You love me! You really love me!Thank you all for this award and for making me front page news. As a narcissist you know I crave attention and I need to thank some folks who are responsible for feeding my hungry ego:
I want to thank Clarice for getting me all this attention (for free).
I also want to thank this website and others like it for writing about me.
But most of all I want to thank God for creating such a unique bunch of human beings like Rick Moran and his pals.
Lastly, I need to thank Rick for the lies because it helped propel my album to number one on Billboard.
Also, thanks to Murray Waas for writing that phony stuff about me. I knew the plan would work. You're right, they did fall for it.
Keep writing about me. I love it. It's better than crack.
Comment Posted By Jason Leopold On 11.04.2006 @ 19:32
I love this publicity!! THank you! I plan to write more, and more and more and more and more about this. Hopefully, every day! I can't wait to see what you got in store for me next. I hope it's a real zinger, like I'm a bank robber or something. Surprise me
Comment Posted By Jason Leopold On 11.04.2006 @ 19:18