The hour is late. Jack Bauer will be on in less than an hour. I haven’t eaten dinner. The cats need feeding too, and their litterbox needs cleaning.
But in this, a break from my usual practice of not using profanity, I am wondering what the fuck is wrong with so many on the right who have exploded in anger and cries of “dhimmitude” because a Muslim woman was named Miss USA.
Are you people nuts? What is Michelle Malkin’s excuse?
She nearly tripped over her gown.
She called birth control a “controlled substance.”
She argued that contraceptives should be covered by health insurers because they are “expensive” — and then said you could get them for “free” from your OB/GYN’s office.
Omigod. A beauty pageant contestant is nervous and makes a couple of misstatements. It’s a plot! It’s a conspiracy to deny a good old fashioned white American girl the honor of being Miss USA.
How do we know? The runner up got a question on the Arizona immigration law in which she echoed the de facto conservative position:
Miss Oklahoma USA Morgan Elizabeth Woolard was named first runner-up after handling a question about Arizona’s new immigration law. Woolard said she supports the law, which requires police enforcing another law to verify a person’s immigration status if there’s “reasonable suspicion” that the person is in the country illegally.
She said she’s against illegal immigration but is also against racial profiling.
“I’m a huge believer in states’ rights. I think that’s what’s so wonderful about America. So I think it’s perfectly fine for Arizona to create that law.
Malkin’s response:
Looks like the Miss USA pageant didn’t want to risk the wrath of the open-borders mob.
Or of that ranting, conservative woman-bashing nutball and former Miss USA judge, Perez Hilton.
Yes, Perez Hilton is a dickless philistine. But why bring him into the picture? As Malkin admits, he’s a former judge of the pageant. But positing a conspiracy against Miss Oklahoma because she supports cracking down on illegal immigration? What proof is there? Malkin, not surprisingly doesn’t present any because, let’s face it, there is none. All Malkin has is conspiracy by result - an extraordinarily weak minded construct that I’d expect from some mouth breathing birther, not Malkin. At least Michelle usually has coherent arguments based on some facts. But this is so far over the line, it fell off the cliff before it started.
I suppose I shouldn’t but quoting the hysterical Debbie Schlussel is good at least for low brow entertainment. She doesn’t try to hide her bigotry. She proudly wears it on her sleeve, totally oblivious to how her hate filled, out of control screeds look to the rest of sane world. Like the pretty little storm trooper she is, Schlussel judges people by their race and religion first, and then fills in the blanks:
Don’t let her lack of a headscarf and her donning a bikini in public fool you. Miss Michigan USA, Rimah Fakih is a Muslim activist and propagandist extraordinaire. She recently participated, using the Miss Michigan USA name to promote Islamic subjugation of women, in a Henry Ford Community College’s tax-funded forum promoting Islam, featuring many Shi’ite extremists. One of the prominent participants on-stage with Fakih was Najah Bazzy, the Islamic Nurse Ratched who was apparently involved in Medicaid fraud at Oakwood Hospital, helping thousands of pregnant Muslim alien women use fake social security numbers to pay for the delivery of their babies, and enabling instant anchorbabyhood.
Topics at the forum in which Miss Michigan USA participated included these:
• Why do some Arab women cover themselves while others don’t;
• Are Muslim women allowed to marry non-Muslim men?
• Under Muslim law, are women allowed to divorce their husbands?
Yes - we shouldn’t be fooled because the girl doesn’t wear a headscarf. All Muslim women wear headscarves - unless they are trying to fool us into thinking they are trying to adapt to western customs. That’s the whole point of Miss Fakih’s participation; to fool us into thinking that somehow, Moooslims are just like us.
Reading Schlussel, one would think other topics discussed at that forum would be “Bomb making in the home” and “How to clean up after your jihadist husband after he lops off the heads of infidels.”
And if she supports the subjugation of women, she has a very odd way of showing it by appearing in a very skimpy bikini in front of millions of people.
A little sanity from Melissa Couthier:
Did the new Miss USA from “Dearbornistan” win because of politics? I don’t really care. Have you seen the pictures?
If you haven’t. Check her out. She’s gorgeous. And she’s not wearing a burqa.
She’s in a bikini. And she’s not wearing a burqa.
Did I mention that she has a gorgeous body? And she’s not wearing a burqa.
She’s in America. She’s doing what beautiful American girls do. She’s acting Western.
I would have voted for her in a heartbeat. And yes, it is wonderful that she is an American citizen, acclimating herself to the fashions and mores of this country.
Ah, but our Ms. Schlussel says that this is a Mooooslim Roooose! In their constant efforts to bring death to the infidels, the clever Moooslims allow for this kind of trickery in the greater cause of taking over the world. The Mooslims allowed Miss Fakih to appear nearly naked on stage in order to advance their nefarious schemes. She actually runs around in a burqa at home where no one can see her.
Clever indeed, these Moooslims.
My anger at this display of ignorance and stupidity is based on three things:
1. It’s a fucking beauty pageant you morons!
2. The idea that Donald Trump is some kind of weak willed “dhimmi” who caved to PC notions of diversity by engineering the victory for Miss Fakih comes to us with no evidence, not a glimmer of proof. But hey! It sounds good so lets throw it out there.
3. Did I mention all of this energy is being expended over a fucking beauty pageant?
The absolute disgust I feel at this moment at these so-called conservatives who have gone off the deep end of conspiracy and anger over such a minuscule event cannot easily be put into words. The reaction is so over the top, so far beyond reason, rationality, and sanity that my own response has been reduced to sputtering incoherence. Terrorism is too serious an issue to be left to these nitwits and bigots who never met a Muslim they didn’t hate nor miss an opportunity to reveal their ignorance of Islam and Arab cultures in general.