With regards to the "Women make X per every dollar men make"
Remember those are always junk science studies by liberal arts majors because they never compare men / women in the same profession with the same experience and education.
When you do that it's statistically the same.
Next time a liberal quotes the junk science superstitious religious myth call them on it and point it out and double down by saying "I can prove it too"
When they ask how (they will ignore the scientifically valid studies) say
"Let's go to any college campus and count the number of women in the engineering fields of study and then let's compare them to the number of women in any liberal arts major field of study"
There's a reason that 13 out of the 15 highest paid degrees are in engineering and the other two require mathematics as sell.
Comment Posted By odooley8939 On 29.07.2009 @ 06:20
3. [quote]Odooley:
So, let me see if I understand the brilliance of your logic: blacks are culturally disadvantaged. This is a result not a cause of educational underperformance. Because it didn’t start with slavery or Jim Crow, it’s a result of affirmative action.
So presumably prior to introduction of AA, blacks were doing fine educationally. [/quote]It is an unarguable statistical fact that the percentage of blacks graduating and educational achievements were higher prior to AA then after and this can be ascertained as well in the few states that have banned AA by skin color the graduation rate has gone up.
Thomas Sowell Affirmative Action around the World is a good read and try to learn some basic mathematics and tell where exactly his study is incorrect.
And your control group is Asians, the bulk of whom are from more recent immigrant families. Families wealthy enough and educated enough to get past modern immigration controls and wrangle a 10,000 mile flight from China or Taiwan.[/quote]Merely to prove the point about culture but one can use West Indian Blacks who do better then whites and culturally indoctrinated into modern liberalism’s slavery mentality blacks here in America or why do they do well on SAT’s / poverty when blacks who’ve been here for the past few generations do not.
Furthermore you ignore the link with the study and statistics provided showing that whites who make less then 10,000 dollars a year do 17 points better then blacks making 100,000 dollars a year in the previous post.
So here it is again:
The Journal of Blacks In Higher Education[quote]
In other words, you contrast the behaviors of a broad-based population with a very long history of oppression in the United States, with a self-selected elite population from entirely different cultures.
Yes, well, that makes . . . um, no sense.[/quote]It makes perfect sense.
Asians in the USA are NOT A “SELF-SELECTED ELITE POPULATION” moron. Tell that to any Vietnamese/Chinese etc who fled those hellish places are arrived here with nothing
From my previous post since you obviously lack not only a basic understanding of mathematics but rudimentary reading comprehension skills:
My previous post:
“Shave with Occam’s Razor:
1st) We’ve spent decades letting black kids know that they will get a pass on the SAT and replace a more qualified candidate (SO WHY STUDY)
2nd) We have a culture that denigrates knowledge ie “you’re acting white”
3rd) Destruction of the black family ie illegitimacy.
And just so you know: my daughter is Chinese, so no I don’t have a prejudice against Asians. As it happens I’m part of the other group that is often contrasted with blacks: Jews. We also outperform like Asians.
[/quote]Merely separating this as a perfect example of modern liberalism’s slavery group think mentality – “I have a lot of black friends . . .” albeit with Asians
And yes, it’s true that like African-Americans we have a history of oppression but a rather unique one. European Jews were put in the position of gaining security from a culture of education. American blacks were put in the position of being murdered if they pursued a culture of education.[/quote]Then once again explain the difference between West Indian Blacks and those indoctrinated into a modern liberal culture of slavery. Asians are my previous example since obviously they were discriminated against but there never was a decades long full court press to enslave them mentally by liberals.
See how that might yield different cultural attitudes over time? See how maybe that makes comparisons like yours rather superficial and kind of stupid?[/quote]What is rather ironic here is that you note that there are cultural differences but then immediately discount them as being the cause of blacks lower SAT scores.
Since you couldn’t answer my previous post in a logical fashion here are the three points again.
“Shave with Occam’s Razor:
1st) We’ve spent decades letting black kids know that they will get a pass on the SAT and replace a more qualified candidate (SO WHY STUDY)
2nd) We have a culture that denigrates knowledge ie “you’re acting white”
3rd) Destruction of the black family ie illegitimacy.”
When you try to debate oh pro-slavery liberal try to address the points for example a rational sane person would’ve said:
Point 1 is invalid because when we compare educational accomplishments prior to AA and in the states that have banned it well blacks are doing better with AA then without and here’s the study
(Sidenote: You can’t do that and reacted emotionally because the factual data says otherwise)
Point 2 is invalid because there is no culture that denigrates knowledge and here is the study
(Sidenote: You can’t do that and reacted emotionally because the factual data says otherwise)
Point 3 is invalid and there is no illegitimacy problem in the black community and / or if there was it would have no impact.
(Sidenote: You can’t do that and reacted emotionally because the factual data says otherwise)
Ah liberals in the private sector – hours of entertainment.
Comment Posted By odooley8939 On 29.07.2009 @ 06:08
Oh and before anyone screams "It's a racist test" kindly explain how alegbra, trignometry, calculus and differential equations are "racially biased"
You either study hard enough to get the right answer or you don't and if everyone told me in high school "You've got a pass" I would have much rather have been drinking beer/chasing girls.
Go to any freaking library and see who's kids are in there studying and who's are on the freaking street.
Corrupt culture rewarding bad behavior = more bad behavior
Comment Posted By odooley8939 On 28.07.2009 @ 02:34
Sigh Mike Reynolds do some research:
The Journal of Blacks In Higher Education[quote]Whites from families with incomes of less than $10,000 had a mean SAT score of 993. This is 130 points higher than the national mean for all blacks.
• Whites from families with incomes below $10,000 had a mean SAT test score that was 17 points higher than blacks whose families had incomes of more than $100,000. [/quote]
If we eliminate Asians and other minorities from the statistics and compare just white and black students, we find that 5.4 percent of all white SAT test takers scored 700 or above on the verbal portion of the test. But only 0.74 percent of all black SAT test takers scored at this level. Therefore, whites were nearly seven times as likely as blacks to score 700 or above on the verbal SAT. Overall, there are more than 39 times as many whites as blacks who scored at least 700 on the verbal SAT.On the math SAT, only 0.6 percent of all black test takers scored at least 700 compared to 6.4 percent of all white test takers. Thus, whites were more than 10 times as likely as blacks to score 700 or above on the math SAT. Overall, there were more than 53 times as many
whites as blacks who scored 700 or above on the math SAT.[/quote]Shave with Occam's Razor:
1st) We've spent decades letting black kids know that they will get a pass on the SAT and replace a more qualified candidate (SO WHY STUDY)
2nd) We have a culture that denigrates knowledge ie "you're acting white"
3rd) Destruction of the black family ie illegitimacy.
I can guarrantee you that Asians (who score highest / lowest out of wedlock birthrate) would replace blacks as the lowest achievers if we spent 20 years or so going "Hey don't study you get a pass" and told blacks "Hey you only get in on your test score BUT we are going to reserve some spots for Asians no matter what so you better be the top score so some other Asian gets bumped)
Common freaking sense.
Comment Posted By odooley8939 On 28.07.2009 @ 02:31