Interesting that you single out our own Mitch Daniels as an example of good governing in your fine essay.
We moved east to conservative Porter County Indiana from the Chicago suburbs eighteen years ago specifically to escape Illinois democrat corruption, high taxes and to raise my family in a safe exurban environment with a sound school system. I personally know many other ex-Illinoians who moved here for the same reason.
In the industrial democrat and union thug controlled Northwestern Lake County with a decades old history of democrat corruption they hate Mitch. You will often see “Ditch Mitch” bumper stickers there. Daniels has cut off Lake County from state funding increases until they cut spending 26% or enact a county income tax of 4.5% to offset their $367 million dollar debt.
While he may express “a friendly and unifying tone” Mitch plays real hardball to ensure that Indiana stays in the political red and economic black. At a local Lake County high school last year Mitch told them this: “You are entitled to all the lousy, crummy, graft-ridden government you want and are willing to pay for.”
Mitch can work with democrats, true. With the exception of Lake County, Indiana state democrats are generally fiscally and socially responsible politicians who are easy to reason with, not Nancy Pelosi style socialist zombie pick pockets.
Comment Posted By CZ On 24.02.2010 @ 15:05
Since republicans and conservatives historically have never attracted the majority of young voters (at least in my 57 yr. lifetime) I think your point is moot. Future elections will now be won by awakened motivated voters concerned about losing our liberty, not by catering to the social flavor of the day.
Until the last election young voters weren’t too interested in politics since the late 60’s when they were facing conscription during a time of war.
The last national election motivated young voters based on Obungle’s media manufactured “hipness” factor, his flashy graphic campaign and his shallow promise of hope and change. Since their hope and change bubble has burst most will likely stay away from the ballot box in disgust. They will instead immerse themselves in social networking on their $400 iPhones wearing $300 designer jeans, drinking $15 cosmopolatini’s and eating $20 arugula salads at their local trendy urban nightspots. IF they are still employed.
My two very leftist and very outspoken early twenty-something nieces recently confided in me at Christmas how wrong they were to believe in and vote for Swami Obungle. They explained how both now feel betrayed by his insincerity and ineptitude along with his lack of leadership and guts. They are smart enough to comprehend precisely what the government takeover of their personal healthcare means, what it will eventually cost and that truly frightens them. Odd how that the reality of socialism hitting them square in the wallet can change idealistic young minds isn't it?
For the GOP to compromise conservative ideals in order to attract fickle time-poor young moderns who require instant gratification would be a mistake.
Comment Posted By CZ On 22.02.2010 @ 14:55
If GOP candidates just keep right of the center line they will avoid a head on collision and everything will work out fine next November.
But there are hazards ahead. Steer to the left with legislation and whap! You'll be out.
Thanks to the great awakening of the tea party people we may be entering a new era of accountability for all politicians. There are more of us than there are of them. And we're watching every move.
Compromise is for quitters.
Comment Posted By CZ On 21.02.2010 @ 14:00
What of the blow up about gays?
Nobody answer that. It's a loaded question.
Comment Posted By CZ On 20.02.2010 @ 20:04
The Governor has never impressed me on televised interviews. In todays pop culture media circus any candidate in the national spotlight needs at least a hint of inspirational charisma and so far I have seen none from him. Sad but true.
Comment Posted By CZ On 16.02.2010 @ 06:57
No matter what topic Rick presents on this fine blog both Mr. Bottom Feeder and Mr. Sideways Munchkin always manage to inject race into the comment section. How sad it is if that's all these two tiny minds have going for them.
Divisiveness and identity politics is what slave-owning democrat politicians have to peddle in order to control entire groups of citizens who never manage to escape their unfortunate situations in life no matter how much is given to them. Why work for it when democrat politicians promise something for nothing. The democrat war on poverty has been going on for 40 years. So where is their exit strategy?
As far as Paul Ryan is concerned, here is a man that has the guts to move forward by offering unique new solutions. There will be more like him to come, wait and see. The tea party people hold more political influence than the media will give them credit for until it's too late and their beloved socialist party is back on the sidelines where they belong. Energized voters will have the final say.
Comment Posted By CZ On 13.02.2010 @ 11:16
Give the lady some credit. She ran a town and she ran a state.
The only thing "The One" has ever run is his big mouth.
Comment Posted By CZ On 10.02.2010 @ 20:16
Very enlightening essay. Thanks.
Now if you will, please excuse me while I go wipe my michael reynolds.
Comment Posted By CZ On 9.02.2010 @ 12:51
I see Mr. Sideways Munchkin and Mr. Bottom Feeder are spewing the typical race baiting and identity politics the jackass party is famous for. That garbage will hasten their downfall. Sooner the better.
Comment Posted By CZ On 9.02.2010 @ 12:45
Richard Bottoms Said: 8:54 pm Bring on Sayid and the bamboo shoots under the fingernails (a Lost reference for you non-fans).
This racist clown is so unhinged he thinks he has fans :)
Comment Posted By CZ On 4.02.2010 @ 07:22