I wouldn't want to be Doyle, then, in a confrontation with Jack. Jack killed friggin' Curtis when the SHTF; I think he would not only kill Doyle if he needed to, but he would wash it down with a Jamocha shake.
There are only a finite number of possibilities on the mole's identity, based on named cast members: Chloe, Milo, Morris, Bill, Nadia, Marilyn, and Doyle. I mean, they're the only people even in the building, right? Most of them can be crossed off logically, so I'm with Jo in thinking it's Milo. Morris and Doyle are the only other ones that would make sense, and they're pushing it.
Or, the system was being hacked from outside, and there is no mole.
Comment Posted By The Unabrewer On 21.03.2007 @ 03:32
The Drug War
Dr. Steven Taylor has a good post up over at PoliBlog. Think about the money and time decidated to stopping potheads and then think about whether we are really safer because less guys can get getting stoned. I've tried to make this point before. R...
Comment Posted By The Unabrewer On 10.08.2005 @ 23:53
I laughed, I cried--OK, didn't cry, just laughed more
And I quote: "It’s hard to say whether the B-list celebrities or C-list journalists who write for the site are more irrelevant."
UPDATE: You gotta admit that those internment-supporting right-wingers deserv...
Comment Posted By The Unabrewer On 8.08.2005 @ 23:28
Bush makes Fundie comment; RINO community aghast; I could use a cheesesteak
Commissar: "Sheesh. Trying to prove the Dems right, one stupid f*cking statement at a time." RWNH: "The damage you and the idiotarians are doing to the minds of our young people is unconscionable." John Cole: "My days of defend...
Comment Posted By The Unabrewer On 2.08.2005 @ 20:16