Yes, it's a shame about those poor Lebanese. Tut, tut, tut.
You mentioned the key to the whole situation in a single, by-the-way sentence:
"Nor is the political will there to force them to disarm."
If the Lebanese don't have the political will to keep their territory from being used as a base for attacks on Israel, then their suffering is in the final analysis their own fault.
It's a cold, cruel world.
Comment Posted By mariner On 14.07.2006 @ 18:13
Martha Logan gave new meaning to the phrase take one for the team last night when she seduced her husband.
She closed her eyes and thought of America. ;)
Comment Posted By mariner On 23.05.2006 @ 17:15
"Have we conservatives been in the political wilderness so long that we really have no idea what it means to govern a nation of 300 million diverse citizens, the majority of whom have different ideas on this issue than our own?â€
When it comes to ILLEGAL immigration and border security, a very clear majority of Americans DO agree with conservatives.
It's the political class, both Democrats and Republicans, who doesn't agree with ordinary Americans on these issues.
Comment Posted By mariner On 18.05.2006 @ 10:39
Did you notice that Baldy told Jellyfish that he intercepted Chloe's phone call to Granny telling her that Jack had the recording again?
So now the bad guys know that Granny isn't playing for Team Logan anymore (and that she has comms with both Jack and Chloe).
Comment Posted By mariner On 2.05.2006 @ 15:21