Coincidentally, I was reading Captain's Quarters just before surfing over here, and I had the same wincing reaction. Clearly, Hillary is wide open to mockery for her bogus African-American accent. The blackface,however, was a bit much for me.
Comment Posted By John Cunningham On 26.04.2007 @ 07:47
An excellent fisking of this looney professor, Rick. I always find it curious that the multi-culti leftists celebrate 3rd world peoples for their riches [like ancient African zimbabwe], thier military valor [Zulus, Sioux, etc.] but then immediately go on to blast the West for better success in the same enterprises. I think i read somewhere that the Black Hills had been sacred homeland to the Sioux for only about 200 years; they conquered and exterminated other tribes to take them over.
Comment Posted By John Cunningham On 24.11.2005 @ 20:07