Comments Posted By B.Poster
Displaying 141 To 150 Of 397 Comments


Brainster: I could not agree more. You expressed my sentiments far more articulately than I seem to be able to.

Tim B: You write "Rudy has cash. Fred has values. Give it a few weeks." I agree. Huckabee has almost no chance of getting the nomination. His positions on many of the issues are easy enough to attack and destroy the candidate without attacking so called evangelicals. This will happen in the coming weeks. As more people become aware of his stances on the issues, he will fade from consideration.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 4.01.2008 @ 20:05

Allowing the views of Religous Conservatives to be expressed more freely may be a major concern of the Republican establishment. This could partially explain why the Republicans have become the party of big government along with the Democrats.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 4.01.2008 @ 18:38

Poddy O'Shea

You write: "Christians are fine with the Rick Moran's of this world, but only if they vote Republican and keep their mouths shut." Christians don't have that much influence over who votes Republican or not. A better way to put this would be "the Republican establishment has no problem with Christians, as long as they vote Republican and are content with lip service in support of their issues." The views held by Mr. Moran are much more in sync with Republican leadership than any thing the so called religous right holds dear.

"Looks like social conservatives aren't buying the Neo-Con line anymore. After 8 years of Bush they've decided they want a real Christian." Not enough is known about Huckabee to know if he is a "real Christian" or not. He did get 34% of the Iowa vote. Evangelical Christians don't make up that much of the populace nor or they unified on any single Republican candidate enough to decide the winner of any caucus. It would seem Huckabee's support was broader than just so called evangelicals.

Assuming evangelicals voted substantially for Huckabee their votes along with others may have made a big difference for the candidate. What it may indicate is that evangelicals don't like being treated like second class citizens. Personally I think a Huckabee nomination would be disasterous for Conservatives and for the Republican party. As such, it is something to try and avoid. The insults being thrown about by Stephen Green, thePeoPle, and Bill Mitchell are not helpful. If the Republicans get Huckabee, they will likely lose. Perhaps such a loss would humble the Republican leadership enough to work constructively with Social Conservatives in the future, assuming the Republican party survives.

Btw, the issues that FaradayCage mentions in post number 11 enjoy or did enjoy broad support that goes beyond evangelicals. An area of compromise that I might suggest is pushing for less government control over individual lives. This might have the effect of allowing the views of evengelicals to be expressed more freely

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 4.01.2008 @ 18:34

Comments 9 and 10 are examples of how the so called religous right is disrepcted by the Republican establishment at virtually every turn. Insulting someone is generally not the best way to establish constructive rapport with someone. If the Republican party and the Conservative movement are to survive, the Republican leadership will need to find someway to work constructively with the so called religous right. So far I'm not sensing the humility on the part of teh Republican leadership that would be necessary to accomplish this.

Faradaycage: Rudy may have been an attempt at the Republican establishment to reach a compromise, however, he has largely been rejected by much of the country. His fading in the polls has little to do with so called evangelicals. Most of what so called evangelicals have gotten is merely lip service.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 4.01.2008 @ 18:12


I should have read your update before I replied to your post. Thank you for putting my post in the body of the update. (At least I think!! I appreciate being referred to as thoughtful. At least I try to be thoughtful. I don't always succeed.

I tend to agree with you that IF Huckabee got the nomination would be an unmitigated disaster for Republicans. I say "IF" because I don't think he can or will get the nomination. If we want to enhance the chances of avoiding a Huckabee nomination, I would suggest that people like Stephen Green and the Republican establishment start trying to construcively work with social conservatives. Insults like those issued by Mr. Green are unlikely to be helpful.

Perhaps the differences are to vast to forge a compromise but I suggest we try. The survival of the Republican party and the Conservative movement likely depends on it. The first move should go to the Republican establishment. The so called social cons have simply not gotten enough of what they desire to be in any position to give up something. One cannot give up what they don't have.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 4.01.2008 @ 17:04

Rick writes: "They have taken control of the party and I want it back." You have control of the party. The views you represent are the dominant forces within the party. The candidates merely pay lip service to the isssues of the so called social cons. They seem to ger very little.

Very few people believe the earth is only six thousand years old. In any event, it does not seem to be a very significant issue. As for evolution, Intellegent Design and Evolutionary Theory could both be taught. This is one area where you might be able to reach a compromise.

Being an athiest you are probably uncomfortable with evangelicals. Some veangelicals may be uncomfortable with athiests.

I think you are the best right-of-center blogger on the internet and I will continue to read your blog, however, the "sandbox" insult is uncalled for. By throwing out that insult it suggests to me that you are not humble enough to try and seek a compromise with so called social cons. I don;t want it to come to this but perhaps a drubbing in the general elections will humble you and the Republican establsihment enough to seek out an acceptable compromise with so called social conservatives.

For the record, I have noticed a number of problems with Mike Huckabee. I do not support his for President. I think it would be an unmitigated disaster for Republicans and for the Conservative movement if he were to somehow get the nomination. As such, his candidacy should be opposed. If we want to enhance our chances of someone like Huckabee being nominated, the best thing to do is for the Republican establishment to seek an amicable compromise with social conservatives.

My sense is the so called religous right is fed up at being virtually completely ignored. It is long past time for the Republican establishment and for blogger extrodinaire Rick Moran to swallow their pride and seek out a compromise with them or get ready for a major drubbing in 2008. If it takes a major drubbing to humble the Republican establsihment enough to work constructively with this important group, then so be it.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 4.01.2008 @ 16:48

Insulting the so called social const is probably not the best approach to forging an acceptable compromise with them. The philospy represented by Stephen Green and others like him are the dominant forces in the Republican party.

The question is does the Republican party want to survive or not? If it does, the Stephen Greens of the world will need to get busy on trying to work out a compromise with the so called social cons. The current one sided arrangement we have where the social cons get very little except being ignored and insulted is not very helpful. If the Conservative movement is going to survive, the powers that be in the Republican party will need to work on forging a compromise with social conservatives that is based upon mutual respect. Perhaps the Republican party needs to take a drubbing before the Stephen Greens of the world and those like him will be humble enough to work constructively with social conservatives. If this is the case, so be it. Perhaps, after the drubbing, the Republican leadership will be humble enough to work construcively with Social Conservatives.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 4.01.2008 @ 15:44

If you don't want Huckabee to the Republican party nominee, I would suggest that the dominant forces in the Republican should try to forge some sort of compromise with the so called social cons. In any event, there seems to be a number of problems with Huckabee. Iowa likely was only a fluke. Huckabee has almost no chance of getting the nomination. The attention he has recevied on this blog and elsewhere simply is not warranted.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 4.01.2008 @ 15:34


Fred Thompson is most definitely not "lazy" as has been suggested. He seems to be a very thoughtful man who measures what he says very carefully. This is the kind of person we need as President. We should not want someone who substitutes emotion for sound policy or someone who falls back on the latest talking points to formulate their policy positions.

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 31.12.2007 @ 10:21


That should have been "much less getting elected."

Comment Posted By B.Poster On 30.12.2007 @ 01:40

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