’s uncomfortable with the war in Iraq. So is the majority of the rest of the country. You said he’s uncomfortable with Gitmo and Abu Graib. So is the majority of the rest of the country—and “uncomfortable” is putting it lightly. You said he’s uncomfortable with FISA —considering how utterly NON-transparent Bush has been with it, and considering the utter disregard he’s shown for the rule of law, it’s no wonder Obama’s uncomfortable with FISA —so are a lot of people. And as for support for Israel—there are a lot of people right now who think that America has done itself and Israel a disservice with this blind, unquestioning support, and that we need to start treating Israel like our other allies—supportive, but not afraid to disagree with them or disapprove of some of their policies.

    Frankly, if you have a negative opinion of Obama because he’s uncomfortable with that aforementioned list, then you must also have a pretty negative opinion of the majority of your fellow Americans.

  38. 38
    Lisa Said:
    10:20 am 

    Southern Sue:

    He is a real American. Newsflash: Even black people can be real Americans.

    To the author of this post: Thank you. I am a liberal Democrat who is quite excited about Senator Obama. I have been expecting the opposition to put him under the magnifying glass (I have been hoping for it since the media is so star-struck they are not exactly holding his feet to the fire). However, it is hilarious to see people like Pam Geller screeching about him being some kind of Al Qaeda plant when really, people want to see the opposition put his political history and politics under the critical microscope so they can better get to know this guy.

  39. 39
    RedKitten Said:
    10:22 am 

    Oh, and for those of you freaking out about Obama wearing a traditional costume when visiting another culture, I give you this.

  40. 40
    J Said:
    10:51 am 

    What a brilliant way to bring conservatives together. Name calling. Good luck with that.
    Oh, and I’m sure calling conservatives loons won’t help liberals. I’m also sure that ignoring this or sweeping it under the rug was not a better course of action. Geez, you are sooo smart!

  41. 41
    John Said:
    11:01 am 


    Do we really want a man running this country with Muslim Background. I hope you haven’t forgotten that it was Muslim’s that attacked this country in 2001. Once a Muslim always a Muslim.

    We just got rid of Saddam Hussein and now you want to put Barack Hussein Obama in the Whitehouse and his wife has not been proud of this country until now.

    Something is wrong here. I’m an American and I love this country regardless of what shape it is in. I’ve been to other countries and I know first hand that there is no other country like the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

    People, we need to wise up and think about what your doing. Obama is telling you what you want to hear now but when he is office, things will get alot worse

  42. 42
    Neo Said:
    11:04 am 

    I always thought that both Hiliary and Obama were much more vunerable to an attack on just who was “rich” enough to be paying for all their wonderful ideas.

  43. 43
    Lisa Said:
    11:07 am 

    Oh, and this was the same kind of crap our side has had to deal with for the past 7 years with Bush: Instead of legitimate arguments about the President’s policies (which, in my opinion have been almost uniformly reprehensible), we had nutburgers arguing that he personally flew jets into the Trade Towers and regularly snorts lines coke off of his wife’s ass (oh, and said wife regularly gets into her car with a bottle of Jack Daniels and runs over unfortunate, slow-moving pedestrians). And they REFUSED to actually let go of that ridiculousness, thereby bringing shame upon us all.

  44. 44
    JWellington Said:
    11:24 am 

    Obama is definitely not a Muslim. But this photo will be used as long as Obama is running for office. It has a subliminal impact.

    It isn’t fair and it isn’t reasonable – but there is no question it will have a powerful impact. One image really is worth more than a thousand words.

    I am bewildered by all the comments about stupid conservatives. Why all the anti-conservative hatred?


  45. 45
    Ratt Said:
    11:34 am 

    Who said Muslims believe in God, they do not, they believe in the Prophet Muhammad, PBUH.

    Either way, if Obama has his hand on the Q’uran when taking the Oath of Office what say you then ?

  46. 46
    Moochie Said:
    11:42 am 

    Hey Moran,

    Do you give your buddy Barack a reach-around while you’re on your knees smoochin’ with his posterior and laughing at the unenlightened?

  47. 47
    Winston Smith Said:
    11:46 am 

    Thank you, Rick.

    If Senator Obama is the Democratic nominee, then let him be defeated because the Republican is better suited to lead the country, not because of fake scandals.

    If we support the mixing of ignorance and politics when it seems convenient, we, as a nation, will get what we deserve—a government for suckers.

  48. 48
    MataHarley Said:
    11:51 am 

    All this BS about roots in Islam is absurd… and extremely hypocritical. If we, in the name of conservatism, rail against the unnatural focus on Romney’s Mormon roots, or Bush and Huckabee’s Christianity, the cry of “foul” for Obama’s Islam roots – no matter what or how in depth they may be – is disingenuous at best.

    Moran is right on here. Assuming the “let’s tar and feather Obama as a Muslim” election tactic will work on liberal voters is not only a lie and a pipedream, but it puts most of us conservatives amidst an embarrassing company of constituents.

    Since the left has it’s vocal and (judging by the 2008 candidates) powerful left fringe loonies, I suppose it’s only fitting the right has our own. It’s just too bad that most of the right fringe owns computer, and insist upon displaying their bias and simplicity of mind to the blogging world.

    It’s a sad commentary when you think the Obama and the DNC base their entire governing philosophy on the notion that the American citizen is incapable of making wise decisions for their personal life, and therefore gov’t must step in “for our own good”. This, in a nutshell, is where Obama should be beaten.

    However the hysterical and wild grasp at straws, such as this Obama/Muslim issue, does little more than prove they may have a point.

  49. 49
    Pam Said:
    11:51 am 

    Who sponsored the trip that Obama took and was photographed during? Why was he there?

    As for this: “There have also been rumors of a deal between Odinga and the small Islamist party in Kenya that he would, if elected, establish Sharia law – a dubious proposition and almost certainly a lie that has been picked up by some conservatives in this country and passed off as the truth”

    Did you think that because you declared it a lie, suddenly it is?

  50. 50
    Brian Said:
    12:00 pm 

    In your piece on Obama, you say:

    “But a man who has so carefully crafted a political resume by conveniently being absent for key votes or voting “Present” on controversial bills – all the better to obscure how far left his politics go or what his true politics are – it is not beyond imagining that whatever his religious beliefs, they are calculated to effortlessly merge with the rest of this image Obama is presenting to the world.”

    I have no idea how you are able to look into the man’s soul and determine that his asserted religious beliefs, which he has consistently held for over 20 years, are merely calculated. You would be justifiably outraged if a left-wing blogger asserted, as some do, that Bush’s fundamentalist conversion was politically motivated. If you have some evidence (and if you did, you wouldn’t say “it is not beyond imagining” that his beliefs are calculated), say so. Otherwise, oppose him on his politics and leave his religion alone.

