This is a taste of things to come should Obama be elected. I have absolutely no doubt he will, with the enthusiastic approval of a solidly (D) congress, sick the IRS on everyone who has the temerity to publicly oppose "the Party".
Make sure your accounts are in order, Rick. The tax man cometh.
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 28.08.2008 @ 11:15
Your readers need to bear in mind this is only Spitzer's most recent transgression. He also advocated issuing driver's licenses to illegal immigrants and used the NY State Troopers NKVD style to spy on political opponents.
Anywhere else in the country, this man would have been tarred and feathered by now. But in NY - which is effectively a one party (D) state - there's no political sin that both the public and the media won't forgive. If Spitzer doesn't resign, he'll run for reelection in '10 and, in all liklihood, will be serve another term.
I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to live among such magnanimous folks.
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 11.03.2008 @ 08:18
What we're witnessing is a party caught in the throes of a severe identity crisis, not unlike the Democrats following the 2002 mid-terms. Like you, I don't care whom either party nominates at this point, but if it ends up being a choice between Lady MacBeth and McCain, we'll only have to put up with the lesser of two evils for four years anyway.
If you look at it from this perspective, a second Clinton administration has the potential to unite conservatives in a way none of the current Republican candidates can. A President Shrillary might end up being the best thing for the Republicans since Jimmy Carter.
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 23.01.2008 @ 14:14
I imagine Bill's role in the Lady Macbeth administration will be to deflect attention from her Machiavellian antics.
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 21.01.2008 @ 12:40
These aren’t idle questions. They are questions that must be answered by the conspiracists in order for them to prove their theories.
Whenever questions are posited that can't be logically addressed within the framework of the conspiracy theory, the nutcases simply point their fingers and start howling that the skeptic is part of the conspiracy, too.
The point is, arguing with these people is a Sisyphean task. Personally, I'd rather shave my head with a cheese grater while chewing on tinfoil than provide an audience for any of these lunatics. If there ravings do become conventional wisdom in the years to come, I'll gladly resign myself to insanity by becoming what Orwell termed the minority of one.
And on that note, Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, Rick.
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 25.11.2007 @ 11:11
Congratulations, Rick. Like many of your readers, I often disagree with you but you never fail to articulate your points of view in ways that make me rethink my own.
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 23.09.2007 @ 17:06
This is a man who is totally unaware of what goes on outside of Iran, a man whose worldview is so warped by fanaticism, religion, and his own messianic self image that the concept that he could be anything except universally loved and admired is foreign to him.
You're dead wrong. He understands the current political dynamic in the United States perfectly and seeks to exploit it to his advantage. The fact that he secured an invitation to speak at Columbia - an institution whose students enthusiastically denied other Americans their right to speak in an appalling display of political thuggery - proves that certain circles within the talking classes will welcome anyone who challenges the President.
You know damn well substantial elements of the Democratic party are perfectly happy kowtowing to people like Ahmadinejad and have no compunctions whatsoever about playing host to the world's worst terrorists, dictators and mass murderers as long as it reinforces their own grossly distorted perception of the United States.
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 21.09.2007 @ 09:23
Americans don't have national security problems. We have mental problems.
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 2.09.2007 @ 12:32
"...unreasonable taxes."
Are you kidding, Rick? Three quarters of the taxes levied on the people of this country are unreasonable. Take New York, for instance. Because rent controls in NYC artificially deflate the value of residential property, therefore capping property tax revenues, those of us who don't live in the Big Apple have the privilege of paying not only for our own municipal services, schools, etc., but for those of Gotham denizens as well. Ever been to Manhattan? I have, and I can assure you without a doubt that if the property there was taxed at the same rate as mine, they'd have more than enough to pay for all of their own silly crap.
When we drive on interstate highways 90 and 87, we actually pay for that privilege a number of different ways. First and most obvious is the toll, which was supposed to expire some time back in the mid-80s but keeps on trucking (excuse the lousy pun.) Next we have the exorbitant gas tax, which, per gallon, yields more revenue for the state government than it yields in profit for the people who extract, refine, distribute and sell the stuff (where the hell's my "windfall revenue" payment, hmmm?) Third, a portion of our state and federal taxes are distributed the NY State Thruway Authority, which begs the question as to why the hell they need the tolls in the first place.
I understand where you're coming from, but governments - municipal, county, state and federal - discriminate against various groups of people for various reasons, and trying to discern the logic of various tax schemes can drive one to drink. I were a smoker, I'd seriously consider getting into the business of selling black market cigarettes. When the taxes get too high, people are going to start doing it anyway, so why not strike while the iron's hot?
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 23.08.2007 @ 08:26
God forbid Americans ever become the monsters that the rest of the world thinks we are.
Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 20.08.2007 @ 14:47