I don't agree with a lot of things, but Cindt Sheehan is not truthful about her son. He died because he is truly a hero and he was saving a fellow soldier when he was killed. It was his second tour of duty, so apparently he didn't think the war in Iraq was senseless. I think he and all the other soldiers are being dishonored by such people. Why don't those people go and live in Iraq and see how long they will live. I have family in the military ever since this country was a country. My brother gave his life in WII so that we could be free. Are all of those soldier gave their life for nothing. Until Christ comes back there will be wars and rumor of wars and I think all other people should shut and hope those terrorist don't come over here and blow us to kingdom com.
Comment Posted By M. Whitt On 2.11.2005 @ 14:47