Right Wing Nut House


RINO Hour of Power: The Crumbling Edifice of the Mass Surveillance State

Filed under: RINO Hour of Power — Rick Moran @ 6:03 pm

Join us for another not very secret episode of the RINO Hour of Power with your host Rick Moran and special co-host Fausta Wertz.

A federal court has declared that the NSA mass survellance program is “probably unconstitutional.” As the case moves toward the Supreme Court, the administration plans to implement “reforms” that are supposed to protect Americans’ privacy.

At the very least, it appears that Congress will act to restrict the ability of the spooks to spy on us. We’ll discuss these and other topics with our guest, Bridget Johnson of PJ Media.

We stream live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.

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Boehner’s Outburst Fuels GOP Civil War

Filed under: Politics — Rick Moran @ 6:01 pm

With his rant against conservative advocacy groups for their opposition to the budget deal, John Boehner has burnished his credentials as the worst Speaker of the House — and Republican leader — in the memory of living men.

His party in the throes of a bitter conflict between establishment Republicans and right wing Tea Partyers, the speaker flew off the handle and bitterly criticized groups like Heritage Action and FreedomWorks for threatening GOP lawmakers who voted for the Murray-Ryan budget pact.

“They’re using our members, and they’re using the American people for their own goals. This is ridiculous!” Boehner told reporters after a meeting of the GOP caucus. “Listen if you’re for more deficit reduction, you’re for this agreement,” Boehner added.

One might ask how long Boehner has been in Washington if he wasn’t aware that this is exactly what special interests groups do; they use anyone and anything to advance their goals. What does he expect from groups that rely on donations for survival? One might also inquire from which planet Mr. Boehner has alighted if he can say with a straight face “[I]f you’re for more deficit reduction, you’re for this agreement.” They certainly have an entirely different idea of mathematics on Boehner’s home world if he thinks that adding $63 billion in total discretionary spending in the next two years represents support for “deficit reduction.”

This is how Democrats spin raising federal spending, not Republicans.

Boehner went even farther in his criticism, accusing some conservative groups of

“You mean the groups who came out and opposed this before they even saw it,” Boehner asked, interrupting a reporter who started to ask about the criticism from conservative groups.

As expected, the conservative groups targeted in Boehner’s rant struck back — hard.

Matt Kibbe of FreedomWorks:

“Speaker Boehner’s real problem here isn’t with conservative groups like FreedomWorks, it’s with millions of individual Americans who vote Republican because they were told the GOP was the party of small government and fiscal responsibility.

“Once again Republicans, led by John Boehner, are working with Democrats to increase spending yet again on the taxpayers’ tab while promising ‘savings’ down the road. We know how this movie ends. How can leadership credibly promise spending cuts later, after agreeing to a plan that rolls back the sequester savings promised two debt increases ago? There’s a predictable pattern here.”

Club for Growth President Chris Chocola:

“We stand with Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Tom Coburn, Rand Paul, members of the Republican Study Committee and every other fiscal conservative who opposes the Ryan-Murray deal,” Chocola said. “After carefully reviewing the budget deal, on which we never commented until it was complete, we determined that it would increase the size of government. We support pro-growth proposals when they are considered by Congress. In our evaluation, this isn’t one of those.”

No doubt the speaker is frustrated with the constant naysaying from outside groups and Tea Party types in Congress. But does a good leader come out and publicly chastise those in opposition or does he seek to calm the situation and work to unify the party? At the very least, Boehner should have kept his mouth shut rather than pour gasoline on a fire already raging out of control in the grassroots.

The speaker has made himself a toxic asset. By setting off well funded, ideologically rigid groups like Club for Growth and Americans for Prosperity, even members inclined to vote with him on the budget deal might think twice if it means being challenged in a primary — the result of payback for Boehners’ ill-tempered criticism.

As for the deal itself, Michael Needhan of Heritage Action points up its shortcomings in a USA Today Op-Ed and concludes with this:

What the deal really demonstrates, however, is the continued power of the third party in Washington — appropriators. These members, some Democrat and others Republican, forced the Party of Reagan to throw away spending cuts that could have been used as leverage for serious entitlement reforms or simply kept as savings for the hard-working American taxpayer.

