Ann Coulter has a valid point?! How did the widows silence anyone? Coulter published her attack on them in her book and then went on the TOday Show and Tucker Carlson attacking teh widows. How was she sielnced? Since when did Cindy Sheehan silence anyone? this is more right-wing nutia is in which hte right wing aways attacks those it disagrees with by claiming --boo-hoo--that the right wings are the victims. how runs Faux News? CNN? The right-wing runs the media, as Coulter herself as admitted on Faux News ("We have hte media. We have hte media."). Yet all you supporters of Coulter can say is that she has a valid point about being a victim of women whose husbands were killed by terrorists. Enjoy your hatred of American victims of terrorism who dare speak up about the Bush terrifing incompetence and the numerous ways he has made us less secure after 9/11.
Comment Posted By Richard Burt On 7.06.2006 @ 16:38