    Also, the suggestion that he voted “present” as a matter of calculation ignores to some extent the rules in the Illinois State Senate. Unlike the US Senate, where a bill passes if it gets a majority of the votes cast, in the Illinois Senate, a bill doesn’t pass unless a majority of the members vote for it. For instance, if there were 100 members, and the vote on a bill was 49 for, 1 against, and 50 present, the bill would be defeated. A “present” vote allows a member to defeat a bill, but keep the door open to support it in an amended form.

    It’s still possible, of course, that on some “present” votes, as well as some absences, Obama was calculating—what politician isn’t? But you do a disservice to careful analysis if you don’t address the unusual rules under which he was operating.

  51. 51
    ronnor Said:
    12:09 pm 

    Mr. Obama hasn’t the experience to run a State in the Union and he wants to be President. He’s from the Daley Political Machine of Chicago, the same machine that stuffed the ballot boxes for Kennedy. There is so much suspect with Mr. Obama, so many things that say’s he is unqualified and is hiding something, why take a chance. All of the signs are there and if he walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck; he’s probably a duck. Why take any chance, its our countries life.

  52. 52
    Anon Said:
    12:13 pm 

    Sorry, but I think that Obama’s perceived “symapthies” with radical Islamic ideology is a huge issue. What do the radical Islamists want? That’s an important question. Once you’ve answered it, ask yourself how much of what they want Obama is willing to give. Are you comfortable with that? For example, do they want a separate Sharia Law system in the US that trumps our rule of law? Yes, I think they do. Is Obama willing to “discuss” that? Troubling. Do they want separate same-sex courses at our public colleges and universities? Yes, they do. Is Obama willing to discuss that? Troubling. Do they want public school teachers in majority-Muslim schools to be forced to wear long sleeves, long skirts, and head scarves? Yes, they do. Is Obama willing to discuss that? Troubling. Do they want to continue treating their wives and daughters as chattel, even while living in the US and in direct contradiction to US law? Yes, they do. Is Obama willing to discuss that? Troubling. Do they want government policies and decisions to be made through the lens of Islamic ideology? Yes, they do. Is Obama willing to discuss that? Troubling. You’ve shown examples from some bigoted people, but it is incredibly naive to suggest that Obama’s background doesn’t mean he will likely deal with radical Islam is a very different — and very accommodating — way. He most likely will, and I’d like to see him asked direct questions about some of these issues, but no one in the media ever will. Therefore, we’re left wondering, worrying, and speculating. I don’t want to learn the scale of his accommodation to radical Islam until after the election. Moreover, Obama has very strong ties to the radical left, a group that has shown it has more in common with radical Islamist ideology than with a traditional American ideology that embraces liberty and individual rights. You may not like how some people are discussing this issue with Obama, but surely you understand that the scale of our future capitulation to radical Islamist ideology is an issue at the very center of our national identity.

  53. 53
    hastingspete Said:
    12:14 pm 

    Wow. I had heard there was some silly stuff circulating, but this is great. First off, a disclosure: I am a member of the Democratic Party and a supporter of Senator Obama.

    To the Right Wing Nuthouse blogger, kudos for your intellectual honesty. You guys definitely have stuff to go after the Senator. He votes differently from the way Senator McCain did. (Duh.) That’s why he is running as a Democrat (and will win as a Democrat, by the way).

    This silly stuff, really really embarassing stuff about Obama as a secret Muslim, is just going to disgust people with the Republicans. What sells Obama is a guy who made it good in this country and who is wildly hopeful about this country. Unpatriotic? Yeah. Good luck with that. Secret Muslim. Yuh, that might convince some mouth-breathers who were going to vote Republican anyway, but some nice lady in Ohio? Good luck with that too. To everyone who disagrees with Right Wing Nuthouse and thinks this is all good fun and fair play, hey, go for it. Keep the lies up. Go racist, PLEASE. Pretty please? Because you’re so misreading his appeal and so misreading what’s going to work this time.

    The only chance you have, the only, is the lack-of-experience meme. The rest of it is a loser for you, and you’re going to get taken to school over it, mark my words.

  54. 54
    Gene Callahan Said:
    12:29 pm 

    ‘i prefer my president to be a “homegrown potato bud”.’

    And white like a potato, too, huh?

  55. 55
    Kelly Pierce Said:
    12:36 pm 

    This is getting soooooooo boring. Are we going to have 8 months of this crap.
    He is NOT a muslim and never has been. He was on a tour to a tribal village. So what????

  56. 56
    wmfor Said:
    12:44 pm 

    Manchurian candidate? Did you say “some sort of Manchurian candidate”? Well, Obama certainly doesn’t fit that pattern.

    The Manchurian candidate was:

    1. A wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing pretending to be a far right-winger.

    2. A former prisoner of war in an Asian country.

    Can’t think of a candidate who fits that description…

  57. 57
    realAMERICAN Said:
    12:48 pm 

    HUSSEIN Obama IS TOO A mUSLIM – why didn’t he CHANGE HIS NAME when he turned 18 if he wasn’t? He should have at least changed it and renounced his father ON THE DAY OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 but I guess he was too busy with his COMMUNISITIC and BLACK SEPARATIST friends in the RICH WHITE LIBRULE cultural ELITE circles of the NIXON VOTE STEALING AND KENNEDY ENABLING MACHINE POLITICIANS in CHICAGO. These are the DESCENDANTS – ideological and biological – of the DIRTY HIPPIES who stabbed us in the back while we FOUGHT THE COMMUNISTS in VIETNAM and now want to STAB US IN THE BACK AGAIN while we fight the ISLAMOFASCISTS in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and, if he wins, right here IN THE WHITEHOUSE. Rest assured, if he wins, he will IMPOSE SHARIA and FORCED CONVERSION and will EXECUTE ALL JEWS AND CHRISTIANS who don’t convert to iSLAM on JANUARY 21, 2009.

  58. 58
    wmfor Said:
    12:52 pm 

    DANEgerous said:

    “It isn’t Barack Hussein Obama’s support, and family ties, to the Al-Qaeda allied Luo tribal leader Odinga and his bloody revolution in Kenya…”

    Family ties to al-Qaeda? You mean, like, being in business for years with the bin Laden family and rushing them out of the country after 9/11?

    Was that Obama or… oh, yeah, George W. Butch and HIS family ties to Al-Qaeda?

  59. 59
    wmfor Said:
    12:56 pm 

    VinceP said: “That makes Barry 50%white, 43%arab 7%black”

    Sorry, but that makes him 93% White. “Arab” is not a race. Arabs are Causcasian.

  60. 60
    Terry Said:
    12:57 pm 

    There is a mis-representation of fact here, this not Kenyan Elder garb, but instead Somali Elder garb.
    Southern Somali’s are Muslim, do not dress like Africans with skirts etc., are very conservative.

    They are the ones who waged war against there own people trying to force Sharia Law down every ones throat in Somalia. There is a size-able Somalia peoples presences in North East Kenyan.