Some are heralding the agreement as an indication politicians can put aside their petty differences and achieve something. In the coming days, members of Congress will have to explain to their constituents what exactly they achieved by increasing spending, increasing fees and offering up another round of promises waiting to be broken. That will be a tough sell back home.

Even pragmatists are going to have to swallow hard to vote for this deal. While some of the sequester is kept intact, as Needham points out, there isn’t much left to bargain with when the debt ceiling vote comes up early next year. In exchange for an up-front increase in defense spending, conservatives are being asked once again to trust that Congress — no matter who runs it — will follow through with deficit reduction in the out-years of the budget. In case you haven’t been paying attention, they have yet to do so. Why should they? There is no mechanism in place to force the issue.

The sequester didn’t bite very hard the first year it was in effect — at least it didn’t bite too many people who would make a big stink about it. But this year, the military especially would have felt the sting and the across the board nature of the cuts would have meant actual layoffs and furloughs at many agencies and departments. Since Democrats were never going to agree to sensible budget cuts, seeing the draconian nature of the sequester as their ally, an accommodation was made so that a deal could be reached.

It could have been better. It should have been better. But there are probably going to be enough Republicans who see the strategic necessity of taking a budget war off the table so that the focus remains on the continuing failure of Obamacare. That’s the GOP’s path to glory in 2014 and, like it or not, party leaders have made a tactical retreat on deficit reduction so that the Obamacare meltdown remains the number one issue facing the American people.

The right wing of the GOP is going to oppose this deal — they may even scuttle it thanks to Boehner’s disastrous leadership. It certainly wouldn’t be the worst thing for that to occur, but another government shutdown wouldn’t aid Republicans in their quest to hold the House and take the Senate in 2014.


Obamacare and the Facilitation of Criminal Activity

Filed under: Politics — Rick Moran @ 6:01 pm

Suppose there was a company that deliberately designed a website with big enough holes in security through which you could drive a semi. Further suppose that the company then launched a billion dollar ad blitz luring customers to that site. The CEO of the company went on national TV touting the benefits of the website and urged people to use it.

Later, when the security flaws were exposed by identity thieves and hackers who proceeded to steal the personal information of users, wouldn’t that company be liable for any losses suffered by consumers? Perhaps some enterprising prosecutor could even charge principles in the company with criminal facilitation, given the deliberate design flaws that resulted in the security breach.

Yes, we’re talking about healthcare.gov and the jaw-dropping evidence that has come to light that the website was constructed without security being built into it.


“When you develop a website, you develop it with security in mind. And it doesn’t appear to have happened this time,” said David Kennedy, a so-called “white hat” hacker who tests online security by breaching websites. He testified on Capitol Hill about the flaws of HealthCare.gov last week.

“It’s really hard to go back and fix the security around it because security wasn’t built into it,” said Kennedy, chief executive of TrustedSec. “We’re talking multiple months to over a year to at least address some of the critical-to-high exposures on the website itself.”

Even more incredibly, not only is the administration denying there’s much of a problem, the president himself is leading the effort to lure the marks right into the tender clutches of the thieves and hackers circling the website like vultures as this is being written:

Now that the website is working for the vast majority of people, we need to make sure that folks refocus on what’s at stake here, which is the capacity for you or your families to be able to have the security of decent health insurance at a reasonable cost through choice and competition on this marketplace and tax credits that you may be eligible for that can save you hundreds of dollars in premium costs every month, potentially.

So we just need people to — now that we are getting the technology fixed — we need you to go back, take a look at what’s actually going on, because it can make a difference in your lives and the lives of your families. And maybe it won’t make a difference right now if you’re feeling healthy, but I promise you, if somebody in your family — heaven forbid — gets sick, you’ll see the difference. And it will make all the difference for you and your families.

The hackers can read too. You’ve got to assume they’ve been perusing the same stuff we’ve been reading about the “limitless” security problems with healthcare.gov. How long do you think it will be before we have our first major hack of the website? Or one of the state exchanges?

