You dismiss the possibility that Obama is deeply influenced by Islam far too easily. His mother was clearly drawn to Islam and Muslim men -- enough to have a child by one Muslim, and then to live in Muslim countries for several formative years in Obama's early life. Despite Obama's denials that he was "ever raised as a Muslim" -- he attended madrassas, and was exposed to God knows what in that Koranic institution. They don't teach the three Rs in madrassa -- the only subject is THE KORAN.
Anyway -- rather than buying into the allegation that anyone who shows concern over Obama's clear affiliations with Islam is a bigot or a fool, one would hope you'd muster some of that rational reasonableness to examine the significance of his Islamic background. That background is not a fairy tale -- it is genuine -- and at a moment when Muslims across the globe are rampaging and murdering, and Islamic leaders and priests are calling for the annihilation of the West and genocide of the infidels -- one might imagine that such links would be germane to the discussion... Where am I wrong???
Comment Posted By Morton Doodslag On 25.02.2008 @ 15:26
You dismiss the possibility that Obama is deeply influenced by Islam far too easily. His mother was clearly drawn to Islam and Muslim men -- enough to have a child by one Muslim, and then to live in Muslim countries for several formative years in Obama's early life. Despite Obama's denials that he was "ever raised as a Muslim" -- he attended madrassas, and was exposed to God knows what in that Koranic institution. They don't teach the three Rs in madrassa -- the only subject is THE KORAN.
Anyway -- rather than buying into the allegation that anyone who shows concern over Obama's clear affiliations with Islam, one would hope you'd muster some of that rational reasonableness to examine the significance of his Islamic background. That background is not a fairy tale -- it is genuine -- and at a moment when Muslims across the globe are rampaging and murdering, and Islamic leaders and priests are calling for the annihilation of the West and genocide of the infidels -- one might imagine that such links would be germane to the discussion... Where am I wrong???
Comment Posted By Morton Doodslag On 25.02.2008 @ 15:24