If you read the actual Newsweek article, it mentions the Koran incident only in passing. The article is actually about a high level investigation into a Major General who could be called on the carpet for other abuses at the prison. These claims of other abuses were not from detainees or their lawyers but from US military personnel.
The source in question was not a detainee, but a Bush administration official who would be close to the SouthCom investigation.
So Newsweek was only the messenger. The statements came from a Bushie. When things got too hot, the White House blamed Newsweek to take the heat off the brass.
Comment Posted By Denny Hix On 17.05.2005 @ 13:33
Yeah, this Michael Isikoff fellow is the same left-leaning liberal who broke the whole story of Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky.
At least Newsweek is apologizing for getting things wrong. When's President Bush going to do that over his WMD mistakes.
Heck, he gave the "Isikoff" in that fiasco the "Medal of Freedom."
Comment Posted By Denny Hix On 16.05.2005 @ 11:12
Louis Freeh had to be one of the worst disasters in our country's history. He was a political compromise that both Democrats and Republicans have to share the blame for.
He squeezed tons of money out of Congress to pay for a computer upgrade the FBI computer system. When he left, Congress found out he'd blown all the computer money on expenses and travel costs and the FBI didn't have a single Internet connection in DC on 9/11.
Comment Posted By Denny Hix On 4.05.2005 @ 15:10