And do you think the administration will inform us if one occurs?

It may well be open season on insurance consumers if they use the healthcare.gov website, but it will also be open season on taxpayers because the IRS has failed to design a system that will be able to detect fraudulent attempts to game the subsidy regime by cheats who will try to receive benefits for which they are ineligible.

In effect, the IRS is putting us on an honor system where we are all supposed to accurately report our income. It is an open-ended invitation to fraud, as the Treasury inspector general for tax administration points out in a report issued Tuesday:

“The IRS’ existing fraud detection system may not be capable of identifying (Affordable Care Act) refund fraud or schemes prior to the issuance of tax return refunds,” said the report by J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration. “The IRS reported that the long-term limitations of its existing fraud detection system include its inability to keep pace with increasing levels of fraud,” the report said.

Less of a problem but still a potential fraudster’s dream will be the lack of reporting by companies in group plans who already offer their employees “affordable” coverage. Because of the delay in the employer mandate, companies won’t be telling the IRS what kind of plans they are offering their employees. An enterprising cheat could drop his “qualifying” employer-sponsored coverage, choose a plan via the exchange, receive a subsidy making his premium dirt cheap, and because the IRS has no clue that his employer was sponsoring a “qualified” plan, he would get away with bilking the taxpayer.

Rather than actually address the potential for fraud, acting IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel put on his happy face and told us the IRS has mastered basic arithmetic and can accurately figure taxpayer subsidies:

“The IRS has a strong, effective system in place for administering the Premium Tax Credit,” Werfel said. “We have a proven track record of safely and securely transmitting federal tax information, and we have a robust and secure process in place to deliver this important credit for taxpayers.”

Mr Werfel should also know that the IRS has a proven track record of failing miserably to scotch fraud when dispensing tax credits:

“Refundable credits are fraught with fraud peril,” Robert Kerr, senior director of government relations at the National Association of Enrolled Agents, said in an email.

“Lots of money goes out the door, and IRS generally cannot determine in advance whether the taxpayer is truly eligible.”

Inviting hackers and identity thieves to ply their trade by deliberately ignoring key security issues for the website while also holding the door open for fraud and abuse at the IRS is nothing less than aiding and abetting criminals in the commission of their crimes. These are not honest mistakes, or even simple bureaucratic blunders. The political imperatives of rushing to get the healthcare.gov site online without adequate attention to built-in security and the usual carelessness we get from the IRS when it comes to guarding the taxpayer’s cash is a disaster-in-waiting.

The administration is midwife to a potential crime wave for which nobody appears to be accountable.


RINO Hour of Power: Political Potpourri

Filed under: RINO Hour of Power — Rick Moran @ 5:30 pm

Join us for another brilliant episode of the RINO Hour of Power with your host Rick Moran and special co-host Rich Baehr of the American Thinker.

Obamacare, the pending budget deal, the GOP civil war - lots of interesting stuff making news today. To take it all in and give you top flight analysis of what it all means, we’ll be joined by PJ Media editor Bryan Preston

The show streams live from 8:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.

You can join us live by clicking the icon below or by clicking here.

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RINO Hour of Power: The GOP’s Obamacare Conundrum

Filed under: RINO Hour of Power — Rick Moran @ 5:50 pm

Join us for another tweaked episode of the RINO Hour of Power with your host Rick Moran and co-host Jazz Shaw.

Despite claiims from the administration, the healthcare.gov website still appears to be experiencing problems for many users. But as Republicans seem to be celebrating the massive problems with Obamacare’s rollout, they may face a huge conundrum in 2017 if a Republican president takes office.

What should be done with this turkey?

You can’t just repeal the whole thing. You’d throw millions of people off their insurance and create chaos in the market. The GOP must come to the realization that being in power means being responsible. And that means having alternatives to many of Obamacare’s features while recognizing that some aspects of the law must be maintained.

We’ll discuss this and other issues with the Obamacare rollout with Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller.

The show streams live from 7:00 - 8:00 PM Eastern Time. A podcast will be available shortly after the end of the show.

You can join us live by clicking the icon below or by clicking here.

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