Um, this is still Chicago we are talking about, rght? You know, the dirtiest and most vile city on the planet? The only reason that Hong Kong and Macauo can hold their heads high. New York even says Dirty? Go to ChiTown and then talk to me about Dirty!
Comment Posted By themarkman On 4.02.2007 @ 18:04
Go Colts, and I'm not even from any of the above mentioned towns.
Really enjoy your work, bud.
Comment Posted By themarkman On 2.07.2006 @ 09:27
This article almost compares itself to the plight that us hapless Rangers fans have had. We have (on numerous occasions, including this year) a succession of ownership groups that have given their all to get a winning product on the field. The frustration is almost unbearable.
As a baseball player in the early eighties, and a fan since birth, the lack of pitching shown by my franchise has always, ALWAYS, been a problem here in Texas. For God's sakes, even Seattle has been to the playoffs more often than we have. Minnesota, of all places has won a few.
Cubs fans are, of course, older and more storied in the (far) distant past, but it is not a lack of money here. It is simply a lack of desire for top talent to play here in the dog days (110 in the shade). I think ChiCubs problem is more along the lines of why should I play for a franchise that won't (or can't) pay than for a top-notch Boston or New York that will.
It sucks, for fans. Until MLB takes on the player's union in the mode that the NFL has, baseball itself will continue to suffer.
It's not just the Cubs, my friend. Ask anyone in the lower-tier cities these days (Pittsburg, anyone?), and they will tell you the same. A salary cap must be instituted if the league is ever to achieve (again) the success of the NFL.