    Don’t try to white wash the fact he was dressing in Muslim warlord dress of the southern Somali people.

  61. 61
    wmfor Said:
    1:01 pm 

    John said: “Do we really want a man running this country with Muslim Background. I hope you haven’t forgotten that it was Muslim’s that attacked this country in 2001. Once a Muslim always a Muslim”

    I hope you haven’t forgotten that it was Christians who blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Do you really want a man running this country with a Christian backbground?

  62. 62
    Mark from Ohio Said:
    1:02 pm 

    I am a Black American and a republican. I joined the republican party after doing some soul searching, and then looking at a picture of John Kerry and his wife and imagining them in the White House (I almost threw up). I also became a republican because I knew that the hatred of republicans that the democrats had placed in my heart was wrong. My decision was also based on the compassion and geninue feelings of Rep. Dave Hobson and Sen Mike Dewine who served our district and state with grace, honor, dignity, and a willingness to compromise. Our country is being ripped apart because democrats and republicans hate each other; if one says the sky is blue the other will say gray just in spite.

    I am not very happy with the current political situation. I like Sen McCain because he has crossed the political divide so many times to compromise and work out a deal, I like Sen Clinton because of the prosperity of her husband (yes, I know that if it wasn’t for the republicans working with him it wouldn’t have occured), and respect Sen Obama for having the audacity to run for the presidency and do it will style, grace, and a message of unity for us all. I suspect I will vote for Sen McCain.

    One thing that concerns me is that a lot of conservative republicans are so radical, that I am afraid that it would be a grave mistake to elect another republican at this time. They hate anyone that does not think like them 100%. I have read many conservative blogs and websites and if you replace democrat with christian, it at the least sounds like any Al Quaeda supporter in the Middle East, and at worst that Nancy Pelosi or Byrd (who I think hide under my bed every night to scare me).

    The one thing that Americans need to remember is that the only way for us to continue to be the great country that we are, we must remain united. I know that democracy is for the benefit of the majority but we need to compromise. Whoever holds the majority in Congress cannot shove policies down the minoritys’ throat because it only keeps the revolving door of antagonism, fear, and hatred of each other. All of us need to come together, and some people need to get off the pedastal they have placed themselves on and get back on the ground and work together with each other. It is the only way to ensure that we can pass on the legacy of the United States of America to our future generations.

    I know my opinion doesn’t count but I’m just saying.

  63. 63
    realAMERICAN Said:
    1:07 pm 

    ooops – I forgot to include the tags…

    HUSSEIN Obama IS TOO A mUSLIM – why didn’t he CHANGE HIS NAME when he turned 18 if he wasn’t? He should have at least changed it and renounced his father ON THE DAY OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 but I guess he was too busy with his COMMUNISITIC and BLACK SEPARATIST friends in the RICH WHITE LIBRULE cultural ELITE circles of the NIXON VOTE STEALING AND KENNEDY ENABLING MACHINE POLITICIANS in CHICAGO. These are the DESCENDANTS – ideological and biological – of the DIRTY HIPPIES who stabbed us in the back while we FOUGHT THE COMMUNISTS in VIETNAM and now want to STAB US IN THE BACK AGAIN while we fight the ISLAMOFASCISTS in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and, if he wins, right here IN THE WHITEHOUSE. Rest assured, if he wins, he will IMPOSE SHARIA and FORCED CONVERSION and will EXECUTE ALL JEWS AND CHRISTIANS who don’t convert to iSLAM on JANUARY 21, 2009.

  64. 64
    Kenneth Said:
    1:18 pm 

    By Sharia Law, if your father was Muslim, you are Muslim. You have no choice in the matter. Now Obama, who lives under US law, has the freedom to choose his own religion, and has declared he is a “committed Christian”. We can take that as fact. But the Muslim world will take it as apostacy, for which the penalty, under Sharia Law, is death. This may turn out to be highly significant: the President of the USA openly defies world-wide Muslim law on apostacy. Obama’s apostacy may even encourge the many millions of dissafected Muslims to leave their religion and demand religious freedom.

  65. 65
    His name is Hussein Said:
    1:20 pm 

    He’s obviously not a Muslim, but his middle name is Hussein. We just vanquished a dictator with that name. If Dewey’s name was Thomas Hitler Dewey, or if Harding was Warren Wilhelm Harding, or if Kennedy was John Dzugashvili Kennedy, etc. would people have the same enthusiasm? It is a sign of the decline of our pride in America that a man with the name of our most recent foe can be elected supervisor of an unincorporated hamlet, much less be a sitting Senator and portential President. HE is the one spinning on his middle name by hiding it, by attacking those who mention it as racist, by obfuscating on his friends’ anti-Semitism, etc.

    He is not a Muslim. So what? His policies would be exactly the same as a Muslim leftist (think an ME studies professor). That is the problem. He will be far too sympathetic to false cries of racism from Muslims. He will be far too quick to judge Muslim claims of brutality on the part of the US military, Israel, etc. correct, when they are almost always false. He will simply act no different than a Muslim President (who was not a radical jihadist). So why should we not try to stop him using any and all means (short of violence)?

  66. 66
    realAMERICAN Said:
    1:23 pm 

    uhh, i’ll try it without the angle brackets:

    ooops – I forgot to include the tags…


    HUSSEIN Obama IS TOO A mUSLIM – why didn’t he CHANGE HIS NAME when he turned 18 if he wasn’t? He should have at least changed it and renounced his father ON THE DAY OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 but I guess he was too busy with his COMMUNISITIC and BLACK SEPARATIST friends in the RICH WHITE LIBRULE cultural ELITE circles of the NIXON VOTE STEALING AND KENNEDY ENABLING MACHINE POLITICIANS in CHICAGO. These are the DESCENDANTS – ideological and biological – of the DIRTY HIPPIES who stabbed us in the back while we FOUGHT THE COMMUNISTS in VIETNAM and now want to STAB US IN THE BACK AGAIN while we fight the ISLAMOFASCISTS in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and, if he wins, right here IN THE WHITEHOUSE. Rest assured, if he wins, he will IMPOSE SHARIA and FORCED CONVERSION and will EXECUTE ALL JEWS AND CHRISTIANS who don’t convert to iSLAM on JANUARY 21, 2009.


  67. 67
    Katherine Said:
    1:25 pm 

    I do not think Obama is a Muslim. He says he’s Christian, and I think we should take him at his word on this.

    However, I am living at the moment in Egypt. I have a highly educated non-practicing Muslim friend who says that once the radical Muslims get wind of Obama’s parentage, some of them may be enraged with him because, from their point of view (not mine), the child of a Muslim father is a Muslim, and he is therefore an apostate. So I don’t worry that he’s a closet Muslim, but I do worry about nutcase Islamist assassins.

  68. 68
    Dale in Atlanta Said:
    2:07 pm 

    Rick: it’s been awhile…

    anyway, in your haste to show your “fairness”, etc., you are too hasty in your conclusions.

