This post is a testament to how batcrap crazy our politics have become. Maybe it's the rise of blogs that have magnified the sillyness. Of course repubs are not to blame for crisis, if that's what it is, and the jury is still out if it will become that. The money's for Pandemics was passed, just in a different bill.
And likewise, repubs are playing whack- a- doodle politics by holding up the Sebellius appointment to appease their anti-abortion base. A dem who is pro choice isn't exactly breaking news and they won the election. She's also a twice elected Governor of a true red state that is one of the most anti-abortion.
And Obama playing golf on Sunday. The wingnuts were complaining he was doing too much, now he's a slacker. Give me a break. And you have G. Beck going on about how fast Obama declared a state of emergency, to supposedly hatch some marxist plan to take advantage of the Flu outbreak. All of it nutso.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 28.04.2009 @ 07:00
P.S. - Sorry, forgot to tell you great post!
This post is a testament to how batcrap crazy our politics have become. Maybe it's the rise of blogs that have magnified the sillyness. Of course repubs are not to blame for crisis, if that's what it is, and the jury is still out if it will become that. The money's for Pandemics was passed, just in a different bill.
And likewise, repubs are playing whack- a- doodle politics by holding up the Sebellius appointment to appease their anti-abortion base. A dem who is pro choice isn't exactly breaking news and they won the election. She's also a twice elected Governor of a true red state that is one of the most anti-abortion.
And Obama playing golf on Sunday. The wingnuts were complaining he was doing too much, now he's a slacker. Give me a break. And you have G. Beck going on about how fast Obama declared a state of emergency, to supposedly hatch some marxist plan to take advantage of the Flu outbreak. All of it nutso.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 27.04.2009 @ 20:59
cdor. you speak gibberish very well.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 26.04.2009 @ 08:55
Obama’s credibility is further undermined by the fact that we now know they were SELECTIVELY released
Travis MonitorThey were not selectively released, but were specific document court ordered to be released. You can argue that Obama admin. should have continued the legal fight, but not that they were selectively released.
The pandora's box will be opened after Dick Cheney put in a request for more documents to be released and they will be. Followed by the whole file on this sorry episode in American history, before all is said and done.
And I would argue that Bush venturing into torture is what really opened the Pandora's Box in the first place.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 25.04.2009 @ 20:03
I am getting very curious now, aren’t you?
I was talking about the prosecution and punishment part. I agree 100 percent about having all the facts come out. One more Strawman knocked down, cdor.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 25.04.2009 @ 18:23
And I would add Dick Cheney to the Plea deal for Bush.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 25.04.2009 @ 17:15
I agree almost in totality with Moran's assessment. And it is dark comedy watching the right trying to defend what happened with claims of "policy difference" and quoting Orwell out of context, and whatnot.
The only relevant question is what do we do about it. Should there be "torturegate trials" and imprisonment of Bush and his officials? We would certainly here populist wailing from the right of " Bush was just trying to protect us" and now you want to imprison him. Personally, I don't want to see an ex president in jail. And I will say to those who take the "good faith" side on Bush's side, that claims of States and their leaders who torture ALWAY'S claim they are trying to protect the people. It is no defense, though maybe a mitigation on punishment.
Somebody has to face the law in this regard, and if Bush was a man of character, he could stop this right now and fess up, and offer himself as the chief architect and claim the stopped buck. Then we could avoid all this mess, and as a people decide his fate. A plea of guilty to torturing suspects would work for me, and a requirement to travel the world speaking out against torture would satisfy my thirst for justice. I won't be holding my breath however.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 25.04.2009 @ 17:12
Court ordered? LOL. Unless it was the Supreme Court, the Obammys didn’t have to do it
I didn't say they had to do it. I said it was court ordered and it was. They could have appealed it to the Supremes, yea. The point being, it wasn't done just because they just up and decided to stick it to Bush/Cheney. If that were true, we would be seeing a lot more evidence of the Bush Crime Syndicate being publicly released out of spite.
. Persoanlly I feel that every captive should be tortured. Tortured until Al Quiada agreed to abide by the Geneva Convention. We didn’t enter that agreement to feel good about ourselves. We did it to protect our captured troops. (Read those last two lines over and over libs).
Tortured logic from a tortured mind. This is your party's current mindset, Mr Moran.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 23.04.2009 @ 15:17
Hey Rick, you need to read this. And Obama didn't just decide to release the memo's. It was done to meet a court ordered deadline.
Sorry but Obama could have gone to court and refused to release them. And the second set of memos he selectively released in an appalling attempt to spin history his way should disabuse anyone of the notion that this guy is anything but a corrupt pol.
And what's the point of linking to the Times peice? My calling torture a crime not good enough for ya? Can't take yes for an answer just like any partisan hack who visit this site.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 23.04.2009 @ 11:39
Only had time to read part of your post, and once again you confound me. Hearing a conservative talk like this outside rank ideology is a breath of fresh air. Kudos again!
I would add that Green is an irresistible force that is not owned by Obama or dems. It is, I think, a march of common sense, devoid of politics and powered by necessity. Bush and the GOP had the chance to embrace this common sense and make the investments necessary to exploit it in practice and for political gain. They chose otherwise.
Comment Posted By Mr. Stuck On 21.04.2009 @ 12:30