Debbie is now editing out "malicious" comments, and I'm pretty sure mine won't make it onto her blog, so here it is. Submitted to this thread:
Comment Posted By Jay Rosen On 2.04.2006 @ 16:36Hi Debbie. I see you didn't take my advice, which is your perogative of course. I am interested in your new demand that people apologize to you. That would cover Jim Geraghty, I'm guessing, and for sure Rick Moran.
I just want to know: who else should be included in the apology owed to Debbie Schlussel? Any other names in that category? I have a feeling your campaign for an apology will get a lot of publicity, so it would be good to have a full list. Thanks.
Also, if you could, why did you erase my comments at your earlier thread? They were polite and reasoned. I didn't launch any personal attacks. I just advised you to apologize to Jill Carroll and her family, and retract statements like this:
"Is Jill Carroll endorsing the Iraqi Islamic Party? Sure looks like it (see below). So nice that she likes them more than her loyal translator, who was murdered by her "kind and generous" kidnappers...."
where you jumped the gun and didn't realize her statement was coerced. Many thanks.
Debbie Schlussel is not only demanding that an apology be made to her, Debbie, which is fascinating; she also erased the comments I left at her blog advising her to read this post and apologize to Carrol. Interesting choices, both of them.
Comment Posted By Jay Rosen On 2.04.2006 @ 15:20