    IF you knew the Muslim world like I do, and IF you knew about Obama’s association with Radical Anti-Semitic/Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Palestinian’s, literally since his college days, in addition to all the other stuff that other readers have posted above, I do not think that you would be so dismissive.

    And, I politely suggest, before you dimiss the “secret Muslim” option out of hand, that you research this topic, which I personally have been warning the IC about for 17 years:

    This is a Serious, and real Phenomenom, and we have ample evidence in this country that it is happing daily, here, already.

    Just review Steve Emerson’s and the Dallas Morning News’ articles on the Holy Land Foundation Trial; Doug Farah’s pieces on the Muslim Brotherhood and their connections to that fiasco; and then also Google “Hesham Islam”, and Steven Coughlin, and I think you will be a bit more willing to accept, that we are on the cusp of some VERY bad things here, vis a vis Mr. Barrack HUSSEIN Obama!


  69. 69
    funky chicken Said:
    2:19 pm 

    I saw the pic and just thought it looks like he doesn’t even need to shave yet, very juvenile.

    But is it OK to say that Obama’s a Weatherman?

  70. 70
    joeadams Said:
    2:44 pm 

    People get the government they deserve, and commenters #46 and #65 highlight why we’ve been stuck for 8 years with somebody who can’t see one move ahead on the checker board. Maybe you guys should field david duke next time….that might help rally your base.

    I particularly like the #65’s hilarious argument that the mere fact of having a middle name that is the name of a guy we previously attacked should disqualify you from holding public office. That’s some clear thinkin’ there, Clem!

  71. 71
    Mark from Ohio Said:
    3:01 pm 

    Kenneth, I am sorry but you are wrong about the statement if your father is a muslim then you are a muslim. That is a fallacy and speaks of ignorance. Now I am a christian but I know some things about Islam because in order to combat the radicals, you have to know them. A muslim man can marry a non-muslim woman and the children can be raised as the religion of their mothers. If this wasn’t the case, then Obama would have a death warrant out on him for being an apostate.

    These are the reasons why Americans are viewed as dumb by other countries because we make arrogant and erroneous statements. Always check your facts before making a statement and all it takes is to google the information.

    The bigger issue about Obama is getting the message out that if he becomes successful at winning the presidency and removes the troops from Iraq, our country will suffer a defeat. What happens when one of our allies really needs our help but don’t want us to come to their defense because they believe that we will run once the going gets tough. Also, we need to get the message out that his tax plan would hurt the lower classes when they need every penny they get. There are so many issues on why this man will not make a good president but using his name as an excuse is only fearmongering which is an issue that the republican party needs to overcome.

    The democrats fatal flaw is that they think that if they get into office, they will be able to go to the European Union and get them to help us, and we all know that isn’t going to happen. The EU has made a nasty bed because they imported cheap labor into their country and are now dealing with a huge amount of muslims in their country and are afraid of riots. Their desire for cheap labor has left a large contingent of potential enemies in their countries which has bound their hands.

    Hmmm, I think we did the same thing also. We have millions of Hispanics here that were allowed to enter for cheap labor. Wonder what happens to us when they decide that they are fed up and want to riot. We are also making a huge mistake by allowing China and other countries to take away our labor markets, and leave us relying on them. We have made some terrible beds that we now must lie in. We need a president and a congress that will handle these issues of terrorism, immigration, and economic progress. I am named after a very famous Roman General born before the birth of Christ, and I can tell you with 100% confidence that I do not light incense and idol worship Jupiter, Saturn, Hera or any other false god. Forget what a person’s name is, and concentrate on how to get this country back on track. That is the angle that the republican party needs to be shooting for instead of shooting themselves in the foot by trying to proclaim someone something their not.

  72. 72
    Morton Doodslag Said:
    3:24 pm 

    You dismiss the possibility that Obama is deeply influenced by Islam far too easily. His mother was clearly drawn to Islam and Muslim men—enough to have a child by one Muslim, and then to live in Muslim countries for several formative years in Obama’s early life. Despite Obama’s denials that he was “ever raised as a Muslim”—he attended madrassas, and was exposed to God knows what in that Koranic institution. They don’t teach the three Rs in madrassa—the only subject is THE KORAN.

    Anyway—rather than buying into the allegation that anyone who shows concern over Obama’s clear affiliations with Islam, one would hope you’d muster some of that rational reasonableness to examine the significance of his Islamic background. That background is not a fairy tale—it is genuine—and at a moment when Muslims across the globe are rampaging and murdering, and Islamic leaders and priests are calling for the annihilation of the West and genocide of the infidels—one might imagine that such links would be germane to the discussion… Where am I wrong???

  73. 73
    Morton Doodslag Said:
    3:26 pm 

    You dismiss the possibility that Obama is deeply influenced by Islam far too easily. His mother was clearly drawn to Islam and Muslim men—enough to have a child by one Muslim, and then to live in Muslim countries for several formative years in Obama’s early life. Despite Obama’s denials that he was “ever raised as a Muslim”—he attended madrassas, and was exposed to God knows what in that Koranic institution. They don’t teach the three Rs in madrassa—the only subject is THE KORAN.

    Anyway—rather than buying into the allegation that anyone who shows concern over Obama’s clear affiliations with Islam is a bigot or a fool, one would hope you’d muster some of that rational reasonableness to examine the significance of his Islamic background. That background is not a fairy tale—it is genuine—and at a moment when Muslims across the globe are rampaging and murdering, and Islamic leaders and priests are calling for the annihilation of the West and genocide of the infidels—one might imagine that such links would be germane to the discussion… Where am I wrong???

  74. 74
    baldilocks Said:
    3:28 pm 



  75. 75
    Liberty Pundit Trackbacked With:
    3:34 pm 

    I Have To Agree With Rick…

    This stuff is getting out of hand, and I’m embarrassed to see it being so widely mentioned in the…
    Popularity: unranked [?]......

  76. 76
    seamus55 Said:
    3:44 pm 

    What a shame. Some one writes an article encouraging conservative to grow up, deal with facts and stop engaging in pathetic, intellectually dishonest fear mongering. The result, he gets shouted down. No surprise there. The right is a shallow, vile place where intelligence goes to die. BUt believe me when I tell you I am sincere in this wish. Enjoy the next years with President Obama and his Democrartic Congress! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  77. 77
    Gayle Miller Said:
    3:50 pm 

    I don’t care whether or not Obama is a Muslim. I do care thatBarack Hussein Obama is unqualified for the presidency, as is Hillary Rodham Clinton. John McCain isn’t my cup of tea, but at least we can expect that his bowels won’t turn to water should our nation be attacked again!

