If you negotiate big, important things with a difficult, dangerous country that you do not want to fight it has always made good sense to let the adversary think you do in fact want to fight. On the other hand, if you have accepted the necessity to fight and intend to do so it makes damn good sense to let the other side think fighting is still a distant option.......
If the West values its future it better hope Dubya is thinking along these lines. He likely already has the friendly half of the Saudi Royal family on his side. What more could any self respecting POTUS ask for ?
Comment Posted By Ronald Proby On 14.04.2006 @ 06:25
The pregnant use of close ups as in 'pregnant silence' in '24', although not unique, seems to have been taken to an effective and exciting new extreme. While this can serve to energize otherwise superb writing, the use of the seemingly bottomless power of this dramatic device can be unnerving. I find it more than just scary seeing a POTUS 'leer' as Logan does so expertly. The viewer is subsequently forced to consider the possibility of our big bosses of all the bosses as being evil. For real ! Ouch.
Comment Posted By Ronald Proby On 11.04.2006 @ 11:58
Mr. Publius has the advantage of living in country whose commercial media, unlike that in Canada, is not entirely dominated by Lefty, girly-boy appeasers. Thanks to our CRTC (Fed Comm Authority) we have not yet seen the UNIT. Believing as I do that TV is both a conscious as well as unconscious propoganda tool, I was and still am looking forward to seeing the UNIT tonight (its Canadian debut)to see to what extent they cave, as did Fox with '24' in front of CAIR/Saudi pressure to not push too hard with the undeniable depth of Islamic/terrorist complicity.
I will be mucho delighted to be proven wrong with my misgivings as Publius suggests I will be.....
Comment Posted By Ronald Proby On 11.04.2006 @ 11:06
What will likely be as 'interesting' as any super-pretzel '24' plot twist is the competing world view emanating from the the new CBS '24' equivalent THE UNIT debuting tonight....odds are on some sort variant on a Wilsonian group of transnationalists assuring the survival of world sanity.....n'est-ce pas?
Personally I see a little light at the end of the propaganda tunnel. Just as ratings success have assured the survival of Fox news, I believe the continued dominance of '24' over its enevitable wannabe competitors will, over time, pull all story lines away from a white flag, Saudi-sensitive, liberal world view.
Wouldn't it be ultra-nice to see '24' relocating its cojones and finishing off the season actually showing more Arab/Muslims as bad guys. The other networks are starting to do it......
Comment Posted By Ronald Proby On 11.04.2006 @ 10:07