I am so sick of seeing Sarah Palin's statement being referred to as a falsehood. I have a genetic disorder. It's called Marfan syndrome. I have never met a liberal who didn't take for granted that I have no right to reproduce (and I know many conservatives who think so too). They take it as a matter of faith that anyone who knows their unborn child carries a genetic disorder ought to abort, because it is "cruel" to allow a less-than-perfect child to be born. This is how liberals think.
Comment Posted By JC On 21.08.2009 @ 01:42
To admit this is not a slippery slope.
This is why we need Sarah Palin, because most people in the talking classes don't have the foggiest clue what it's like to be disabled, to live with a debilitating condition, or to constantly deal with condescension from liberals, the rich and the government.
I would just like to clarify: It was not a premature “Coup”, or a coup. The VERY DAY Zelaya was taken out of power, he was planning on dissolving the Congress. The poll he was taken was going to be used to set up a Constituent Assembly. The Constituent Assembly has complete power over all parts of the government, thus, Zelaya, was actually planning on giving the country a Coup, in his name, that very day, June 28th, when the army came in and took him off power. He had only published the real intent of the poll on June 27th, where it stated that the people would be voting to decide wether or not they wanted to set up a Constituent Assembly. This is the reason the army and Supreme Court had to act the way they did. It seems rash when seen from the outside, but Zelaya really didn’t leave much of a choice. If they hand’t acted, Honduras currently would be under the power of a Constituent Assembly set by him and in the power of reforming the Constitution to his and Hugo Chavez and the Castro’s liking! But the current constitution in Honduras is so strict and so well written that it has 8 articles that can’t be reformed, because the mere pretense of trying to reform one of them constitutes treason. And it clearly states that whoever tries to reform them immediately ceases to hold their title and will not be able to hold public office for the next 10 years. You can reform all other articles without a Constituent Assembly, so it is understood that if you want to form a Constituent Assembly it is for the sole reason of changing one of those 8 unchangeable articles. And that is the reason that Constitution has lasted as long as it has and no one has been able to become a dictator since. Please, write to the White House, Congress, let them know your concerns as US citizens! The USA should be defending Democracy and Freedom!!
Comment Posted By jc On 6.07.2009 @ 22:30
Comment to #11. It was not a premature "Coup", or a coup. The VERY DAY Zelaya was taken out of power, he was planning on dissolving the Congress. The poll he was taken was going to be used to set up a Constituent Assembly. The Constituent Assembly has complete power over all parts of the government, thus, Zelaya, was actually planning on giving the country a Coup, in his name, that very day, June 28th, when the army came in and took him off power. He had only published the real intent of the poll on June 27th, where it stated that the people would be voting to decide wether or not they wanted to set up a Constituent Assembly. This is the reason the army and Supreme Court had to act the way they did. It seems rash when seen from the outside, but Zelaya really didn't leave much of a choice. If they hand't acted, Honduras currently would be under the power of a Constituent Assembly set by him and in the power of reforming the Constitution to his and Hugo Chavez and the Castro's liking! But the current constitution in Honduras is so strict and so well written that it has 8 articles that can't be reformed, because the mere pretense of trying to reform one of them constitutes treason. And it clearly states that whoever tries to reform them immediately ceases to hold their title and will not be able to hold public office for the next 10 years. You can reform all other articles without a Constituent Assembly, so it is understood that if you want to form a Constituent Assembly it is for the sole reason of changing one of those 8 unchangeable articles. And that is the reason that Constitution has lasted as long as it has and no one has been able to become a dictator since. Please, write to the White House, Congress, let them know your concerns as US citizens! The USA should be defending Democracy and Freedom!!
Comment Posted By jc On 6.07.2009 @ 22:26
There are still some loose ends from the earlier plots that need to be tied up.
What was Jack's father really up to and where is he now?
How far did the plot to kill Wayne Palmer go? A few are gone but clearly it was bigger than the assassin and the presidential aid.
I think these loose ends are somehow connected with Audrey's disappearance.
There have to be some plot turns with seven episodes remaining.
Comment Posted By JC On 11.04.2007 @ 04:54
Ditka was on TV today saying of course he is for the Bears but he didn't want to jinx them.
Comment Posted By JC On 18.01.2007 @ 21:46
I wonder if a generation raised on computer fantasy games, fictional depiction of bizarre government/business conspiracies on film and television shows about witches and others with supernatural powers, no longer has the capacity to sort out illusion from reality.
Factor in all the misleading and dishonest spinning that is done for partisan reasons and the replacement of objective education with "change" oriented indoctrination in many high school and college social science courses, and you have a population ready to believe anything.
If we had done nothing about Saddam, we would have had no problems with Iraq.
OJ was framed.
Tookie Williams was a social reformer.
Mumia was framed.
The monumental failure of communism never happened.
10,000 people drowned in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.
Most of the dead were poor and black because we are a racist nation that doesn't care about black people.
This is the impression one would get from the media and much of what passes for education on college campuses but none of it is true. So why wouldn't people invent conspiracies about 9/11 and actually believe them.
The importance of "United 93" is that it forces us to face reality. We were attacked by people who hate us. They want to destroy our way of life and kill as many of us as they can. They were trying to get their hands on WMD's. If they do they will try to use them against us. That is reality that our government must face.
A lot of people want to believe if we are just somehow nice to them they will leave us alone. A nice fantasy but seeing a serious depiction of the events of 9/11 intrudes on that fantasy.
A lot of people don't want to see the film. It is too soon. Too soon for what? To stop pretending that if we look away everything is going to be ok?
We all need to get a grip!
Comment Posted By JC On 11.05.2006 @ 16:56
With 6 episodes left it isn't clear that the writers have decided where the plot is going. If it hasn't all been filmed yet they may still be making it up as they go along. Maybe the authors are surfing 24 blogs for their next plot twists.
Comment Posted By JC On 18.04.2006 @ 19:50