Comments Posted By Still Liberal
Displaying 51 To 60 Of 99 Comments


General de Gaulle Said:
"#18 still liberal, thanks for your quisling list."

Minds operate at maximum effeciency when they are open. Those unable to accept constructive criticism remain stuck when events change the world around them. Perhaps your "quislings" may be a better source of information currently for conservatives that Rush and all the little Rushettes of talk radio who are operating from the theory that if you are stuck in the mud, hit the gas and dig deeper! Wake up, think for yourself! The mantra of Republican failure as the result of not being conservative enough won't sell to anyone but the far right ideologues. Your time in the wilderness only grows longer as long as you stick to this myth.

Comment Posted By still liberal On 1.11.2008 @ 10:53

Former Reagan chief of staff Ken Duberstein must have missed the warning. As has Rep. Jim Leach (R) IA, Sen. Lincoln Chaffee(R) RI, Gov. William Weld (R) MA, Gov. Arne Carlson (R) MN, Congressman Wayne Gilcrest (R) MD, Sen. Charles Matthias (R) MD, Sen. Larry Pressler (R) SD, Sen. Lowell Wicker (R) CT, Gov. William Millikin (R) MI, Secretary of State Colin Powell,Ken Adleman Ford Administration Official, Douglas Kmiec, Head of the Office of Legal Counsel under Reagan & Bush 41 Larry Hunter, Former President Reagan Policy Advisor and many other Republicans and Reagan & GHW Bush officials, all endorsing Sen. Obama.

Or perhaps they were "warned" and found the warning without merit.

Comment Posted By still liberal On 31.10.2008 @ 19:20


I am admittedly not a conservative, but the post makes a great deal of sense in that activism at the roots level will be needed to rebuild the GOP and conservatism itself. Since oppositon to whomever is in power is a necessity in our two party system, a healthy GOP/conservative movement will be needed. One thing that is missing in this analysis from my perspective is that a lot of the energy the left has found/created on the net is potentially unavailable to the right. One the right there exists a tremendous energy absorbing talk radio and its listeners. It will be very difficult to capture that energy and convert it to netroots activity as it is ensconced into the right's collective conscious at this point.

Comment Posted By still liberal On 30.10.2008 @ 09:10


I am not an economist or an accountant, so perhaps I'm missing something. But how can a small business that has made a profit of $250,000 be "hurting"? Has something changed and businesses now pay taxes on gross income and expenses are no longer deductible? Perhaps a quarter of a million dollars is chump change to the commenters here and conservatives in general, but I don't think most "Joe Six Packs" or "Hockey Moms" would agree. Rick is right. Give it up, already.

Comment Posted By still liberal On 16.10.2008 @ 20:40


"Of course, this scenario is not credible, is it? No Secretary of State would act so brazenly, right?"

Would the actions of one Katherine Harris, Flordia Secretary of State circa 2000, count as evidence to support this thesis?

Comment Posted By still liberal On 14.10.2008 @ 07:57


I agree that the angry Republican mobs threatening Obama are a manufactured story. The anger from the Right seems much more to be about an acknowledgement of losing power after several decades of holding power. John McCain has thrown in the towel and knows he cannot win. When he went against his own campaign theme of trying to frighten Americans about Obama by defending Obama as a good parent and a good citizen, with no reason to fear an Obama presidency, he was acknowledging the handwriting on the wall. McCain's innate goodness came out and the Rove-type advisors were thrown under the Straight Talk Express.

The fear of an Obama presidency by conservatives, mentioned by Freeus (24)is real. This is exactly what liberals have lived through with the GW Bush presidency. And all of our fears proved to be well founded. Loss of fundamental rights, an unnecessary war, ballooning of the federal deficit, increased deregulation, war profiteering, and a trashing of the economy.

You fear what Obama may do. I look forward to a respite from the heavy, dysfunctional hand of conservatism.

Comment Posted By still liberal On 12.10.2008 @ 13:40


Conservatism is wonderful conceptually but as a practical governing technique, nothing but a car wreck. Make government smaller and spend less money? Again, nice idea but the practice has been to expand the role of government in areas friendly to conservative causes and the creation of massive indebtedness by borrowing and spending instead of taxing and spending as liberals are want to do.

Look at history since Ronald Reagan. Republicans run up the national debt. Massively. Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2, its all the same. The last balanced federal budget was under a Democrat, and a poor one at that.

Why would any sane person look at our history and expect any Republican to create fiscal sanity at the national level? McCain is calling for buying all the bad home loans for people who can't make their loan payments. This is conservative? More of the same old, same old. What other cockamamy ideas are to come? Despite all my instincts that tell me to be careful, it is now necessary for me to take a flyer on Obama. He looks the safer economic bet.

Comment Posted By still liberal On 8.10.2008 @ 19:11


A few more facts. Conservatism has been the dominant political philosophy in the United States for nearly 40 years. Despite the best of intentions of many conservatives, the country has been run into the ground economically and is seriously lacking in morale and enthusiasm. Conservatism has created a very diminished middle class that has finally discovered voting Republican does not downsize the government, does not reduce government spending and does not create any major changes in the cultural mores of the nation. In simple terms, we have been sold a bill of goods, the majority finally sees this and the jig is up for the right wing.

American politics has always enacted a pendulum swing from right to left and back again and frankly it is a very healthy part of our nation. In any healthy system there is a need for keeping things the same and a corresponding need to change. The right wing is the force that protects the status quo and the left wing agitates for doing things differently. Too much change too rapidly destroys the political system. Too little change too slowly invites system destruction through atrophy and a fialure to keep up with changing conditions. It is simply time for the pendulum of politics to swing once more to the left.

Comment Posted By still liberal On 5.10.2008 @ 22:32


It is very difficult for any of us who care about politics to see candidates beyond our own filters of what is good or bad. As a liberal, I will admit I had problems seeing what palookas both John Kerry and Walter Mondale were. Way too much energy defending their inability to mount anything resembling a worthwhile campaign.

That said, a look at Sarah Palin reveals a person trying to wade across the Marianas Trench-in wwaaaaay over her head. She is uncritical in her thinking (to be kind), lacks curiosity beyond slogans and talking points, and has demonstrated little knowledge of American or world affairs.

Do not confuse making a gaffe with a lack of knowledge. To state that Barack Obama does not know the number of states in the USA or that John McCain doesn't know the difference between the Sunni and the Shia is ridiculous in both cases. Those kind of statements reveal thosed who make them to be a parroter, not a thinker. Speaking nonstop will cause anyone to make a gaffe here and there, but that is very different that trying to skate your way through an interview when it is obvious you don't know the answers to the questions. Sarah Palin has tried to cover her lack of knowledge with winks, smiles and enthusiasm. That may get you through a career reading off of a monitor in television, but no one can whine when someone presents themself in a uninformed, simplistic manner and tries to bluff their way through and then gets called on it.

Comment Posted By still liberal On 27.09.2008 @ 12:45


How's the right wing hard on for privatizing Social Security going? Has it been four hours? Do we need to call the doctor?

Comment Posted By still liberal On 25.09.2008 @ 08:16

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