  78. 78
    hastingspete Said:
    5:14 pm 

    Mr Moran –
    You’re absolutely right, but the lies live on by stint of repeating. Hillary goes negative, and she gets buried time and again. She’s doing it now in Ohio and in Texas, and the latest polls have her slipping behind Obama in Texas and likely to follow in Ohio. It won’t be any different for McCain. Because Obama speaks to the nobility in us, fighting him in the gutters just makes his enemies look shallow. Go after a lack of experience, go after his positions, but the Madrassa lies, the Koran swearing-in lies,all of that, it just won’t fly. A few percentage points will be swayed against Senator Obama, but far more will find that sort of fight repulsive. It just doesn’t fly. Clinton will find that out in ten days. The right wing nutjobs will find that out in 220. That stuff is sickening, and just plain wrong. Enough Americans have a visceral understanding of that to esnure it doesn’t work. The rest, who think its acceptable: they’re beyond salvage and to hell with them. They deserve their fate of wallowing in hate. Who needs them? You don’t.

  79. 79
    Bob Agard Said:
    5:17 pm 

    I agree and would extend your points to Obama’s wife, also. Now many conservatives are trying to make a big deal about her thesis. I went to Politico yesterday and read it. Maybe I just have too much empathy for her, having gone through the thesis b.s. myself. However, all I see is that she is determined to contribute to the well-being of other blacks after graduation. That is something we should find concerning? I think not.

  80. 80
    John Said:
    5:38 pm 

    Barack Hussein Obama could be the


  81. 81
    John Said:
    5:44 pm 

    Thank you Hillary Clinton for the photo if you took it. It is better to see what Obama is really like before he is elected president.

    If Obama is elected president I will find me another country to live in.

  82. 82
    Jeff Bergman Said:
    5:49 pm 

    Barack Hussein Obama has no respect or admiration for the country that has given him the opportunity to become the most powerful man on earth. Do not tell me I am a bigot for questioning the wisdom of placing such an individual in the White House. Cuba has an opening for a leader who feels that the government should be responsible for all aspects of its citizens existence. A little on the job training stealing private property and redistributing the proceeds for the good of all would be appropriate.

  83. 83
    Winston Smith Said:
    6:03 pm 

    “If Obama is elected president I will find me another country to live in.”

    To any readers who share this sentiment: don’t let the screen door hit ya on the way out.

  84. 84
    John Said:
    6:14 pm 

    I don’t know Mr. Obama and I don’t care to know him. He is probably a nice guy and the fact that he is black means nothing to me, I just don’t believe we are ready for a muslim president yet. I don’t like the remarks his wife made about not being proud of America until now. We sure don’t an attitude like that in the Whitehouse.

    I want someone who is not going to back down to anyone who lays a hand on this country.

    Obama is not right for the presidency. I want a president who is proud to wear pins and has been proud of America and who doesn’t dress up like a Muslim in other countries.

    BE PROUD, I AM. I AM AN AMERICAN & I have been through all the problems we have faced. I will never turn my back on this country. The first time I laid eyes on the Statue of Liberty, it brought tears to my eyes.

    Let’s not ruin our country by electing a Muslim and if he is not a Muslim, he isn’t trying to hide it at all.

  85. 85
    funny man Said:
    6:55 pm 

    I for one like reading “The American Conservative” (Pat Buchanan’s journal) because it has insightful conservative articles. That is where we have to get back to and I also applaud Rick for his insights. Some people think all you need to do to be a conservative is to hate liberals, hippies, muslims and mexicans. I certainly do not qualify but rather believe in conservative IDEAS.
    Don’t embarrass the movement with such trifle nonsense as a candidate’s middle name. If Reagan’s middle name would have been Omar would you have called him the Antichrist?

  86. 86
    realAMERICAN Said:
    7:09 pm 

    The majority of the posters here are hilarious. You think you lost when St John was dubbed your nominee—wait till November and the ensuing eight years and you’ll really get a taste of losing.

    That’s of course assuming McCain’s hypocrisy regarding lobbyists and public campaign funds doesn’t derail him and bring on an even funnier duel to the death between Huckabee and a returned Romney. Watching them duke it out might be more entertaining than watching the victor get trounced by the Democrat, probably Obama.

    Moran is telling you that most people aren’t paranoid bigots and they reject your bile (yes, including you #82). Given your history, I’m betting very few of you will be able to hear him.

  87. 87
    Dryheat Said:
    7:44 pm 

    Rick, Thank you. You prove that there really are conservatives out there with integrity. It just mystifies my why people focus on BS like this when there are so many LEGITIMATE issues they can disagree with Obama about…

  88. 88
    retire05 Said:
    9:43 pm 

    Rick, no, I don’t think Obama is a Muslim although I do think you are correct that his “faith” is a political convenience. Did he not say in his book that he had been approached by many different pastors but chose Wright’s church because he more closely related to it?

    What I do have a problem with is what was on Drudge’s site where Obama’s campaign tried to explain away the photo in Somali garb as being just polite to his hosts. Excuse me? He is running for POTUS but refuses to wear the flag pin of our nation? A flag that many died for just to place it on top of Mount Suribachi (sp?)? How about showing a little politeness to the nation that he wants to elect him to the highest office in the land? Would that be too much to expect of someone who has obviously reaped much from that nation?

  89. 89
    mannning Said:
    11:10 pm 

    For me it is very simple. If Obama is Muslim he should not be on his way to election. If he is radical, he is objectionable to me as well. The facts will out more clearly over the next months, if we can recognize them when they appear. No guessing, no wishing, and no intellectual excuses or other nonsense will do. If we cannot get the facts, then we should not elect him. If his voting record is very poor, that should be taken into account. His experience in taking responsibility for a major operation is virtually nonexistent. A super one such as the US Presidency is so far above his demonstrated capabilities as to be laughable.

  90. 90
    JML Said:
    11:13 pm 

    I usually have profound disagreements with Mr. Moran, but he hit this topic squarely on its head.

    Unfortunately for the Right, as evidenced by many Right-wingers posting here, the knee-jerk assumption that Obama is even a Muslim indicates a willful suspension of reality that has become not only too common on the Right, but a virtual litmus test to determine one’s true adherence to conservative values, whatever those are this week. It is the same mentality that weighs patriotism not by one’s deeds, but by the symbols one chooses to display. For a few bucks, anybody can be “obviously” patriotic. While there are legitimate issues to be debated, the Right has taken to chasing after the substantive equivalent of shadows.

    Jeff Bergman’s comment exemplifies my points; “Barack Hussein Obama has no respect or admiration for the country that has given him the opportunity to become the most powerful man on earth.” – Funny thing, Jeff, that’s exactly what I think of George W. Bush.

  91. 91
    Brady Riddle Said:
    11:43 pm 

    Firstly, I do not consider myself “conservative”, nor really left-wing for than matter. My political affiliation is of not real consequence though. What matters is your voice and truth and common sense. The real folly of this picture is that someone posted it hoping to stir a row. That’s the real ignorance. But sadly, at this very moment, how many people are being swayed by this picture, blindly indicting Obama as some subvertive Muslim conspirator? Or worse yet, an unpatriotic religious hypocrite or whatever extremist delusion they conjure up behind ethnocentric blinders? Thank you for rationalizing this situation. And thank you for attracting a number of level-headed, like-minded people, others who have posted here.

