"The President’s famous stubbornness – a quality that held him in good stead early in his Administration – has now morphed into a pathological, ego-centric belief that since he is always right, his critics are not only wrong but evil to boot. I guess six years of enduring the unhinged, BDS paranoia and conspiracy theories of the lickspittle left can do that to a man."
I offer a better view of this. Bush has always been "pathological, ego-centric" but it is only now, that he is doing things you don't like, that you can see it finally.
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 1.06.2007 @ 12:26
I am not a huge fan of Clinton, in spite of being both Proudly Liberal and a Democrat. Thsoe two DO NOT always go hand in hand mind you, inspite of waht teh talking heads want you to believe.
Now, as I was saying, a disinterested and objective look at the two cases do show them to be different. Unfortunately you aren't going to find individuals willing to take that look very often. If the point of this article is to tell us that *gasp* political decisions are made for political reason then welcome late to the party. As with all details it's how you go about making those political decisions where in lies the Devil.
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 29.05.2007 @ 12:33
I'll hazard a quit guess, though, that none of you have scaraficed even 1/4 of what she has in your support of this Occupation that she did in her opposition to it. In example all of those College Republican who scream out in support but when you try to hand them enlistment papers they run the other way crying out about how they have so many other important things to be doing.
God bless you Cindy Sheehan. You did good.
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 29.05.2007 @ 12:39
It wouldn't be ther first time the US has backed the "pigs" while they slaughtered the "sheep". Not even in Iraq. Lest we forget Saddam was our man in the region once. We helped keep him in power and fed him support for years while he brually supressed and slaughtered his population, turning a blind eye to it all. "Plan-B" would be business as usual for us really.
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 14.05.2007 @ 10:22
BTW, Rick...the quote from the Kansas NG Commander? Of course he said that. He has to. You know as well as I that so long as he is a member of the U.S. Military, particularly as a high ranking officer, he HAS TO support the President. He is forbidden by law to speak out against him or his policies. Claiming that the Iraq Invasion/Occupation has drained state level resources to the point where public safety is being compromised would most cerainly be viewed as a violation, most likely a career ending one at that.
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 10.05.2007 @ 12:17
So give us an answer oh wise one. What should we do insted of enguage them in talk and diplomacy. We've already seen that invading a country which has not attacked us does noting more than make our position in the world jsut that much more untenable. So what, he's stil a tyrant. As has been mentioned there are many tyrants in the world. Many of them are our friends. Saddam was our friend until he stopped doing what we told him to.
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 10.05.2007 @ 12:03
Hwy! Wow! You got this one completely wrong. Nice job Rick. It's unusual fr you to be so wildly off base, but I applaude your effort. It really paid off on his one.
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 10.05.2007 @ 12:06
The title of this piece is a load of crap. So is all the Republican spin, hysteria, and hyperbolic hyperbole coming out about it. and they want to blame the Democrats for fear mongering and making the war political. I'd lauh myself sick if it wasn't pathetically sad, and dangerous for the United States. Thank god they Republicans are going to lose again in '08
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 2.05.2007 @ 10:25
Of course Michelle does. She's a right-wing mouthpiece. It's her job. She would never, of course, publish any e-mails she might get from troops supporting the statements of Sen. Reid. This is also her job as a right-wing tool and mouthpiece. Big whoop.
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 20.04.2007 @ 12:45
And Doug would be wrong. No worries though. That's not all that abnormal in this case. Lots of people who don't live here and don't honestly know the case are jumping to a great many conclusions. Hell...he is even trying to make it sound like it never happens in reverse and taht there aren't too many in power who assume the best of white people, the the worst of minorities...particularly Blacks and Middle Easterners.
middle class? oh my...he actually admited that the justice system is weighted in the favor of the rich.
Comment Posted By Tim in Raleigh On 13.04.2007 @ 12:45