It sure did not take long for these yellow-spined lefties to crawl out from under their rocks and start blaming the British, the Americans, and anyone else within earshot. Flipping radio stations this morning I came across this same shit on the local Air America station. Seems the guest and the host concluded that the British people should suck it up and move on since they are used to getting bombed by the IRA. No one regardless of their political views should ever "have" to get used to terrorist bombings. Following that logic, then I guess the Iraqi people should "get used" to the terrorists setting off bombs and killing innocent civilians. These people are truly sick in the head.
Comment Posted By The Mad Tech On 7.07.2005 @ 15:30
Fantastic post and this scumbag will hopefully be held accountable by the people he "represents". Of course one day he will be standing tall before The Man and have to explain his actions, so I join you and also wish that he rot in Hell.
Comment Posted By The Mad Tech On 20.03.2005 @ 21:45
Fantastic comparison of Jack to Davy Crockett. Another great '24' post Superhawk!
Comment Posted By The Mad Tech On 1.03.2005 @ 22:56