  92. 92
    Kadin Said:
    5:48 am 

    Dude, this was the deal. We get the New Agers, you get the xenophobes. If you don’t like it, come to the 2009 summit in Geneva and we’ll renegotiate. Till then, you’re stuck with ‘em.

  93. 93
    obama pictures, drudge report, armstrong and getty, obama muslim picture, obama turbin | G H A Z A L I Pinged With:
    6:47 am 

    [...] The garb itself is indicative of nothing. Doug at Below the Beltway notes that some try to make more of it than others, claiming that Obama is a secret Muslim. Rick Moran offers the definitive smackdown on that front. [...]

  94. 94
    Barry Said:
    8:46 am 

    Many of the comments here do little to disuade my opinion that conservatives are a bunch of irrational, illogical bigots. The thought that Obama is a ticking time bomb of Islamofascism that’s set to go off an hour after his inaguration is beyond nutty. And you know what? I’ve heard that Obama believes the earth isn’t flat, too. Think about THAT come November!!

  95. 95
    McCain Said:
    10:41 am 

    The point isn’t that Obama is a Muslim plant with a corresponding agenda. That is silly and (I think) shallow to form an entire post on what everyone reasonable will agree. It misses the bigger issue. We are all a product of our life experience, and THAT is what makes Obama’s upbringing in the Islamic faith interesting.

  96. 96
    Paul Said:
    2:52 pm 

    Don’t be embarrassed. Those people saying Obama is a Manhurian Candidate-type Mooslim are not conservative. They’re authoritarians, and childish ones at that, using any type of silly playground invective in order to retain power for power’s sake, which is all they stand for.

    The reason for being embarrassed is for continuing to identify with the GOP, which is entirely controlled by people described above. That is, the GOP is not a conservative party, and has not been for quite some time. Sure, there are still a few conservatives lurking in the GOP, futilely clamoring for smaller government, advancement based on merits, and a few other old conservative chestnuts (with which I personally agree). However, it’s clear from the past 7 years, and arguably well before that, that these people have no control of their party. For that reason, some conservatives who follow guiding principles of conservatism have switched to the libertarians, while others have decided to spend more time with their families.

  97. 97
    J Said:
    3:59 pm 

    Poor Ricky’s ridiculously poor arguments get shot down.

    Confirmation of Rick being a b****.a>

  98. 98
    Rick Moran Said:
    4:12 pm 

    The entire rational world is laughing at your “Obama is a Muslim” rant and you actually believe you can defeat my arguments?


  99. 99
    GW Said:
    8:25 pm 

    I could not agree with you more on the issue of charging Obama with being a Muslim. It is a ridiculous waste of energy with only the most tenuous of ties to reality.

    My impression is that Obama would be our own Neville Chamberlin, willing to discuss peace while the people he talks with improve their position and plan their attacks. There is simply no reason to believe that talks with such groups or nation states would bear any fruit.

    As to your comment on Bush and the Crusades, I could not disagree more. The Crusades are portrayed in the radical Muslim pantheon as an unprovoked and unreasonable attack on Islam by foreign invaders. The truth is that the Crusades were in response to centuries of Muslim aggression.

    The Islamic world is depererately in need of honesty from the West. On that score, Bush has failed – not because he mentioned the word “crusade” during a speech, because he has refused to clearly define what radical Islam is, what are its origins, and what are its fallicies. I am not advocating that we portray GWOT as a war on Islam in any way, shape or form. But the overreaction to Bush’s use of the word “crusade” was no more justified than the uproar over the Danish cartoons or the teddy bear named Mohammed. To hold Bush to account for his use of the word “crusades” is doing nothing more than excusing the actions of the radical Islamists.

  100. 100
    Lisa Said:
    10:09 pm 

    Rick Moran:

    You are right, the nutjobs are wrong on this. To you and all of the other conservative bloggers that decided not to board this crazy train: You make me remember why I am proud to be an American. Thanks.

    Now we can all get back to bitchslapping each other over substantive matters.

  101. 101
    mannning Said:
    10:57 pm 

    I would say, Mr. Moran, that you actually DON’T KNOW whether Obama is a Muslim or not at heart. Neither do I. Neither do you readers. All are working on two things: his word, and the logic or illlogic of his middle name. I dismiss the latter, as do you.

    A bit of thought must go into the word of Obama, however. If he is not a Muslim, the chances of his being honest about his real religious leanings are good. In which case, it is a better situation for us.

    But, if he is indeed a closet Muslim, he has the permission of Muhammad himself to lie about it to Unbelievers, meaning us, as well as to cheat, steal, and kill, for that matter, so says the Haddith. This is not a good situation for us.

    Looked at from his point of view, there is no way he can convince those who believe in his Islamic leanings, that he is not a Muslim, since he can lie with impunity.

    But, a very large number of Democrats believe in Obama, and totally dismiss the thought of his possible Muslim beliefs. They also dismiss his rather unsavory associations in Chicago, including many Muslims, as being irrelevant, I suppose. Just how many irrelevancies will the Democrats allow, before they dig harder for the truth? Even you, Moran, think it is just fine if Obama has affinities with Muslims.

    How close an affinity is rather important, don’t you think? I, for one, would not want a Muslim fellow-traveller or full-bore sympathizer in the White House. Would you?

  102. 102
    Rebecca Said:
    12:36 pm 

    Wow, I had no idea how much hatred there is for anyone Muslin. That’s pretty sad.

    “doubt whether Obama’s Christianity goes much deeper than his devotion to Islam –”

    How the heck do you know enough to doubt or praise how Christian Obama is? Are you in his head? Have any of you read his books? Admit it, you haven’t, have you? It was good to read a blog pointing out how dumb some of the smears against Obama are, but too many of you guys sound bound and determined to take the low road. I think even at the Right Wing Nut House, where he’s trying to help you all not make fools of yourselves, this is the beginning of a slide into obscurity for your politics. Now, where is that picture of Bush hugging that Arab sheik—- you know, the country where the 9/11 terrorists came from. If you’re going to criticize a young senator, have a look at your president of 8 years too, why dontcha? Unless that is too painful for some reason ….. might have to start thinking about the thousands of dead Americans, and tens of thousands of dead Iraqi men, women and children, or the fact that we have charged this whole war on a credit card, payable by our kids and grandkids, to the Chinese. Nice. Go ahead and flame me, I ain’t reading it. After you’re done, go apologize to your kids for the mess your Pres is leaving them. We’ll all be dead in 50 years, but they will owe and owe and owe. It hurts, doesn’t it? I think that’s why you’re obsessing over native garb. You guys can’t bear the light. Quick! Blame the Dems! Blame Clinton! Blame Greenpeace! There is no global warming! They want to take my guns! Just keep saying it, and maybe you can avoid the pain of reality a little longer.

