The RINO Hour of Power with your host Rick Moran is back on the air this week after technical problems prevented us from broadcasting last Tuesday. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Meanwhile, Ferguson. The grand jury refused to indict Officer Darren Wilson - a very rare occurrence. Meanwhile, police departments across the country are coming under fire for the increasing number of shootings. What is the significance of the grand jury’s decision? Do black people have a point about police violence against black youth?
We’ll ask Bill Straub, Washington correspondent for PJ Media about these issues, as well as discuss the resignation of Secretary of Defense Hagel. Joining Rick in the second chair will be Oregon political consultant Jeff Kropf.
The show streams live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.
You can join us live by clicking the icon below or by clicking here.

Join us for a decidedly ungrubered episode of the RINO Hour of Power with your host Rick Moran and co-host Rich Baehr of the American Thinker.
Jonathan Gruber has done more harm to Obamacare than all Republicans combined with his boastful, arrogant comments about how a lack of transparency and deliberate lying sold the bill to Congress and the people. What will be the practical fallout of his comments?
Meanwhile, Congress will be meeting in a lame duck session that promises fireworks galore. What is Congress likely to take up and what is likely to be left for the new Congress in January? We’ll ask Bill Straub, PJ Media’s Washington correspondent.
The show streams live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.
You can join us live by clicking the icon below or by clicking here.

Join us for a special two hour edition of the RINO Hour of Power with your host Rick Moran and co-host Jazz Shaw of Hot Air.
Election day is here and RHOP is going all out to cover it. A slew of writers, pundits, and commentators will appear to help analyze results and look to the future. If Republicans control the Senate, what are their plans? Can President Obama recover?
Appearing as guests will be voting law expert J. Christian Adams, political consultant Jeff Kropf, Fausta Wertz of Fausta’s blog, and Rod Kackley and Bridget Johnson of PJ Media.
The show streams live from 8:00 - 10:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.
You can join us live by clicking the icon below or by clicking here.