This is utterly preposterous. There is no need to rely on Iraqis - we can do it ourselves. Our brave troops are whipping the terrorists' asses. Our kill ratios against the them are at least 200 to 1. It would be no big deal for us to crank up the kill ratios by a hundredfold or more. The only thing that can defeat us is treason from within.
Comment Posted By nabalzbbfr On 11.05.2007 @ 20:36
How petty and small-minded! Embellishment of heroic war stories in order to inspire people is an ancient literary tradition going back to Homer's day, if not earlier. One is not supposed to take them literally. Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman represent photogenic archetypes of our brave fighting men and women. While the stories told about them may not be literally true, they portray a larger "big picture" truth, which is entirely valid. Reasonable people understand this. If Waxman and company think they can make hay out of this to advance their nefarious schemes, they will be sorely disappointed.
Comment Posted By nabalzbbfr On 25.04.2007 @ 22:25