  103. 103
    Rebecca Said:
    12:39 pm 

    Re: the Crusades—- read your history. Lots of good books out there. They went for loot. Like always. Saving souls was the pretext.

  104. 104
    Lisa Said:
    1:32 pm 


    Having a few Muslim friends does not make you part of a sleeper cell. If it did, then shouldn’t we have arrested the current president for his happy handholding episodes with the Saudi Crown Prince (not to mention his cozy relationship with folks with the last name of Bin Laden).

    Come on. Admit that him being a black dude with a funny sounding name is what is giving you pause.

  105. 105
    southernsue Said:
    3:08 pm 

    what is so disturbing to me is that we as a nation have to worry about this. what has happened that these are the only kind of candidates we can come up with? remember that this is the president of the united states we are electing! we should not even have to worry if he is a muslim or not!

    wake up america!

  106. 106
    Paul Said:
    4:32 pm 

    I would say, Mr. Moran, that you actually DON’T KNOW whether Obama is a Muslim or not at heart. Neither do I.

    Keep in mind, the exact same could be said about anyone. Please explain why special scrutiny needs to be placed on Obama. His name, perhaps, or the color of his skin?

  107. 107
    mannning Said:
    10:45 pm 

    Dear Lisa:
    The color of his skin makes no difference to me if he is qualified and sound. The question of his Muslimhood will be answered more definitively in the next months. As I said earlier, let us try not to guess about it, the answer is too important to make unwarranted assumptions and presumed innocence as many have done. If he is, he should not become President.

    If he isn’t a Muslim he may do so, but he will not get my vote in any event, not for those reasons but because I am a conservative and not a leftist. He is about as left as one can get, so THAT is my beef! If he also turns out to be a closet Muslim so much the worse. I simply do not know whether he is or not, and I say again, neither do you, not for sure.

  108. 108
    mannning Said:
    10:45 pm 

    Dear Lisa:
    The color of his skin makes no difference to me if he is qualified and sound. The question of his Muslimhood will be answered more definitively in the next months. As I said earlier, let us try not to guess about it, the answer is too important to make unwarranted assumptions and presumed innocence as many have done. If he is, he should not become President.

    If he isn’t a Muslim he may do so, but he will not get my vote in any event, not for those reasons but because I am a conservative and not a leftist. He is about as left as one can get, so THAT is my beef! If he also turns out to be a closet Muslim so much the worse. I simply do not know whether he is or not, and I say again, neither do you, not for sure.

  109. 109
    mannning Said:
    10:59 pm 

    Dear Paul.

    That is simple to answer. He is running for President, and thus deserves very deep scrutiny. Very deep indeed. If he has shady dealings with shady people, and is a close associate with shady people, such as Muslims that are true to their faith and their commitment to jihad (read terrorism in the name of Allah), or is himself a closet Muslim, then he is not Presidential material in my book. No way! Add to that what I perceive as his massive shortcomings in experience and his totally leftist ideology, he is not my idea of a President.

    Doesn’t anyone here know what the tenets of Islam are, and the obligation to Jihad each Muslim has? Or else, they have denied their own faith are apostates, and could be killed for it.
    I think not, or else, they are trying to kid themselves that such is not true. They need to spend time in the Koran, Haddith, and other valid documents of that faith, and stop having warm feelings for Muslims. Spent the time reading up or don’t talk about it.

  110. 110
    Rob Wagner Said:
    9:54 am 

    Excellent post. Hard to believe it comes from a conservative, but it just goes to show you that there a lot of thoughtful, well-reasoned people out there who don’t believe in the crap that some so-called citizen journalists spew. You have another regular reader now.

  111. 111
    Lisa Said:
    3:04 pm 

    Well, we don’t know if Laura Bush is a muslim either. But I tend to think that she isn’t.

    It is just stupid for us to make the calculation: funny name + African dad + suspiciously intelligent and well educated white mother (thus, a possible commie) = ZOMFG MUSLIM TERRORIST (unless he proves otherwise by changing his name to Bob White and promising to kill all muslims).

  112. 112
    Paul Said:
    3:25 pm 

    If he has shady dealings with shady people, and is a close associate with shady people, such as Muslims that are true to their faith and their commitment to jihad (read terrorism in the name of Allah), or is himself a closet Muslim, then he is not Presidential material in my book. No way!

    Sure, that scrutiny should be placed on any presidential candidate.

    So I ask you, Manning, have you scrutinized McCain to make sure he’s not a Muslim who’s committed to jihad? No? Why not? Could it be that McCain’s middle name is not Hussein, and his skin is pink and not brown? I mean, it’s been solidly shown that neither McCain nor Obama are Muslims, although unsupported claims to the opposite are regularly made about Obama. From what I can see, you’re basing your special scrutiny on Obama either on his name, his skin color, or the unsupported claims, or perhaps a combination of the three. Can you explain that differently?

    They need to spend time in the Koran, Haddith, and other valid documents of that faith, and stop having warm feelings for Muslims. Spent the time reading up or don’t talk about it.

    That is a statement about Islam, and not about Obama who is not a Muslim. Just to clarify.

    What you would benefit from, clearly, is to meet some Muslims. It may be hard to fathom this, but the vast majority are not terrorists, but regular people living their lives just like you or me. I’ve married into a family of very moderate, professional Pakistani Muslims living mostly in the UK, and have spent a lot of time with their wider community. The percentage of them who are terrorists is infinitesimal, probably similar to how many Christians live by the word of Leviticus and how it recommends we treat our slaves, etc.

  113. 113
    mannning Said:
    9:59 pm 

    Your point is slippery, Paul. It is said in the Haddith that when living in a non-Islamic land, Muslims are given permission to adapt and not make waves, until such time as they are called by the leaders to throw off their false robes and don the true robes of Islam, and then to undertake jihad. Until the time has come, Muslims can seem to be the most peaceful people. But we see daily in the news just how unpeaceful they are when called upon—men, women, and even children. The time will come in the UK, and it isn’t far off.

    Yes, it was a statement about Islam, that heightens the stakes for a true answer to the question here. No one has proved anything about Obama. Not yet. Or else your definition of proof is quite loose and hearsay-oriented. You WANT to believe, as do many. So you believe.

    Of course it is necessary to vet every candidate, but McCain has a long lead of being investigated in depth for security clearances. Obama, not so long.
    I question strongly why anyone would object to a thorough investigation of candidates for the Presidency, least of all the candidates themselves. Unless, of course, they have something to hide…

  114. 114
    mannning Said:
    10:03 pm 

    The only passages from Leviticus that I recall have to do with homosexuality. Specifically rejecting it, in fact. Is that what you are referring to?

