Comment Posted By Sammy Benoit On 21.02.2010 @ 18:20
Can't really use that poll for anything, it was only 25% of the people there and it was not a random sample, in fact it was mostly the Paultards.
Obama's Job yesterday to comfort grieving families and a grieving nation. It was not to define the crime or the criminal...it wasn't even to make sense of it all.
To that end the POTUS did a good job, he honored the sacrifice of the killed and injured, did not make any "shout-outs" and unlike his usual speech it was not narcissistic.
Comment Posted By Sammy Benoit On 11.11.2009 @ 13:12
Its not so black and white as most would think. Despite the fact that the MSM describes Dede as a moderate, she is a liberal. I don't think that the tide would have turned toward Hoffman if she was a moderate (or if she was elected via primary).
While I am not a believer in party purity, I believe that there are some "rinos" that need to go especially the ones that break with the party on key votes(for example Specter if he stayed in the party). I do not agree with those that believe that all "rinos" should thrown out. But then again, that is a punishment that should face the entire congress both parties.
Comment Posted By Sammy Benoit On 3.11.2009 @ 00:35