  115. 115
    mannning Said:
    10:19 pm 

    For your information, Paul, I have dealt with many Muslims from Kuwait, Iran, Palestine, Egypt, and India, over a period of ten years. I cannot say that my dealings were encouraging in the least. Never met a more devious and sneaky crowd.

  116. 116
    Patrick Said:
    6:34 pm 

    Obama is not a closet Muslim. He has Muslim heritage and upbringing, but his mother was an agnostic/atheist 60s radical/liberal and his Dad was a Harvard-educated economist for a socialist Kenyan govt. The common thread in Obama’s multi-culturalist life history is leftism more than anything else.

    Obama is an semi-out-of-closet left-liberal extremist. he hides his record with more moderate rhetoric when is suits him, but his record is clear, even if thin – the National Journal judged him the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate.
    His record:

    1. In Illinois, his most singular accomplishment was the extremist position of opposing the born-alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA). Victims of abortion who were “accidently” born alive were allowed to die in Illinois clinics, and a nurse and others brought evidence. obama fought against it in hearings and voted against it when it came up.
    2. Obama has courted homosexual activists by advocating their agenda.Obama is pledging to advance gay marriage by overturning DOMA and pledges to advance the gay agenda by forcing the military to allow gays to serve openly.
    3. Profoundly anti-Israeli advisors on ME foreign policy, wants talks with Hamas terrorists.
    4. For drivers licenses for illegal aliens, and for everything that will make the illegal immigration crisis worse and not better. Voted agains the Seecure border fence in 2006 (pulled a Kerry, voted against it and against cloture and then voted for it to protect his political viability on the issue).
    5. He is for expanding the welfare state with close to a trillion in various giveaways, albeit calling his welfare payments “tax credits” and couching his college giveaways in ‘service’ terms (it funds leftist community activist groups at taxpayer expense).
    6. Has voted already repeatedly for higher taxes and opposed tax reductions.
    7. His unrealistic and unachievable withdraw them pronto position is a 2006 position on Iraq, already outdated by the success of the surge. Now the choice is whether we choose to win the peace after we’ve won the war or throw it away in 2009. Obama’s throwaway position is out of touch with reality.
    8. His failure to distance himself from Farrakhan, the lapel pin flap, Michelle’s words about not being proud to be American until now, his associations with 60s radicals who were bombmakers, by themselves they dont amount to much, but together they amount to a picture of a man more comfortable running with the alienated radicals than with patriotic “Duty, Honor, Country” Americans.

  117. 117
    JW2 Said:
    5:21 am 

    So many of these posts are shameful for their bias and their ignorance. There’s misinformation in so many posts. If you want to be against him be against him for his policies. I research all of the candidates, I don’t take anyone’s word for things and now that we’re down to three I’ve looked into them all.
    We all should before we spread rumors or things we heard on some blog or email. I don’t like defending an opponent, I like falsehood less.

    The Muslim issue is only one part of it. Who cares what his father was, he left by the time Obama was two. Some posters say the school when he was 8 and 9 didn’t teach the 3 R’s. Who made that up?
    But I won’t even fight that. The next year he was back in Hawaii with his white grandparents who then raised him to adulthood. Do you think they practiced jihad after school? Why are you hung up on what he did in 3rd and 4th grade?

    He does say the Pledge of Allegiance with his hand on his heart. The infamous picture was taken during the national anthem. I fact check rumors on candidates and when I was checking this one I came on this page
    Along with his picture are pictures with George Bush Sr and George W Bush doing the same thing in a crowd that does have their hand on their heart. That was good enough for me.

    Then someone ominously says to look into Chicago paper to his tie to Rezko and “security guards for Iraqi power plants”. Yes, please do. They’ll tell you the company did request help in getting the contract and they were declined.
    The whole Rezko connection is so overblown.Rezko wasn’t considered scum until a few years ago. Their connection has been investigated for a couple years, there isn’t any finding of wrong doing on Obama’s part. It’s back in the news because the Clinton campaign is pushing it. As he finds out donations are connected to Rezko he donates it to charity. He actually has a lot less dirt or money that had to be returned than Clinton or even McCain. He just isn’t a dirty politician.

    He isn’t for releasing those held at Guantanamo Bay, he wants to close that down and put them in prison. He plans phased withdrawal from Iraq over a couple years with other plans to help the region. He wants to strengthen the military and send more troops to Afghanistan and with the resurgent Taliban there we have to do something. He has costly plans to help veterans but I think we have to, we owe them.
    He doesn’t plan to stop allowing spying on terrorists. Currently even all domestic calls pass through the screening and there is not oversight to this. Obama doesn’t say anything wrong is being done, but he calls it needing someone to watch the watchers because the power is subject to abuse. Honestly I think that is a pretty conservative position, no branch of government should have absolute power. The bright side is he and future presidents couldn’t abuse it either.

    Speaking of conservative his tax plans make fiscal sense. The “raised” tax is just letting the Bush tax cuts for the upper 2% expire and many economists have been concerned about tax cuts during war time. Past presidents didn’t do it.
    However he has some tax cuts for the middle class and those are likelier to spur the economy because those in the middle class are likelier to spend their increased income. He also wants seniors with incomes under 50,000 to pay no taxes. So his tax plans aren’t the problem, it’s his spending that worries me.

    I notice people objecting to his plan for a tax credit for college students that they can work off. I’m mixed. If the work part is well run it could be good. Does anyone have college age children? The cost is crushing whether you are liberal or conservative and kids graduate with so much debt into a weakening employment field. We need to be more competitive and right now it’s the middle class that’s hurt again. Lower income qualify for more financial aid and rich people can afford it.
    Who has tried to help the middle class lately? That should be a conservative value. Too bad this guy is a Democrat and is so liberal on some things. If this wasn’t so long I’d go into my complaints.

  118. 118
    ruth Said:
    11:48 am 

    What we have here is prophecy in action.. Some are calling Obama the second coming, the chosen one, the new testament, the one who walks on water,the resurrection…as prophecied the masses will call antichrist the messiah…

    And as prophecied THE ELECT OF CHRIST will know anti christ is anti christ,, not Jesus..
    And this is the dividing line of humanity to determine your future in heaven with the real Jesus or in hell with the fake messiah which certainly appears to be Obama..

    I have read of rezko, Ayers, Wright, Obama’s anti christian views and he is entirely that, the not yet revealed relationship between obama and the 3 murdered homosexual men from his church.. His alliegence to his christian killing muslim cousin Odinga.. etc. etc .etc. etc. etc…TO DATE I HAVE NOT READ OF ONE GOOD OR HONORABLE THING OBAMA HAS ACCOMPLISHED.
    Mark 13:13. He that endures to the END shal be saved. Learn what this means before it is too late..

    from a right wing nut that sees clearly

  119. 119
    Doug Said:
    10:35 pm 

    Thank God another conservative is speaking up for sanity. The lunatic fringe of the conservative movement is doing enormous harm to our credibility by their insane rantings about “Obama the Muslim”.

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